Depth-First Search (DFS) is a strategy for searching in a graph that priotitizes depth.
The algorithm starts at the root node and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. This means it goes deep into a branch and then backtracks when it can go no further. This function returns the nodes in the order they were visited as an array.
import { depthFirstSearch } from "functional-algos";
const graph = new Map<string, string[]>([
["A", ["B", "E"]],
["B", ["A", "C"]],
["C", ["B", "D"]],
["D", ["C"]],
["E", ["A"]],
const result = depthFirstSearch(graph, "A");
Also used in the tests
Using a graph consisting of numbers:
graph TD
1 <--> 2
1 <--> 5
2 <--> 3
3 <--> 4
4 <--> End[End]
Returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Using a graph consisting of strings:
graph TD
A <--> B
A <--> E
B <--> C
C <--> D
D <--> End[End]
Returns ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]