- closes #67
- remove cordova-plugin-add-swift-support
- (iOS) request location authorization if not set using
function - (Android) add
for android Docs
- add cordova-plugin-add-swift-support to fix Swift version errors (closes #57)
- remove
and usecordova.getThreadPool()
- closes #55
- merge PR #54 "move Geocoding in an IntentService to not block the main thread" (closes #47, thank you @DavidWiesner)
- remove dependency Swift support plugin; min Cordova iOS Version is now >5.0.0
- update cordova-plugin-add-swift-support to 2.0.2 (closes #45, thank you @DavidWiesner)
- fix Android error logging (closes #44)
- iOS: fix Optionals for latitude and longitude in reverse geocoding
- result array returns the same information for forward and reverse geocoding (closes #35)
- result array return points of interest string array for iOS and Android (closes #38)
- results[0].areasOfInterest = ["Brandenburger Tor"]
- update dependency 'cordova-plugin-add-swift-support' to 1.7.2
- replace NativeGeocoderForwardResult with NativeGeocoderResult
- replace NativeGeocoderReverseResult with NativeGeocoderResult
Android: return empty String if Address property is null (closes #34)
- Better handle 'grpc failed' error on Android (#21)
- add "No Internet Access" error if grpc failed because of no Internet connection
- add "android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" permission
- update README
- refactoring...
Add 'defaultLocale' to options Object to set a default locale like 'fa-IR' or 'de_DE' (closes #26)
For making the API more robust for future changes and new features I changed the return type of both methods to an array and added an 'options' param.
- The result Object of nativegeocoder.reverseGeocode is an Array.
- The result Object of nativegeocoder.forwardGeocode is an Array.
- Add options param for both nativegeocoder.reverseGeocode and nativegeocoder.forwardGeocode for setting locale & max result objects (closes #17, #25)
update dependency 'cordova-plugin-add-swift-support' to 1.7.1 (closes #24)
fix Swift compiler issue (closes #10)
Add configuration variable to customize the iOS location plist entry (closes #13)
fix github links
The result Object of nativegeocoder.reverseGeocode has changed: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/clplacemark https://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/Address.html
- countryCode
- postalCode
- administrativeArea
- subAdministrativeArea
- locality
- subLocality
- thoroughfare
- subThoroughfare
- Closes #6
- Closes #7