Most users of a robot want to describe tasks in Cartesian space. Hence, in this tutorial we will implement a simple, linear impedance controller1 to regulate the artificial force to be exerted on the robot's end-effector. Here, we connect this controller to the robot's end-effector via the RNE's external force interface. The objective is to apply a torque on the end-effector so that it should rotate when not constrained.
The controller should realize a desired (maximum) end-effector velocity while simultaneously limiting the force. We achieve this by a constant damping controller where the damping
The resulting behaviour is best understood by first considering the two "extreme" cases and then the general case:
$v_{msr} = 0$ : the controller commands the maximum permissible force. If the system is not in a contact situation it will accelerate, otherwise it will only exert the maximum force onto the environment. -
$v_{msr} = v_{max}$ : the controller commands no force and, hence, does not accelerate the system. Most likely external effects such as friction will brake the system. - Otherwise: the controller commands a force that is proportional to the difference from the maximum velocity, offset by the maximum permissible force. The damping represents the proportionality factor.
The following figure depicts this behaviour.
Figure 5: Impedance controller |
The synthesizer steps live in the
module. Here, the traverser is similar to the ones from the previous tutorial, but it (i) relies on a custom expansion query; and (ii) employs an additional configuration method:
ctrl_expand = """
PREFIX ex-ctrl: <>
SELECT ?child ?parent WHERE {
?node ^ex-ctrl:attached-to ?child .
BIND(?node as ?parent)
def traverse(self):
return Traverser(
edge=[Dispatcher(None, self.configure_ede, self.compute_edge)]
A controller is assumed to point to a frame via the ex-ctrl:attached-to
property. Hence, the expansion query tries to find such a controller by following that property in the opposite direction (^
Previously we have already encountered the state
parameter of the configuration and compute functions that relied on built-in state representations. For the controller we want to introduce a custom state to capture the controller's output. We achieve this by adding a dataclass with the single field wrench
(of type URIRef
or None
) that has a default value of None
class MyCartesianControllerState:
wrench: URIRef | None = field(default=None)
We connect the controller's output (
def configure_edge(self, state, parent, child):
par = state[parent][ChainIndexState]
wrench = self.dyn.wrench(acts_on=par.bdy, as_seen_by=par.frm_prox,
ext = uuid_ref()
self.g.add((ext, RDF["type"], SPEC["ExternalForce"]))
self.g.add((ext, SPEC["force"], wrench))
Note, that (i) the wrench is expressed locally to the link (as_seen_by=par.frm_prox
); and (ii) only consists of a single number of wrench instances (number_of_wrenches=1
Next, we cache that data so that it is efficiently accessible during the computation:
s = MyCartesianControllerState()
s.wrench = wrench
state[child][MyCartesianControllerState] = s
Finally, don't forget to register the wrench data with the algorithm so that the according data blocks can be generated in the algorithm representation:
The computation introduces no new concepts beyond the previous tutorial and is only listed for completeness:
def compute_edge(self, state, parent, child):
vel = state[parent][VelocityPropagationState]
ctrl = state[child][MyCartesianControllerState]
damp = self.my_damper(
def my_damper(self, velocity_twist, wrench):
id_ = uuid_ref()
self.g.add((id_, RDF["type"], EX_CTRL["Damping"]))
self.g.add((id_, EX_CTRL["max-velocity"], Literal(0.1)))
self.g.add((id_, EX_CTRL["max-force"], Literal(2.0)))
self.g.add((id_, EX_CTRL["velocity-twist"], velocity_twist))
self.g.add((id_, EX_CTRL["wrench"], wrench))
return id_
In the interest of keeping the tutorial more concise and focused on the software, we have opted for a (too) simplistic controller model and synthesizer implementation. In particular, the
properties are just configured numbers and hence lack ...
- ... a value per degree of freedom
- ... a coordinate-free representation
- ... physical units and a reference to a coordinate frame
- ... semantic checks (because of the previous two points)
- ... reification as a runtime-accessible data block.
The modules in the
package contain more complete modules that try to avoid such issues.
The synthesizer that includes the controller (see
) is an extension with respect to the previous tutorial. First, we require an additional propagation step of the external forces and need to include those external forces in the joint force accumulation:
ext_prop = QuasiStaticExternalForcePropagationStep(g, cache, slv_algo,
dyn_coord, dyn, kc, kc_stat)
my_slv = MySolverStep(g, slv_algo, [
Notice that this accumulation was the main reason for introducing this custom solver step in the previous tutorial.
Next, we can attach a controller to the end-effector using the attached-to
property and instantiate the controller step:
g.add((ROB["my-ctrl"], EX_CTRL["attached-to"], ROB["link7-root"]))
my_ctrl = MyCartesianControllerStep(g, slv_algo, dyn)
Then, accomodate for the two new steps in the sweep configuration by appending ...
- ... the controller to the first outward sweep
- ... the external force propagation to the inward sweep
out_1 = SweepConfig(
steps=[..., my_ctrl])
in_1 = SweepConfig(
steps=[..., ext_prop])
Finally, don't forget to append a translator instance to the return value of the translator_configurator
def translator_configurator():
return [
The code generator template for the ex-damping
type controller lives in the my_controller.stg
fragment and simply emits a function call:
ex-damping(args) ::= <<
my_controller(<args.max-velocity>, <args.max-force>, <args.velocity-twist>, <args.wrench>)
Additionally, the fragment contributes the implementation of the controller as discussed before but only applies that controller to the "angular-z" degree of freedom:
controller-definition() ::= <<
void my_controller(
double max_velocity,
double max_force,
const double *restrict velocity,
double *restrict force)
const double DAMPING = -max_force / max_velocity;
for (int i = 0; i \< 3; i++) {
force[DYN2B_WRENCH3_LIN_OFFSET + i] = 0.0;
force[DYN2B_WRENCH3_ANG_OFFSET + i] = 0.0;
double v = velocity[DYN2B_WRENCH3_ANG_OFFSET + DYN2B_Z_OFFSET];
force[DYN2B_WRENCH3_ANG_OFFSET + DYN2B_Z_OFFSET] = max_force + DAMPING * v;
To build the associated artefacts execute:
cd <kindyngen>
python kindynsyn_tutorial/ rne_slv_robif_ctrl
cd <kindyngen>/code_generator
Now there are two code generator targets available. The first one prints the resulting torques to the terminal ...
make tutorial-dyn2b-slv-print-ctrl
... whereas the second one interfaces with a real robot using the robif2b library:
make tutorial-dyn2b-slv-robif2b-ctrl
Upon either choice compile the code and execute the resulting software as before:
cd <kindyngen>/gen
cmake .
An impedance controller maps from the motion domain to the force domain. The impedance relations are known as stiffness (position to force), damping (velocity to force) and inertia (acceleration to force). ↩