- Date: Monday 16th December 2024 at 16:00 UTC
- Location: https://meet.jit.si/Servo-TSC
- Agenda: #116
- Status update
- Elections
- Servo Contributors Process
- Roadmap Updates
- Outreach
- ReadableStream
- Update the rendering progress
- Embedding meeting
- Mini-apps
- TSC members: gterzian, jschwe, Loirooriol, mrego, mrobinson, nicoburns, wusyong
- Other: matlu
rego: Starting with status update. We published the monthly blog post last week. Most of the things are there. Work on different areas.
rego: grid behind a flag, shadow dom progressing, web crypto moving forward
rego: improvement on performance, particular layout & flexbox, much faster now
rego: binary size, some flags landed to make builds smaller on production
rego: that's the high level summary
rego: the charter mentions that every year we renew the chair and secretary. Right now myself (Rego) I'm the chair and Martin is the secretary
rego: if there are no volunteers and everybody is fine with continuing
rego: we will go with the same setup for next year
rego: https://github.com/servo/project/tree/main/governance#readme
rego: PR charter: #118
rego: this has all the information, and we have a PR to update the charter. But after a couple of pings I still didn't get an update from them about moving forward
rego: no updates regarding that
rego: we got a new proposal
rego: I can't find it now
rego: maybe I dreamed it
rego: It was on the original plan that was discussed last time. I though we got another one but I can't find it
nico: I can't see it either
rego: there is "Topic: Using JSI to provide a common interface to an abstract JavaScript engine" but I can't find it
rego: if people have things they want to add, post a comment to the issue
rego: talks by Jonathan and Gregory were published
rego: any news about FOSDEM? I haven't heard about that
gregory: a couple updates. We are replacing the old deprecated readablestream implementation
greogory: we will do writablestream and others but first we did readablestream since it used deprecated things. Probably it will land in a couple days
gregory: we made progress in the HTML event loop, with Martin. About how script an layout interact. Moving fordward. Thanks Martin
gregory: the other part. Personally I wanted to know what's going on with the embedding of Servo. Organized a meeting with people working on the embedding projects. Anybody interested can join join.
gregory: There is a project about miniapps. Things could implement that as a prototype in Servo. New APIs that we may have to implement, like ServiceWorker, and related to embedding
gregory: that's it on my side
rego: We already included something about readablestream on the roadmap. But if you want to include streams in general that can be included
jonathan: I can't find the JS anymore but I thing it was one of my colleagues that added it
rego: Mats is asking about Outreachy. Only 1 candidate this time. Maybe Martin can update us about status
martin: The intern for this session is Ashwin, they are working on the dialogs for the embedding API, and they are starting with the file selection dialog, just started this week
gregory: What Jonathan said about JS API, readableStream is part of that
gregory: some details on the roadmap
rego: meeting is over now, thanks!