There aren't | There are |
Assignations | Recursion |
Loops | Functions |
Var declarations | Computationally complete |
Status | Easy |
Von Neuman | Reliable |
Efficency | Elegant |
Verifiable |
Any recursive algorythm can be transformed into an iterative one and vice versa. Corollary: We haven't loose calculation power.
- Purest functional language. Referential transparency (an expression has the same value anywhere in the program).
- Not strict.
- Lazy evaluation.
- Infinite structures
HUGS>[1..] returns [1,2,3,4... and doesn't end
- Strongly typed. There's no
. Haskell infers type.
Maths | Haskell |
f(2, 3) | f 2 3 |
f(a, b) ± c * d | f a b ± c * d |
g(a) + b | g a + b |
f(a + b, c) | f (a + b) c |
f(x, g(y)) | f x (g y) |
is a one line comment (//){- whatever -}
is a multiline comment (/* whatever */)- A simple function:
g::Int -> Int g x = x + 1 -- gets an integer and returns one more
- Another simple function:
f:: Int -> Int -> Int f x y = x + y + 1 -- addition of x and y plus 1
- Function names and variables must be in lowercase, can't start with a
number, accept
, digits,_
. - Types start with uppercase.
- More examples:
--double::Int->Int double x = x + x --quadruple::Int->Int quadruple x = double (double x) --We don't need to ad fn::type->type, the compilers infers it twice f x = f(fx)
To load a program with hugs use :l (or :load) program.hs
It is better to evaluate from outside to inside
square x = x * x
>2 + square 3 -> 2 + (3 * 3) -> 2 + (9) -> 11
>square(square 3) -> (square 3)*(square 3) -> (3 * 3) * (square 3) ->
-> 9 * (square 3) -> 9 * (3 * 3) -> 9 * 9 -> 81
- Impacient evaluation: redex from inside to outside
- Lazy evaluation: redex from outside to inside
Haskell uses some kind of lazy evaluation with sharing
, a graphs structure.
I'll try to explain it here:
square 3 -> · * · -> 9, where · points to 3
square (square 3) -> · * · where · points to square 3 ->
-> · * · where each · points to ~ * ~ where ~ points to 3 ->
-> · * · where · points to 9 -> 81
(==), (<), (>), (<=), (>=), (/=)
- Bool: True False
- Int
- Integer
- Float
- Doble
- Char: 'a', '\n', '\t', '''
Example: >True < 'a'
returns Type Error
The command >:set +t
returns the type used to have more info, like a debug.
Mixed component where the type of each component can be different.
(1, 'a', 3.0, True)::(Int, Char, Float, Bool)
is an empty tuple.- Unitary tuple like (3) has no sense, the compiler understands it as a 3.
- Example:
predSuc::Int -> (Int, Int) predSuc n = (n - 1, n + 1)
Must be of the same type, but there's no limit of elements. Lists doesn't have pointers.
empty list. []::[a] means type a, anything.(:)
is used to join an element to a list (but not a list to a list).1:[]
(:)::a -> [a] -> [a]
makes [3, 1].'a':3:[]
throws Type Error.(1:(2:(3:(4:(5:[])))))
joins from the right. The parenthesys aren't needed.[1..5]
means from 1 to 5 -> `[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]'- String = [char] ->
['h', 'o', 'm', 'e'] -> 'home'
It's used to construct types.
Having t1, t2, ..., tn, tr
can construct something like
t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tn -> tr
which means that it takes a type t1
, type t2
..., type tn
, and returns a type tr
Haskell evaluates several functions in order and when it finds a rule that works correctly, returns that. Example:
f::Int -> Bool
f 1 = True
f 2 = False
f x = False
>f 1 -> True
>f 2 -> False
>f 3 -> False -- If we didn't put "f x = False" this will throw an error.
f:Int -> Bool
f x = True
f 2 = False
>f 2 -> True -- Because it evaluates first "f x" and it matches.
fact::Int->Int fact 0 = 1 -- base fact n = n * fact (n - 1) -- recursive >fact 0 -> 0 >fact 3 -> 6 >fact 117 -> 0 out of range
We can fix this in two ways, one is to declare it as
so in this way it will not run out of range. Another fix could be removing the type declaration, in this way the compiler will infer the type and put something likefact::Num a => a -> a
, we can see this withhugs
putting:t fact
). -
Returns the addition of elements of a list
sum::[Int]->Int sum [] = 0 sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs -- x is the first element and xs are the following.
Concat two lists of numbers
conc::[Int]->[Int]->[Int] conc [] xs = xs conc (x:xs) ys = x:(conc xs ys) >conc [1,2] [3,4,5] -> [1,2,3,4,5] -- This is already defined in Haskell with (++) >[1,2] ++ [3,4,5] -> [1,2,3,4,5]
- Anonymous pattern or underlined
first2::(Int, Int)->Int first2 (x, y) = x -- or we can put "first2 (x, _) = x" because we don't care first3::(Int, Int, Int)->Int frist3 (x, _, _) = x
- Arythmetic ones, patherns n+k being k a constant
fact::Int->Int fact 0 = 1 fact (n + 1) = (n + 1) * fact n
- Named patterns, it's like an alias for an expression
fact::Int->Int fact 0 = 1 fact m@(n+1) = m * fact n
sign x | x > 0 = 1 -- These are called guards
| x < 0 = -1
| otherwise = 0
abs x | x >= 0 = x
| otherwise = -x
ifThenElse True x _ = x
ifThenElse False _ y = y
sum xs = case xs of
[] = 0
(y:ys) -> y + sum ys
head [] = error 'list is empty'
head (x:_) = x
For this example we'll solve the equation ax²+bx+c=0
(-b±sqrt(d))/2a being d = b²-4ac
roots::(Float, Float, Float) -> (Float, Float)
roots (a, b, c)
| d >= 0 = ((-b + sqrt d) / (2 * a), (-b - sqrt d) / (2 * a)
| otherwise = error "..."
where : d = b * b - 4 * a * c
we could add also in where more local definitions like
"rd = sqrt d" and "da = 2 * a" and replace them in the equation.
We could also create a type, for example:
type Complex=(Float, Float)
roots::(Float, Float, Float) -> (Complex, Complex)
- where (we saw it before)
- let:
let f x = x * x in f 8 -> 64
. So we could rewrite roots like this:roots (a, b, c) = let d = b * b - 4 * a * c da = 2 * a in if (d >= 0) then (..., ...) else error "..."
Important! guards, let, where, of, do... must be correctly indented!!
>1 + 2
>(+) 1 3
>mod 10 3
>10 `mod` 3
: ! # $ % & * + · / < = > ? @ \ ^ | - ~ && || /= //
infix <priority [0..9]> <op-name>
infixr <priority> <op> -- from right
infixl <priority> <op> -- from left
infixr 9 ·
infixl 9 !!
infixr 8 ^, ^^, **
infixr 3 &&
infixl 2 ||
infixr 2 ||| --exclusive or
True ||| True = False
False ||| False = False
_ ||| _ = True
An argument is a function or returns a function
twice::(Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
twice f x = f (f x)
inc x = x + 1
dec x = x - 1
twice inc 10 -> inc (inc 10) -> inc (10 + 1) -> inc 11 -> 11 + 1 -> 12
Map with integers
map:: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int] map f [] = [] map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs -- >map inc [1..5] -> [2..6] >:t map (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Filter (actually defined in Haskell as filter::)
removeCond::(Int->Bool)->[Int]>[Int] removeCond p [] = [] removeCond p (x:xs) | p x = removCond p xs | otherwise = x:eliminaCond p xs removeZero xs = removeCond p xs where p 0 = True p _ = False
(λx -> x + 1)::Int->Int
In Haskell, lambda is written with \
instead of λ
>\x -> x + 1
<< function >>::Int->Int
>(\x -> x + 1) 3
- Bubble pattern
bubble::[Int]->[Int] bubble xs = baux xs [] False where baux [] yx False = ys baux [] ys True = baux ys [] False baux [x] ys b = baux [] (ys ++ [x]) b baux (x1:x2:xs) ys b | (odd x1 && even x2) = baux (x2:xs) (ys++[x1]) True | otherwise = baux (x1:xs) (ys++[x2]) b
- Reverse
rev::[a]->[a] rev [] = [] rev (x:xs) = rev xs ++ [x] rev2::[a]->[a] rev2 cs = revaux xs[] where revaux [] ys = ys revaux (x:xs) ys = revaux xs (x:ys)
f e1 e2... ek::tk+1 -> ... tn -> tr
f x y z = x * (2 * y + z)
<<function>>::Int -> (Int -> (Int -> Int))
>f 2
<<function>>::Int -> (Int -> Int)
>f 2 3
<<function>>::Int -> Int
>f 2 3 4 -- Total application
Binary operators partially applied with recieve only an argument.