A growing shopping mart needs to manage their inventory, create a backend application to be utilized by a frontend developer
- Admin/Salesperson should be able to login
- Admin should be able to add inventory
- Sales person should be able to view and order inventory
- Security
- Scalability
- Consistency
- Testing
The essense of this challenge is to understand the approach you take to:
- Using an ORM to interact with a simple database model
- Creating a basic routing mechanism for HTTP requests
- Authenticating a user’s access to a route
- Responding to a request in a consistent and logical manner
- Testing your work.
- Create a repository on Github called
SCAMP Assesment
- Push your project to the github repo created
- Include your setup instructions on your README doc
- Documentation URL (optional)
- submit your project github URL on the application form here: https://bit.ly/SCA-mentee-C4
Good luck!