Alias scripts for making kubectl smooth.
So smooth you wont even want a gui!
Drop them into /usr/local/bin
or somewhere on your path.
If you organize your folders as context/namespace
, then kns
will switch contexts and namespace, making a pretty seamless transition between clusters. (It matches the folder name to kubeconfig context using grep, so be not a good idea to have one context name as a substring of another!)
They are safe to run without arguments, and without any, will generally just list resources.
Confirmation prompts protect negative-change actions (uninstall, restart).
You don't have to provide full names for the pod
argument; a unique portion of the name will suffice. (This is big part of the smoothness!)
(Except for container names. If a pod has multiple containers you must specify the full container name. i.e. pod:container
. If container name is required, it should show you the valid options).
By default the tools operate on the first match. You may want to pass a regex name to grep just the resource you want; if so, wrap it in quotes.
$ krl
deployment.apps/one-somechart-api 1/1 1 1 27h
deployment.apps/one-somechart-ui 2/2 2 2 27h
deployment.apps/two-somechart-api 1/1 1 1 27h
deployment.apps/two-somechart-ui 2/2 2 2 27h
$ krl one
restart deployment.apps/one-somechart-api? [yN]
$ krl "one.*ui"
restart deployment.apps/one-somechart-ui? [yN]
kk: shortkey for kubectl
$ kk get pod
kns: set context/namespace from path (or to arg)
$ kns
$ kns staging
kls: list or describe a pod
$ kls
$ kls pod
klg: log stream
$ klg pod
$ klg pod -f
$ klg pod:container
kex: exec in container (default is bash)
$ kex pod
$ kex pod sh
$ kex pod:container psql -U postgres
$ kex pod:container cat /html/index.html > out.html
krl: rollout (restart) a resource (deployment, daemonset, statefulset)
$ krl name
kup: upload file to container
$ kup filename pod
$ kup filename pod:/path
$ kup filename pod:container:
$ kup filename pod:container:/path
- invalid:
$ kup filename pod:container
(colon must follow container name)
kdn: download file from pod
$ kdn pod:/path/file.ext
$ kdn pod:/path/file.ext newfile.ext
$ kdn pod:/path/file.ext dst/
$ kdn pod:/path/file.ext dst/newfile.ext
$ kdn pod:container:/path/file.ext
kap: apply yaml folder/file
$ $ kap configmap.yaml
$ $ kap ../utility
hls: helm list
$ hls
hin: helm install/upgrade with app.values.yaml
$ hin app repo/chart
$ hin app repo/chart --set other.var=val
hun: helm uninstall (prompts for confirmation)
$ hun app
aksme: initiate AKS device login
$ aksme
$ aksme rg-name aks-name
(initial login)
azs: set (or list) Azure subscriptions
$ azs
(list subs)$ azs sub-name
(switch to sub-name, spaces in sub-name are allowed without quotes)