SEAPATH uses OVS (Open vSwitch) to connect physical network interface and VMs together and manage VLANs.
OVS also leverages DPDK-enabled NICs to provide a high performance (in both throughput and latency) layer 2 network.
In SEAPATH, only hypervisors can set-up OVS bridges. All OVS bridges with its corresponding port configuration must be statically described in the Ansible inventory.
To achieve this, the variable ovs_bridges must be defined. The OVS configuration can be the same for all the hypervisors if this variable is defined as a global variable or hypervisors group variable. Or it can be specific to a hypervisor that variable is declared at the hypervisor level.
The variable must comply with the following YAML schema:
- name: string
rstp_enable: bool
enable_ipv6: bool
other_config: string | [ string ]
- "set Bridge brTEST netflow=@nf0 -- --id=@nf0 create NetFlow targets=\"\" add_id_to_interface=true"
- "-- --id=@sflow create sflow agent=br0 target=\"\" header=128 sampling=64 polling=10 -- set bridge brTEST sflow=@sflow"
flows_override: |
- name: string
type: internal | system | dpdk | dpdkvhostuserclient | tap | vxlan
tag: integer
trunks: integer | [ integer ]
vlan_mode: access | native-tagged | native-untagged | trunk
mac: string
ip: string | [ string ]
interface: string
ofport_request: integer
other_config: string | [ string ]
remote_ip: string
remote_port: interger
key: string
ingress_policing_rate: interger
ingress_policing_burst: interger
The ovs_bridges takes a bridge list with the following mandatory attributes:
name: the interface bridge name
rstp_enable: set to true to enable RSTP on the bridge. Default is false.
enable_ipv6: if false all ipv6 paquet will be dropped. Default is false. Ignored when flows_override is defined.
flows_override: if defined, then the list of flows will override the normal openflow created based on enable_ipv6 and mac/ip variables
ofport_request: if defined, create the port with the ofport_request option set (request a specific openflow port number)
other_config: optional OVS configuration for the bridge as you can pass with other_config= when running the command
. -
ovsvsctl_extra_cmds: if defined, the setup_ovs tool will run these commands after creating the bridge
ports: the list of OVS ports in the bridge
Each port has the following attributes:
name: the port interface name. Mandatory.
type: The port type. Mandatory. The port must be one of the following types:
system: A port attached to a system interface. The interface to attach to must be set in the interface variable.
This type of port cannot be attached to a VM. -
dpdk: Same as system but for DPDK managed interface. The PCI NIC address must be set in the interface variable.
This type of port cannot be attached to a VM. -
internal: Port which is not attached to any interface and is only virtual.
This port is for the host.
This type of port cannot attached to a VM. -
tap: If it does not already exists create a tap device and attach it to the bridge.
This type of port can be attached to a VM. -
dpdkvhostuserclient: Same as internal but create a port that use DPDK.
This type of port can be attached to a VM. -
vxlan: Create a vxlan interface and attached it to the port.
Use remote_ip, remote_port and key to configure it
interface: The interface to attach to the port. NIC for DPDK or Linux interface for system, not used for other port types
tag: optional integer, in range 0 to 4,095
For an access port, the port’s implicitly tagged VLAN.
For a native-tagged or native-untagged port, the port’s native VLAN.
Must be empty if this is a trunk port. -
trunk: list of up to 4,096 integers, in range 0 to 4,095
For a trunk, native-tagged, or native-untagged port, the 802.1Q VLAN or VLANs that this port trunks; if it is empty, then the port trunks all VLANs.
Must be empty if this is an access port.
A native-tagged or native-untagged port always trunks its native VLAN, regardless of whether trunks include that VLAN. -
vlan_mode: Bridge ports support the following types of VLAN configuration:
trunk: A trunk port carries packets on one or more specified VLANs specified in the trunks column (often, on every VLAN). A packet that ingresses on a trunk port is in the VLAN specified in its 802.1Q header, or VLAN 0 if the packet has no 802.1Q header. A packet that egresses through a trunk port will have an 802.1Q header if it has a nonzero VLAN ID.
Any packet that ingresses on a trunk port tagged with a VLAN that the port does not trunk is dropped. -
access: An access port carries packets on exactly one VLAN specified in the tag column. Packets egressing on an access port have no 802.1Q header.
Any packet with an 802.1Q header with a nonzero VLAN ID that ingresses on an access port is dropped, regardless of whether the VLAN ID in the header is the access port’s VLAN ID. -
native-tagged: A native-tagged port resembles a trunk port, with the exception that a packet without an 802.1Q header that ingresses on a native-tagged port is in the native VLAN (specified in the tag column).
native-untagged: A native-untagged port is like a native-tagged port, with the exception that a packet that egresses on a native-untagged port in the native VLAN will not have an 802.1Q header.
mac: Ingresses source MAC address accepted. All others sources will be dropped.
Only works with tap or dpdkvhostuserclient. Ignored when flows_override is defined. -
ip: Ingresses source IP addresses accepted list. All others sources will be dropped.
Only works with tap or dpdkvhostuserclient. Ignored when flows_override is defined. -
remote_ip: vxlan remote IP to connect.
remote_port: vxlan remote port. Default is 4789.
key: vxlan key.
other_config: Optional additional OVS port configurations as you can pass with other_config= when running
. -
ingress_policing_rate: The maximum rate (in Kbps) that this port should be allowed to send.
If not set, this policy will be disabled. -
ingress_policing_burst: A parameter to the policing algorithm to indicate the maximum amount of data (in Kb) that this interface can send beyond the policing rate.
If not set, this policy will be disabled.
- name: ovsbr0
- name: ovsbr0VirtualPort0
type: tap
tag: 40
ingress_policing_rate: 1000
ingress_policing_burst: 500
vlan_mode: native-untagged
mac: "77:fd:4d:68:30:3b"
ip: ""
- name: ovsbr0VirtualPort1
type: tap
tag: 40
vlan_mode: native-untagged
mac: "77:fd:4d:68:30:3c"
ip: ""
- name: ovsbr0HostPort
type: internal
tag: 40
vlan_mode: native-untagged
- name: ovsbr0ExternalPort
type: system
interface: eno1
- name: dpdkbr0
- name: dpdkbr0VirtualPort0
type: dpdkvhostuserclient
- 300
- 2170
- 1170
mac: "94:9b:37:7b:87:50"
- ""
- "192.168.27"
- ""
- name: dpdkbr0VirtualPort1
type: dpdkvhostuserclient
tag: 300
vlan_mode: native-untagged
mac: "94:9b:37:7b:87:51"
ip: ""
- name: dpdkbr1ExternalPort
type: dpdk
interface: "0000:08:00.1"
It is possible to configure an internal port not used by the VM to access to the bridge network from the host. This can be done as another network interface using the custom_network variable. This situation is illustrated in the example below.
- Match:
- Name: "ovsbr0ExternalPort"
- Network:
- Address: ""