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Information and experimental validation that doesn't fit in



combined_sieve autosets --sieve_length (SL) if not passed.

This section abbreviates gcd(a, b) = c as (a, b) = c

  1. Finds SL such that prob_prime ** |{i | (K, i) = 1, -SL < i < SL}| is < 0.008
    • prob_prime ** goal_coprime < 0.008goal_coprime > log(0.008, prob_prime)
  2. prob_prime is improved be adjusted for sharing no factor with K
  3. prob_prime ≈ (1 / log(m * K)) / Prod(1 - 1/p, p <= P)
  4. Over all 0 <= mi < M_inc find
min(sum(math.gcd(m * K + i, K) == 1 for i in range(-SL, SL + 1))
  for m in range(M_start, M_start + M_inc) if math.gcd(m, D) == 1)
  1. Because D often includes many small factors can improve accuracy by also handling factor of D 1. Approximated by replacing m with m % D 1. Check math.gcd((m % D) * K + i, K*D) == 1
  2. Check if min(...) >= goal_coprime
  3. Expensive to calculate so use these optimizations
    • Cache len(i for i in range(-SL+1, SL) if (m * K + i, K*D) == 1)
    • ((m % D) * K + i, K*D) > 1 implies (i, K) > 1 or ((m % D) * (K % D) + i, D) > 1
    • if (i, K) > 1 advance to next (all m * K + i will be coprime)
    • All (m % D) have same count, so only consider m with (m, d) == 1

Optimizing Choice of D

Not all d are created equal. Many d increase the average gap non-trivially. Anecdotally choosing a small primorial (11# or 7#) is quite common.

To understand why look at the estimation of unknowns. The naive estimation of unknowns (numbers not removed by small primes) has 3 parts.

  1. Primes pk which divide K
  2. Primes pd which divide d (note pd must be less than P from P#)
  3. Primes up to --max-prime

  1. Primes of the first category are the most easy to handle.

pk | m * K + Xpk | (pk, m * K + X) and (pk, m * K + X) = (pk, X) So only X with gcd(X, K) == 1 need to be considered. (This is the coprime_count in --method2)

  1. Primes of the second category (generally only a handful of primes) are handled per m.

For each m, find a multiple of pd and mark off other multiple of pd

By making d a multiple of 2 count_coprime decreases by a factor of 2. Non-intuitively the number of odd/even coprime X is not always close to 50%.

For 1 <= X <= P all X will be composed of factors of d (meaning mostly divisible by pk)

For P <= X <= P * pd, pd | X implies X/pd <= P which can only be true if X/pd is composed of only factors of d So most numbers on this interval WILL NOT be divisible by pd (see

For X >= P * pd initially there will be more X divisible by pd then expected (1/pd) then a trend towards the expected count.

This is illustrated by Excess Factors by D

X divisible by pd is BAD because pd | X, (K, pd) = 1, (m, pd) = 1 implies (m * K + X, pd) = (m * K, pd) = 1

So the larger percent of X NOT divisible by pd the larger chance of m * K + X being divisible by pd

  1. Finally the larger small primes, p, seem to behavior normally and divide ~1 in p of the remaining X.

We can estimate what percent of numbers will be removed by using Mertens 3rd theorem

Notice from the graph that each of the individual factors dp might have a deficiency of divisibility but the product d will still have excess of divisibility (see d=30 near 8*10^4)

In the end the best advice is to try to minimize avg factors / m OR maximize expected gap (from gap_stats).

Skipped PRP Tests

Given m * K and a prime limit how many PRP tests to find the next/previous prime?

  • prob_prime(X) ≈ 1 / log(X)
    • This result is due to the Prime Number Theorem
    • This approximates prob_prime(random.randint(2, X)), not prob_prime(X)
  • A Better estimate is given by prob_prime(X) ≈ (log(X) - 1) / log(X)^2
    • prob_prime(X) ≈ 1/log(X) - 1/log(X)^2

Accounting for no small prime factors

  • Let prob_p = 1/log(m * K) - 1/log(m * K)^2 be the probability with no information
  • Adjust for all the primes we know don't divide it prob_p / Prod(1 - 1/p, p <= P_limit)
    • Mertens' third theorem gives very tight approx of Prod(1 - 1/p, p <= P_limit)
  • prob_prime ≈ prob_p / (1 / (log(P_limit) * exp(GAMMA)))
  • prob_prime ≈ prob_p * log(P_limit * exp(GAMMA))

How many expected tests to find the next prime? one over the probability of prime.

  • E(test) = 1 / prob_prime

As P_limit increases calculate how many fewer expected tests will be performed.

def ExpectedTests(m, K, old_limit, new_limit):
    GAMMA = 0.57721566
    prob_p = 1 / log(m * K) - 1 / log(m * K) ** 2
    # 1 / (prob_p * log(old_limit) * exp(GAMMA)) - 1 / (prob_p * log(new_limit) * exp(GAMMA)
    return 1 / (prob_p * math.exp(GAMMA)) * (1/math.log(old_limit) - 1/math.log(new_limit))

One Sided Tests

Given many m_n and prob_record.

If prev_prime is "small" don't waste time on next_prime only to be disappointed by small gap.

Calculate new_prob_record taking into account prev_prime result.

Simple math says prob_record takes 2 "time" to test, if new_prob_record < 0.5 * prob_record then skip.

Better analysis says with skipping test more than prob_record/2 each "time". Let prob_processed / one sided test be the average of (prob_record - new_prob_record if skip else prob_record/2). This is the rate (including skips) prob_record is tested at. If new_prob_record is less then skip.

In practice one side skips is often as high as 90% and the prob record rate is 0.8 * prob / side for a 0.8 / 0.5 = 60% speedup!

Experimental evidence

Sieve a range to multiple depths (100M, 200M, ... 3B, 4B)

$ make combined_sieve DEFINES=-DSAVE_INCREMENTS
$ time ./combined_sieve --unknown-filename 1_1009_210_2000_s7000_l4000M.txt --save-unknowns

100,000,007 (primes 2,760,321/5,761,456)	(seconds: 0.99/3.1 | per m: 0.0067)
	~ 2x 29.22 PRP/m		(~ 1046.7 skipped PRP => 1013.7 PRP/seconds)

200,000,033 (primes 5,317,482/11,078,938)	(seconds: 1.81/4.9 | per m: 0.011)
	~ 2x 28.16 PRP/m		(~ 970.8 skipped PRP => 512.7 PRP/seconds)

300,000,007 (primes 5,173,388/16,252,326)	(seconds: 1.86/7.0 | per m: 0.015)
	~ 2x 27.58 PRP/m		(~ 535.9 skipped PRP => 287.9 PRP/seconds)

400,000,009 (primes 5,084,001/21,336,327)	(seconds: 1.82/8.8 | per m: 0.019)
	~ 2x 27.18 PRP/m		(~ 366.9 skipped PRP => 201.3 PRP/seconds)

500,000,003 (primes 5,019,541/26,355,868)	(seconds: 1.83/10.6 | per m: 0.023)
	~ 2x 26.88 PRP/m		(~ 277.4 skipped PRP => 151.9 PRP/seconds)

1,000,000,007 (primes 24,491,667/50,847,535)	(seconds: 9.14/19.8 | per m: 0.043)
	~ 2x 25.98 PRP/m		(~ 823.4 skipped PRP => 90.1 PRP/seconds)

2,000,000,011 (primes 47,374,753/98,222,288)	(seconds: 18.06/37.8 | per m: 0.083)
	~ 2x 25.14 PRP/m		(~ 770.1 skipped PRP => 42.7 PRP/seconds)

3,000,000,019 (primes 46,227,250/144,449,538)	(seconds: 18.53/56.4 | per m: 0.12)
	~ 2x 24.67 PRP/m		(~ 427.8 skipped PRP => 23.1 PRP/seconds)

3,999,999,979 (primes 45,512,274/189,961,812)	(seconds: 19.18/75.5 | per m: 0.16)
	~ 2x 24.35 PRP/m		(~ 294.0 skipped PRP => 15.3 PRP/seconds)

Then testing each interval separately

for fn in `ls -tr 1_1009*`; do
  echo -e "\n\nProcessing $fn";
  /usr/bin/time -f "\nReal\t%E" ./gap_test_simple --unknown-filename "$fn" -qq;

Can compute how many real PRP tests were skipped by each increase in --sieve-range

--sieve-range PRP needed delta from last Skipped PRP estimate error
100M 25699 N/A N/A N/A
200M 24775 924 971 5.1%
300M 24262 513 536 4.5%
400M 23904 358 367 2.5%
500M 23642 262 277 5.7%
1000M 22856 786 823 4.7%
2000M 22050 806 770 -4.5%
3000M 21645 405 427 5.4%
4000M 21388 257 294 14.4%


gap_stats produces a number of useful predictions. They are somewhat validated in --stats

One sided gap statistics One Sided Gap Statistics Combined (prev + next) gap statistics Combined Gap Statistics

gap_stats utilizes an extended range (SL to 2*SL) which can help with prob(record) when the first record is much greater than SL (which is common for smaller P. Th extended range only looks at X where coprime(K, X) == 1 and a wheel over small factors (2, 3, 5, 7) of d. It involves a lot of maths that is hard to verify.

It is useful to verify that prob(inner + outer) is fairly stable

  1. SL is increased
  2. max_prime is increased (individual values will change but RECORD avg: shouldn't).
$ ./gap_stats --unknown-filename 2003_2310_1_10000_s30000_l1000M.txt

prob record inside sieve: 0.02380   prob outside: 0.02025
	RECORD : top 100% ( 2077) => sum(prob) = 4.41e-02 (avg: 2.12e-05)

$ ./gap_stats --unknown-filename 2003_2310_1_10000_s35000_l1000M.txt

prob record inside sieve: 0.03517   prob outside: 0.00846
	RECORD : top 100% ( 2077) => sum(prob) = 4.36e-02 (avg: 2.10e-05)

$ ./gap_stats --unknown-filename 2003_2310_1_10000_s40000_l1000M.txt

prob record inside sieve: 0.04069   prob outside: 0.00277
	RECORD : top 100% ( 2077) => sum(prob) = 4.35e-02 (avg: 2.09e-05)

$ ./gap_stats --unknown-filename 2003_2310_1_10000_s50000_l1000M.txt

prob record inside sieve: 0.04332   prob outside: 0.00007
	RECORD : top 100% ( 2077) => sum(prob) = 4.34e-02 (avg: 2.09e-05)

Choosing --top-x-percent


  • Assume that sieving twice as many intervals takes twice as long
    • combined_sieve is linear (in practice it's faster than linear)
    • Assume that gap_stats is linear (it is)
  • Assume that gap_test is linear (it is)
  • prob_record(m) distribution is independent of m (e.g. log(K) >> log(m))


  1. gap_stats gives us prob_record(m) for each m in M.
    • gap_test Test records in decreasing order (most likely to be a record first)
  2. During gap_test keep sum(prob_record(m)) for m's tested.
    • Derivative(sum(prob_record(m)), t) = prob_record(m) / time to test m
    • In english: Probability of finding a record given additional time spent
  3. When the derivative follows below the average value, it is more efficient to restart on a new interval.
    • prob_record(m) / test_time < (setup + sum_prob_record) / total_time

In Practice:

  1. Run gap_sieve for a small interval
  2. Have gap_test tell us reasonable --top-x-percent
  3. Determine how many tests we want to run
  4. Sieve tests / --top-x-percent m's.
    • Maybe sieve 20% extra
    • Always be experimenting with different values to find maximal prob/hr.

Out of order testing

Some thoughts: Should store all primes into db? file?L For slow tests I should store composites too

    For in progress maybe store in db?
            when would I come back and delete?

    Maybe mark row with tested-all-prob-record-gaps
            tested X pairs that could have been a record gap non were
            but later which are record gaps could have changed

Missing Gaps had two options

  1. S1: Find prev_prime (or equivalently next_prime)
  2. For each missing_gap let tenative_next_prime = missing_gap - prev_prime.
    • 98% of the time tenative_next_prime is a known composite; skip

    • ~1% (prob_prime * X unknowns) is a prime! Check if next_prime(center) = tenative_next_prime
  3. S2: Only check unknown_l that have unknown_h = missing_gap - unknown_l
    • Only checks ~1/3 of unknown_l BUT need to validate both sides now.

It's clear S1 is ~twice as fast a normal search as it skips next_prime(center) 9X% of the time.

It's less clear what the speed up of S2 is. And if S2 is faster than S1. Naively S2 produces more pairs of primes faster but more of the pairs will fail validation (because both prev_prime and next_prime can be wrong).

Think about the case where prob_prime = 1% and all but the first unknown_l have a single valid pair. Note that 99%+ of the time there are enough candidates that there will be a prime in unknown_l.

S1 = 1/100 done immmediatly + 99/100 * (testing till prime + 1 test + prob tenative is prime * cost of validation)
   = 1 test + 99/100 * (E(tests till prime) + 1 + 1/100 * cost_next_prime)
   = 1 PRPs + 99/100 * (100 PRPs + 1 PRPs) + 99/100 * 1/100 * cost_next_prime)
   = 1 + (101 * 99) / 100 PRPS + 99/10000 * cost_next_prime
   = 100.99 PRPS + 99/10000 * cost_next_prime

S2 = testing till prime + 1 test + prob tenative is prime * cost of validation
   = E(tests till prime) + 1 test + 1/100 * (cost_validate_previous + 99/100 * cost_next_prime)
   = 100 PRPs + 1 PRP + 1/100 * (1 PRP (the only missing low value to test) + 99/100 * cost_next_prime)
   = 101.1 PRPs + 99/10000 * cost_next_prime

With first two unknown_l not having matching pairs, but all others with valid pairs

S1 = 1 test + 99/100 * 1 test + (99/100)^2 * (E(100) + 1 test + 1/100 * cost_next_prime)
   = 1.99 + 98.01 * (101 + 1/100 * cost_next_prime)
   = 1.99 + 98.01 * 101/100 + 9801/10000 * cost_next_prime
   = 100.98 PRP tests + 9801/10000 * cost_next_prime

S2 = E(tests till prime) + 1 test + 1/100 * (2 PRP tests + (99/100)^2 * cost_next_prime)
   = 101 PRP tests + 1.99/100 PRP tests + 9801/10000 * cost_next_prime
   = 102.99 PRP tests + 9801/10000 * cost\_next\_prime

It seems S2 is worse, because it always runs E(tests) PRPs for prev_prime then at least 1 PRP for next_prime. S1 runs the same E(tests) PRPs but doesn't always run PRPs for next_prime.

Additionally S2 requires more work (20% overhead in gap_stats + extra data structure + harder to dynamically update...) so S1 it is.

Sadly this means only a generic 2x speedup (plus some small gains from ordering) over testing the gaps normally, it does allow these to be fit back into the normal framework.