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263 lines (189 loc) · 5.5 KB

File metadata and controls

263 lines (189 loc) · 5.5 KB

python mit linux


Kilvin is a simple static site generator. It takes markdown text and turns it into a static webpage using layouts. Changes can be made to the page's content, URLs, and the way the site looks.

  • Minimal templating language
  • Minimal config with support for custom variables
  • Automatic table of contents generation

Getting Started


Kilvin requires the following:

  • Python version 3.9 or higher
  • pip : package installer


  1. Install all prerequisites.
  2. Install the kilvin.
$ pip install kilvin

Create a site

  1. Create a new kilvin site at ./my_project
$ kilvin init my_project
  1. Change into your new directory.
$ cd my_project
  1. Build the site.
$ kilvin build
  1. Make it available on local server.
$ kilvin server

Command Line

Kilvin has several commands:

Usage: kilvin [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Kilvin is a simple static site generator. It takes markdown text and turns
  it into a static webpage using layouts.

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  build   Build the current project
  init    Create directory structure for the project
  new     Create a new markdow post in ./content dir
  server  Serve the current project

Here are some of the most common command:

  • kilvin init PATH:

    • Create a new kilvin site with requisite directory structure.
  • kilvin new PATH:

    • Help create new markdown pages for the project.

    • All the new pages are stored in content directory.

    • Example:

      For content/

      $ kilvin new

      For content/blog/

      $ kilvin new blog/
  • kilvin build:

    • Build the site from ./content files using template in ./layout and save them ./public directory.
    • All the non-markdown files in ./content are copied directly without any changes.
    • ./static is also directly copied to ./public.
  • kilvin server:

    • Serves the site locally.


Edit config.toml for changing the configuration for the project.

Default Configuration

Basic configuration required for building the site.

title = 'My Blog'
url = "https://myblog.xyb"
description = 'My corner of the internet.'

name = "Kilvin"
email = "[email protected]"

Custom Configuration

Custom variables can also be defined in config.toml.

var1 = 123

var2 = "abcxyz"
var3 = 123

All the variables in config.toml can be accessed in HTML templates with site variable. Example:

  • {{ site.title }}
  • {{ }}
  • {{ site.name1.var2 }}

Pages & Layouts

kilvin organize the rendered site in the same structure that is used to organize the source conent.

└── content
    ├── posts
    |   └──
    |   ├──
    |   └──
    └── quote
└── public
    └── about
    |   └── index.html
    ├── posts
    |   └── index.html
    |   ├── firstpost
    |   |   └── index.html
    |   └── secondpost
    |   |   └── index.html
    └── quote
        └── index.html
        ├── first
            └── index.html
        └── second
            └── index.html


  • All markdown files are referred as a Pages.

Creating a Page

  • To create a page, add a markdown file to ./content directory.

  • Pages can also be organized in sub directories, and all sub directories should have a page.

  • All pages must have a front matter, enclosed in --- which is used to specify the template or other meta data, along with custom data.


    template: single.html
    title: Why does it have to end?
    subtile: A survivor dies.
    date: 2022-28-09
    markdown here
    • template, tilte, subtitle and date are mandatory.
    • If template field is empty, then default templates are used.
  • All the variables can be accessed using meta variable in template.

    • Example

      • {{ meta.title }}
      • {{ meta.subtitle }}
      • {{ }}

Index Page

  • All the directories should have page.
  • Index Page is special as it has access to variable pages.


  • kilvin uses Jinja2 for templating.
  • ./layout contains the templates for the Pages.
  • ./layout should have list.html and single.html as the default templates.


All the templates have access to a bunch of variables.

  • site: date in config.toml
  • meta: data from front matter of the page
  • body: rendered markdown from the page
  • pages: (only available to index template) list of all the page in directory

Template Usage

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>{{ site.title }}</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style.css">
      <a href="/">Home</a>
      <a href="/blog/">Blog</a>
    <h1>{{ meta.title }}</h1>
      {{ body }}