attending: ajeffrey, paul, simonsapin, jdm
ajeffrey: first meeting of the infrastructure committee! hooray!
jdm: I’ve started CI experiments. Early stages; just trying to run a linux build inside a docker container that’s in docker hub.
ajeffrey: there’s a shared 1password account now.
simonsapin: Don’t expect to meaningfully contribute to future infrastructure work now; the AWS migration is all wrapped up at this point.
jdm: I made contact with github, but nothing to report yet.
ajeffrey: There’s the option of gitlab as well; we have contact with them.
jdm: Given there’s no ceiling on free CI minutes on github, I don’t see a reason to investigate them right now.
ajeffrey: any website stuff we should be aware of?
jdm: the hololens homepage is now a 404. we should decide whether we care or not.
paul: we could file an issue.
jdm: someone else already did! this has already been noticed by third parties.
ajeffrey: we should probably restore the existing page and remove the firefox branding from it, because that has legal implications.
ajeffrey: so, on the plate: hololens homepage 404; CI experiements; stashing credentials in 1password.