If you have a problem, please open a descriptive issue that details the problem. Please show screenshots and provide reproduction details as necessary!
If you would like to request a feature, feel free to do so. Not all features are in scope, but the request will be addressed regardless.
Always make your commits in the format of %{type}(%{scope}): %{description}
- type is one of the following: docs, feat, fix, style, refactor, perf, test, chore, revert
- scope is the module you are working on (tournaments, tournamentManager, etc)
- description is what you fixed, briefly
If you are closing or referencing any commits, add that to the body of your message (ie, not in the description).
If your code does not pass the style checking, it will not be merged.
There are currently no unit tests, but if you add them, you get brownie points!