This app's history actually goes back to 2013 when I created the very first tool (Color Picker) in the app.
Initially, it was just a simple Color Picker Tool for myself and close friends. I kept updating and rewriting this tool and eventually in 2017 I released it to the public as "Roselt Color Picker".
And in the back of my mind, I always knew I wanted the app to be fully cross-platform, open source, and have many other tools in it.
And in 2020, I finally started working on "Roselt Developer Tools", one app to rule them all 😁.
Since 2017, I've kept release notes for every release of the app and I'm proud to finally have the release notes available on GitHub too.
- Version 0.1.0 Alpha (~2013)
- Version 1.0.0 Prototype (~2014)
- Version 0.2.0 Alpha (Early 2015)
- Version 0.3.0 Alpha (Late 2015)
- Version 1.0.0 (29/08/2017)
- Version 1.1.0 (29/08/2017)
- Version 1.2.0 (30/08/2017)
- Version 1.3.0 (31/08/2017)
- Version 1.4.0 (31/08/2017)
- Version 1.5.0 (05/09/2017)
- Version 1.6.0 (06/09/2017)
- Version 1.6.1 (09/09/2017)
- Version 1.6.2 (12/09/2017)
- Version 1.6.3 (13/09/2017)
- Version 1.6.4 (13/09/2017)
- Version 1.7.0 (14/09/2017)
- Version 1.7.1 (04/10/2017)
- Version 1.8.0 (06/02/2018)
- Version 1.8.1 (07/02/2018)
- Version 1.8.2 (08/02/2018)
- Version 1.8.3 (09/02/2018)
- Version 1.8.4 (10/03/2018)
- Version 1.8.5 (10/03/2018)
- Version 1.8.6 (11/03/2018)
- Version 1.9.0 (24/06/2018)
- Version 1.9.1 (24/06/2018)
- Version 2.0.0 (01/07/2018)
- Version 2.0.1 (11/08/2018)
- Version 2.0.2 (12/01/2019)
- Version 2.1.0 (13/01/2018)
- Version 2.1.1 (13/01/2018)
- Version 2.1.2 (13/01/2018)
- Version 2.1.3 (13/01/2018)
- Version 2.1.4 (13/01/2018)
- Version 3.0.0 Beta 1 (27/04/2020)
- Version 3.0.0 Beta 2 (28/05/2023)
- Version 3.0.0 Beta 3 (29/07/2023)
- Version 3.0.0 Beta 4 (21/10/2023)
- This is the first version I built and I distributed it to all my friends and fellow IT classmates.
- It actually evolved into having over 100 different colors instead of the 20 in the screenshot, but that version is lost.
- Changed name to "Programming Color Code Helper" and added many more color codes and features.
- This was supposed to become Version 1.0.0, but I never finished it and I lost the source code to it.
- After losing the source code to my Version 1.0.0 Prototype (Programming Color Code Helper), I went back to my 0.1.0 Alpha codebase and built this version.
- This is the first version I built and distributed to children from other schools who also had IT as a subject.
- Added RGB Selectors.
- Based on feedback from 0.2.0 Alpha, I polished the user interface in this version in order to make it feel more professional.
- Initial Public Release.
- Changed name to "Roselt Color Picker".
- Completely redesigned the user interface.
- Added color codes for HTML, C++, Java, VB, and Photoshop.
- Replaced the RGB Selectors with a Color Panel.
- Added back the RGB picker.
- Updated the app icon.
- Made the starting window size larger.
- Added support for C#.
- Fixed the HTML color codes.
- Fixed the Java color codes.
- Fixed the Photoshop color codes.
- Added Settings.
- Mentioned that the Delphi Color Code is for the VCL Framework.
- Added support for Delphi in the FMX Framework.
- Fixed the Color Picker in the top left corner. It will now select colors more smoothly.
- Decreased the width of the splitter which allowed you to change the size of the left panel.
- You can now resize the height of the Color Picker in the top left corner.
- The app now launches in Maximized mode.
- Fixed the Color List Names. It now selects correctly.
- You can now type an RGB color.
- The app now has an installer.
- Added support for RGBA colors in C# and Delphi (FMX).
- You can now generate random colors by right-clicking on the ColorBox.
- Added the ability to quickly remove a certain color.
- Added a "Roadmap for the Future.txt" file in the Documentation Files.
- Added the shortcut keys section in the About Form.
- Added the ability to save and load custom colors.
- Added the ability to delete all custom colors.
- It is now mobile responsive.
- You can now select a color from your own screen.
- Added support for Clarion Hex color codes.
- Added support for VB Hex color codes.
- Added support for PowerBuilder RGB long color codes.
- Improved backend code and efficiency of code.
- Saving Colors now doesn't accept blank names.
- Changed the layout of Settings.
- You can now choose a color from an uploaded picture.
- Added the ability to select a color from an image when in mobile mode.
- About form is now more responsive and will look better on phones.
- Improved the responsiveness of the main form.
- Added the ability to search for predefined colors and custom colors.
- The files for Settings and Saved Colors are now hidden within Documents on Windows Desktop.
- Buttons now have hints.
- You can now press escape to exit the selecting color from the computer screen.
- Fixed a bug with Settings.
- Selecting a color from the screen is now more dynamic and better.
- The starting color for the app is now black.
- You can now also view the RGBA colors in percentages.
- You can now view the HSV values of colors. You choose HSV from Settings.
- Added support for Unity's Hex Color Codes.
- Improved the overall User Interface.
- Added the ability to Hide/Show Color Codes.
- Fixed a hamburger menu bug with the "Screen Eye Dropper".
- Added more information to the Developer tab in the About.
- Fixed a bug with the settings when in mobile view.
- The mobile view now appears as soon as the form's inner height is less than 720 pixels.
- Added an Exit button to the Hamburger Menu.
- Added hover hints to the menu items in the Hamburger Menu.
- Fixed a bug on mobile view when trying to open Predefined colors after opening About or Settings.
- Added a hint to the mobile view's Color Codes button.
- Fixed some broken shortcuts.
- Fixed a bug on the mobile view that prevented Predefined colors and custom colors to show correctly when on the About or Settings view and pressing the shortcut keys.
- The app now displays the desktop view when on 1366x768 resolution instead of the mobile view.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Hamburger menu from working on some computers.
- Fixed bugs on Android (App now works on Android).
- Pressing the "Exit Application" button will now bring up a confirmation dialog.
- The About section should now look better on Android.
- The RGB Color Values will now look better on Android.
- Pressing the Physical Back Button on Android will now trigger the "Exit Application" button and confirmation dialog.
- The About section now looks better on very small Android devices.
- The About section now has links that take you to the app's download page on Microsoft Store and Google Play Store.
- Fixed an issue with HSV Color Values.
- Improve the GUI for Color Values.
- Added HSL Color Values.
- Added HSB Color Values.
- Added CMYK Color Values.
- Improved the responsiveness of the app when going into Mobile View.
- The app now targets Android API Level 26 (Android 8.0).
- The app minimum Android API Level is now 23 (Android 6.0).
- Saving/Viewing Custom Colors now works on Android.
- Added CIELAB Color Values.
- Added a new feature called "Color Range" where you can see colors matching your current color.
- Improved the responsiveness of the app when going into Mobile View and resizing the window.
- Improved the TrackBar Scrolling on the RGBA Colors.
- Added RGBA support for HTML.
- Copy Color Code buttons are now hidden when the color doesn't support Alpha.
- Improved the Color Range. It's now more accurate and shows up to 5 times more colors.
- Added HSL Color Code for HTML.
- Improved Samsung DeX Support on Android.
- Improved Android 8.0 Support.
- Improved Samsung DeX Support on Android.
- Improved Android 9.0 Support.
- The Hamburger Menu is now always visible on Android and has icons added to it.
- The text in the Hamburger Menu is now better centered.
- Function Key Shortcuts now work on Android.
- The Shortcuts tab in About now displays on Android.
- The Exit Button icon changed.
- Fixed a bug with the Hamburger Menu not properly closing sometimes on Android.
- Fixed a bug with the RGB Number values not displaying when the app opens.
- The ColorPanel is now bigger on large displays.
- The Android Label has changed to "Roselt Color Picker" instead of "Roselt_Color_Picker".
- Added an Experimental Dark Mode which can be enabled from Settings.
- The Home Button now always shows on a small display.
- Fixed some bugs on Android.
- Improved Dark Mode.
- Fixed a bug where double menu icons would display with the default theme.
- The Settings Page now looks better on smaller screens.
- The Settings Page now looks better on smaller screens.
- Improved Dark Mode.
- Open Sourced the entire codebase on GitHub.
- Revamped most of the user interface.
- New icons.
- Implemented various Styles to change the look and feel of the app.
- Added Sliders for CMYK Color Values.
- Added Sliders for HSV Color Values.
- Added Sliders for HSL Color Values.
- Added XYZ Color Values.
- Added Yxy Color Values.
- Added Hunter Lab Color Values.
- Added Base Numbers (Hex, Decimal, Octal, Binary).
- Added Color Information Panel to learn about colors.
- Renamed the app to "Roselt Developer Tools".
- Revamped the entire user interface again.
- New icons again (Bootstrap Icons).
- Custom Colors were temporarily removed from Color Picker Tool.
- Added JSON to YAML Converter Tool.
- Added Number Base Converter Tool.
- Added Timestamp Converter Tool.
- Added Text to Array Converter Tool.
- Added HTML Encoder/Decoder Tools.
- Added Base64 Text Encoder/Decoder Tools.
- Added URL Encoder/Decoder Tools.
- Added Hash Generator Tool.
- Added Password Generator Tool.
- Added UUID Generator Tool.
- Added Name Generator Tool.
- Added Lorem Ipsum Generator Tool.
- Added Case Converter & Inspector Tool.
- Added HTML Preview Tool.
- Added Image Effects Tool.
- Fixed "Copy to Clipboard" buttons on Number Base Converter Tool.
- Added "Copy to Clipboard" and "Save to File" for the Image Effects Tool.
- Added JSON Formatter Tool.
- Added XML Formatter Tool.
- Added Delphi Formatter Tool (Only minifies currently).
- Added Ping IP / Domain Tool.
- Added an option to enable/disable number characters in the Password Generator Tool.
- Added JWT Decoder Tool.
- Added Bootstrap Icons Tool.
- Added Font Awesome Icons Tool.
- Added Feather Icons Tool.
- Added Trace Route Tool.
- Improved Name Generator Tool.
- Improved Ping Tool.
- Improved Image Effects Tool.
- Added an experimental FullScreen Mode Toggle (In Settings)
- Fixed "All Tools" Search Box
- Added Change Log (Release Notes) to Settings
- Added Useful Links to Settings