- Create private discussion group.
- Chat, just like Stack Overflow, that only users with a certain reputation may participate in or any registered member can join.
- Sending private messages between registered members, and email notification when a private message is received.
- Automatic private message to users upon successful email activation.
- Moderator on 500 points.
- Restore previous versions of question.
- Test series implementation.
- Sorting by activity, votes and sorting of answers.
- Question posting.
- Answer posting.
- Comment posting on either.
- Syntax highlighting and image upload in questions, answers or comments.
- Voting on answers and questions.
- Editing questions, answers and comments.
- Accepting answers.
- Profile page.
- Unanswered url.
- Showing views using very simple algorithm which people may not like.
- Reputation system.
- 1 point for asking question
- 1 point for doing voting up -1 for down.
- 2 points for getting vote up -2 for down.
- 1 point for editing.
- 10 points for accepted answer
- 2 points for accepting answer.
- 4 points for answering.
- Making questions favorite for one user.
- Search on question title/contents using Google's custom search. Note that crawler crawls depending upon activity so new stuff wont reflect immediately.
- Simple tags display.
- Users page.
- Simple count of questions, answers, tags and users.
- Popular tags display on main page in side bar.
- Code attachments also .zip source attachments up to 2MB.
- Atom feed for questions.
- OpenID integration.(take care of GET of create_profile)
- Email notification at registration.
- Flagging inappropriate questions, answers and comments.
- Banning/unbanning users.
- Tag wiki implementation.
- Reset password.
- Complete Markdown help with MathJax coverage and some detailed documentation on how to use MathJax.
- Stop brute force password attack.
- Configurable no. of questions, answers, comments from one user per min, hour and day etc. This feature is needed to abuse from automated spam. It is done in a very bad now but can be improved easily later. For now it should work for normal operating conditions on a normal QA forum. (This is held back even though code was written. It needs more testing in an automated fashion.)
- Flash messages for user feedback.
- Error pages are there.
- File based rotated logging.
- Automatic private message to users upon registration.
- "Similar question" feature just like Stack Overflow.
- Search using Elasticsearch.
- Similar questions.
- Following questions, tags and users. As of now if user is involved in a question you will get an email if something happens in that question. For tags and users implementation will come as more content and users come.
- Memcached implementation is not needed as couchbase is very fast for key based access and almost entire code related to database has been changed for this.
- Admin can create an announcement post that is then broadcast by email to all registered users. Give users the option to opt out of such messages from their profile page.
- Admin can send bulk email or private messages to members.
- Users can receive an email when someone quotes them, replies to their posts, or mentions their @username. (@username is not done because sometimes last name is missing and anyway user involved in a question will get an email.)
- Related questions tag that embeds related questions at the end of a discussion.
- Users can send invitation emails from their profile page.
- Preview of questions on mouse hover on links on home page of questions.
- Test series creation for objective questions. (Generating tests to be done.)
- Tag suggestion(autocomplete).
- Bookmarking questions and view on profile.
- Skills and endorsements on profile page.
- Images are now stored as base64 strings in database for distributed storage.
- Articles are now implemented.
- Tags in meta for questions and articles page.
- Ability to take site offline (maintenance mode).
- Questions are versioned now. Every edit creates a new version.(restore to be done.)
- Sitemap generation
- Drafts feature for article authors.
- Visual notification of new questions/comments/answers when a user is browsing any part of the forum. e.g "A new question/comment/answer has been posted, click here to read it." Or "4 new questions/comments/answers have just been posted. Click here to read them."
- Question, answers and comments should be editable only by poster.
- Inappropriate question, answer or comment can be hidden.