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Sergey 533 edited this page Jun 30, 2015 · 7 revisions


The tool is distributed as portable package, so just download the latest tarball from Downloads section, extract, configure, compile, and install:

$ tar -xzvf slowhttptest-x.x.tar.gz

$ cd slowhttptest-x.x

$ ./configure --prefix=PREFIX

$ make

$ sudo make install

Where PREFIX must be replaced with the absolute path where slowhttptest tool should be installed.

You need libssl-dev to be installed to successfully compile the tool. Most systems would have it.


Mac OS X

Using Homebrew: brew update && brew install slowhttptest


Try your favorite package manager, some of them are aware of slowhttptest.


Tool works out-of-the-box with default parameters, which are harmless and most likely will not cause a Denial of Service. Type

$ PREFIX/bin/slowhttptest

and test begins with the following default parameters:

test type SLOW HEADERS
number of connections 50
URL http://localhost/
verb GET
interval between follow up data 10 seconds
connections per second 50
test duration 240 seconds
probe connection timeout 5 seconds
max length of followup data field 32 bytes

Every connection generates an initial request containing:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:80
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2)

Where user-agent is being randomly picked from hard-coded list of user-agent strings, and remains the same for entire test.

Then, every 10 seconds a follow up header with random name and value each not greater than 32 bytes is being sent:

X-HMzV2bwpzQw9jU9fGjIJyZRknd7Sa54J: u6RrIoLRrte4QV92yojeewiuDa9BL2N7
. 10 seconds
X-nq0HRGnv1W: T5dSL
. 10 seconds
X-iFrjuN: PdR7Jcj27P

Repeated until server closes the connection or test hits time limit, 240 seconds in this case. There is a Probe socket, which connects every second and takes a probe of web server availability by sending complete GET request. If server responds within probe connection timeout interval (specified by -p argument), server is considered available, otherwise it's considered DoSed. Default value of 5 seconds might be not enough for slow servers, or if SSL connection is being used, so appropriate value should be around average response time of the server.

Full list of configurable options is the following:

-a start start value of ranges-specifier for range header test
-b bytes limit of range-specifier for range header test
-c number of connections limited to 65539
-d proxy host:port for directing all traffic through web proxy
-e proxy host:port for directing only probe traffic through web proxy
-H, B, R or X specify to slow down in headers section or in message body, -R enables range test, -X enables slow read test
-g generate statistics in CSV and HTML formats, pattern is slow_xxx.csv/html, where xxx is the time and date
-i seconds interval between follow up data in seconds, per connection
-k pipeline factor number of times to repeat the request in the same connection for slow read test if server supports HTTP pipe-lining.
-l seconds test duration in seconds
-n seconds interval between read operations from receive buffer
-o file custom output file path and/or name, effective if -g is specified
-p seconds timeout to wait for HTTP response on probe connection, after which server is considered inaccessible
-r connections per second connection rate
-s bytes value of Content-Length header, if -B specified
-t verb custom verb to use
-u URL target URL, the same format you type in browser, e.g https://host[:port]/
-v level verbosity level of log 0-4
-w bytes start of range the advertised window size would be picked from
-x bytes max length of follow up data
-y bytes end of range the advertised window size would be picked from
-z bytes bytes to read from receive buffer with single read() operation

Example of usage in slow message body mode:

./slowhttptest -c 1000 -B -g -o my_body_stats -i 110 -r 200 -s 8192 -t FAKEVERB -u https://myseceureserver/resources/loginform.html -x 10 -p 3

Example of usage in slowloris mode:

./slowhttptest -c 1000 -H -g -o my_header_stats -i 10 -r 200 -t GET -u https://myseceureserver/resources/index.html -x 24 -p 3

Example of usage in slow read mode with probing through proxy at x.x.x.x:8080 to have website availability from IP different than yours:

./slowhttptest -c 1000 -X -r 1000 -w 10 -y 20 -n 5 -z 32 -u http://someserver/somebigresource -p 5 -l 350 -e x.x.x.x:8080


Depends on verbosity level, output can be either as simple as heartbeat message generated every 5 seconds showing status of connections with verbosity level 1, or full traffic dump with verbosity level 4.

-g option would generate both CSV file and interactive HTML based on Google Chart Tools.

Here is a sample screenshot of generated HTML page

that contains graphically represented connections states and server availability intervals, and gives the picture on how particular server behaves under specific load within given time frame.

CSV file can be used as data source for your favorite chart building tool, like MS Excel, iWork Numbers, or Google Docs.

Last message you'll see is the exit status that hints for possible possible program termination reasons:

"Hit test time limit" program reached the time limit specified with -l argument
"No open connections left" peer closed all connections
"Cannot establish connection" no connections were established during first N seconds of the test, where N is either value of -i argument, or 10, if not specified. This would happen if there is no route to host or remote peer is down
"Connection refused" remote peer doesn't accept connections (from you only? Use proxy to probe) on specified port
"Cancelled by user" you pressed Ctrl-C or sent SIGINT in some other way
"Unexpected error" should never happen
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