Chilly Rose Hornet
The ERC20Incentive::drawRaffle
function does not check the status of the safeTransfer
call. Although safeTransfer is designed to revert on failure, it is a best practice to explicitly check the return status to ensure that the transfer was successful. Failure to do so can lead to unnoticed failed transfers, causing inconsistencies in the contract state.
The function does not verify the success of the safeTransfer
call. This oversight can result in failed transfers going unnoticed, leading to potential inconsistencies in the contract state.
If the safeTransfer
call fails and the failure is not explicitly checked, the contract may proceed as if the transfer was successful, which can cause discrepancies in the contract's state, leading to financial losses or incorrect data being stored.
This test case demonstrates the vulnerability by mocking a failed transfer and showing that the Claimed event is still emitted.
const { expect } = require("chai");
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
describe("Raffle Contract", function () {
let Raffle, raffle, owner, addr1, addr2, asset;
beforeEach(async function () {
[owner, addr1, addr2, ...addrs] = await ethers.getSigners();
const Asset = await ethers.getContractFactory("MockERC20");
asset = await Asset.deploy("Mock Asset", "MA", 1000);
await asset.deployed();
Raffle = await ethers.getContractFactory("Raffle");
raffle = await Raffle.deploy(asset.address, 100);
await raffle.deployed();
it("Should emit Claimed event even if transfer fails", async function () {
// Add entries
await raffle.connect(owner).addEntry(addr1.address);
await raffle.connect(owner).addEntry(addr2.address);
// Set strategy to RAFFLE
await raffle.connect(owner).setStrategy(1); // Assuming 1 is RAFFLE
// Mock transfer to fail by not approving the raffle contract to transfer tokens
await asset.connect(owner).approve(raffle.address, 0);
// Draw raffle and expect the Claimed event to be emitted despite transfer failure
await expect(raffle.connect(owner).drawRaffle())
.to.emit(raffle, "Claimed")
.withArgs(addr1.address, ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["address", "address", "uint256"], [asset.address, addr1.address, 100]));
Manual Review
Explicitly check the return status of the safeTransfer
call and handle any failures appropriately.