* $ mkdir folder-name{1..50} # {} encloses a range and creates 50 folder in linux
* $ useradd user-name # Creates a new user
* $ pinky # shows information of all available users
* $ rm -f # Forcefully remove files
* $ rm -fv # forcefully remove file with an action responding work done
* press F2 # used to rename a file
* $ cal September 1752 # shows september calendar with dates missing from 3 to 13
* $ date +%Y # Current year
* $ date +%A # Current Weekday
* $ date +%T # Current Time
* $ date --help # all options available with date command
* $ cal -j # Shows Julean Calendar
* $ bc # opens a calculator
* $ ls -F # check which is folder and which is file in a directory
* $ mkdir -p folder1/folder2 # both folders will be created together
* $ rm -rf pi* # deletes all folders starting with 'pi' , use anything instead of 'pi'
* $ su # switch users through command line
* $ uname #name of the kernel used in OS
* $ uname -r # version of the currently used kernel
* $ strace date # S stand for system, it shows the background functioning of command (system call)
* $ shell-name # it changes the shell currently being used, and to close just type exit
* $ cat # it is file viewer
* $ uptime # Details about time since when last logined
* $ !history-number # history-number represents the sequence number of command in history and it runs the command again
* $ !starting-text-of-command(bottom-up approach) #same as above
* $ echo variable-name # if variable is not existing , it gives blank without error
* $ echo $ SHELL # predefined variable to show shell name
* $ echo $ USER # predefined variable to show logged in user
* $ echo $ LANG # shows default system language
* $ echo $ HISTSIZE # no of history commands that can be saved
* $ echo $ HISTFILE # storage location of history file
* $ PSI="Pykid : -- > " # inside " " anything can be written and it will be seen as written in terminal left side
* $ env # shows all primitive/predefined commands
* $ alias variable-name='command' # used to create alias / alternative of any command
* $ source path-of-file # it merges any new changes made outside of terminal
* $ tput bold # change text inside Terminal to bold
* $ tput setab 3 # changes background color of terminal
* $ script -t 2>script-name.txt # stores all actions performed in a script file
* $ scriptreplay script-name # replays all commands made on terminal
* $ which and $ whereis # shows tthe stored path for any software or file
* $ echo $PATH # gives the path of various directories where primitive commands are stored
(Director1 : Directory2 : DirectoryN)
* $ wc -l file-name.extension # count no. of line in file
* $ wc -w file-name.extension # count no. of words in file
* $ wc -c file-name.extension # count no. of characters in file
* $ grep search-text where-to-search # finds the text with similar pattern
* $ grep -i search-text where-to-search # finds the text (Non-Case Sensitive)
* $ grep -w search-text where-to-search # find the text with exact word
* $ grep -v search-text where-to-search # find the text that doesn't match the search-text
* $ head -n file-name # extracts n lines from top of file
* $ tail -n file-name # extracts n lines from bottom of file
* $ `command`file-name.txt # back quotes make command work if no space is given
* $ tar -cvf new-file.tar file-name.extension # c - create ; v - visual ; f - forcefully , creates a archive
* $ ls -lh # shows file size in respective formats (kb/mb/gb)
* $ ls -l # shows file info ( size, permissions, name) , size in kb
* $ tar -tvf new-file.tar file-name.extension # shows the files present in archive
* $ tar -xvf new-file.tar # extracts all files out of tar/archive
* $ tar -czvf new.tar.gz file1.ext file2.ext # z- gzip , it commpreses the large files into size of Kbs
* $ chmod 400 file-name.extension # Secures the file from public
* $ ssh user-name@IP # To connect to IP of different instance
* $ ssh -i key-path user-name@IP # red hat command to connect to cloud instance
* $ sudo -i # switch user to root without password when connected to cloud instance
* $ passwd user-name # give password to a user
* $ userdel -r user-name # removes user, -r removes all data stored by user being removed
* $ adduser user-name # add user in ubuntu OS
* $ id -u # shows the id of user
* $ lpr file-name # used to print files
* $ ls -ld # shows inode table of directory itself
* $ ls -ild # shows inode number of directory
* $ ls -l # shows inode table of files inside a directory
* $ chgrp grp-name # create a group
* $ chgrp grp-name directory-path # changes creators name to group name
* $ chown owner-name new-name # change owner name
* $ useradd -G grp-name user-name # add a user to existing group
* $ usermod grp-name user-name # add a user to existing group if user already exists
* lsblk # shows partitions and hard disks in red Redhat
* fdisk -l # shows partitions in present hard-disk
* $ setfacl -b file.ext # Remove all ACL permissions
* $ setfacl -x u:user-name file.ext # Remove single user ACL
* $ yum provides package-name # it tells us which repo provides the specific package
* $ yum reinstall package-name #reinstalls the specified package
* $ fdisk -l # no of hdd attached to linux
* $ fdisk -l disk-name # shows only the hdd with disk-name given
* fdisk disk-name # enter in the disk
* mkfs.xfs partition-name # mkfs - > make file system , xfs - > supportable format
* $ df # disk free , shows the path of new partition or HDD mounted on OS
* $ df -h # path of new partitions in human readable format
* $ df -hT # shows format type
* $ rpm -q package-name # package available to in system
* $ rpm -qc package-name # query configuration
* $ systemctl start package-name # start the service of your package
* $ systemctl status package-name # check the status of your services
* $ tac file-name.txt # reverse the order of reading from bottom to top
* $ rev file-name.txt # reverse the words in file reading from top to bottom
* $ qrencode -s 16x16 -o file-name.png web-site-link # Creates a QR code for the websites, -o shows output to save
* $ systemctl enable docker # start the docker each time OS
* $ systemctl start docker # initiate docker
* $ docker ps # shows running iso file
* $ docker ps -a # shows all containers running or shut-down
* $ docker ps -qa # shows all id's of all pre-made containers
* $ docker rm $(docker ps -qa) # delete all the containers
* $ docker tag old-iso-name new-iso-name # make a copy of old-iso image with a new name with same id
* $ docker rmi docker-image-tag # removes the docker image with tag provided
* $ docker inspect elated_yonath # gives details about docker from which we can get ip
* $ kill -s STOP 'pidof firefox' # used to send a process of firefoox in pause state
* $ kill -s CONT 'pidof firefox' # it will resume the state of firefoox
* $ docker run -itd docker-image process -name # d - > dettach, run the container but user doesn't login to container instead container moves to background
* $ docker stop container-id # to stop a running containers
* To clear cache memory of system run command
sync; echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
* $ mount -o remount,rw / # if opens read only mode in emergency mode
* $ dhclient -r # to remove previous dhcp state
* $ dhclient -v br0 # to restart dhcp client and provide with dhcp service to local system
* $ nmtui # it opens network ip allocation GUI
- fdisk -l # to check your attached volume are attached properly
- Create virtual HDD by
- creating a physical volume by run the Command
$ pvcreate disk-name-1 disk-name-2
- run Command - provides a name to virtual group
$ vgcreate virtual-hard-disk-name /dev/hdd-name1 /dev/hdd-name2..
- to display the created hdd , run Command
$ vgdisplay virtual-hdd-name
- finally create a LVM
$ lvcreate --name lv-name --size size-name virt-hdd-name
- to check final virtual group status run
$ lvdisplay
- now you can create partition and use HDD
- LVM stands for Logical Volume Manager
- -l extents - > it is used to provide size in terms of extents
lvcreate --name tech -l 30 vg-name
- to display the content of lvm in short use
- to give a physical extent size to vg group usw
vgcreate -s 16M vg-name hdd-name1 hdd-name2
- It works on thin provision
- It allocates memory on run time
filesystem can be created from single Pool- it formats the filesystem as well
- dm-raid - > handles the system output in terms of storage
- maximum size of Pool can be only 1 terabyte
- Block-Devices refers to the hard disk
- By default it works over xfs only
- it requires package
stratisd and stratis-cli
- to get local repo for rhel8
- start its services by
systemctl start stratisd.service
systemctl enable stratisd.service
- to create a Pool
stratis pool create pool-name Block-device-name1 block-device-name2
- to check Pool
stratis pool list
- to check block devices attached
stratis blockdev list
- to create filesystem
stratis filesystem create name-of-pool-to-use filesystem-name1
- to mount you can use Device name1
mount /stratis/pool-name/file-name /mnt/folder-name1
- to extend pool storage / or attach another HDD
stratis pool add-data pool-name disk-name
- its fstab should be written as such that first stratis service should be up then only mount the device
device-path mount-folder-path format defaults,x-systemd.requires=stratisd.service 0 0
in format 0 0 defines backup and protection by company default structure
To create a snapshot(backup) of filesystem
stratis filesystem snapshot pool-name filesystem-name-to-make-snapshot-of file-name-of-snapshot
stratis filesystem snapshot pool1 file1 snap1
- to find the created list of snapshots
stratis filesystem list
- a snapshot is a copy of file system which can be allocated anywhere and it takes size from pool (maybe not sure)
- for ubuntu ( sudo apt-get install kernel-nfs-server)
- for rhel ( sudo yum install nfs-utils )
- Create a directory to use as nfs ( mkdir /shareable-directory)
vi /etc/exports
directory-path ip-to-allow-to-connect(rw or ro,no_root_squash)exportfs -r
# it makes all files shareable on server, basically reloads the exports filechmod 757 directory-path
- showmount -e ip-of-server ( All traffic should be open )
showmount -e server-ip
mount server-ip:directory-path directory-path-to-mount-on
entry in fstab
source-ip:directory-path where-to-mount nfs _netdev 0 0
ifnet is the private ip
lancard of ethernet is eno1
lancard of wifi is wl
bridgecard is br0
in exam many things are configured on br0
Fixing an IP is termed as static ip
- ping ip-address -> find a ip which shows Destination Host Unreachable
- ping server-name (if not possible then set in resolv.conf )
- set ip not reachable
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
- name of file in this directory should be ifcfg-lan_card_name
example ifcfg-eth0
- vi ifcfg-etho
- change BOOTPROTO="static"
- NAME = "lan-card-name"
- ONBOOT = "yes"
- in last line
IPADDR= DNS= (server will be given,name-server/domain-name-server) NETMASK= - > single public ip (can be taken from ifconfig) GATEWAY= (ip to communicates with outside world)
- route -n # shows the values of kernel ip routing table
- means anywhere
- run command
systemctl restart network-online.target
- after configuration, reboot which must show the set ip
- resolv.conf - > gives ip from name
- after setting static ip
- open
- nameserver ip-address-of-eth0
- NTP is configured for security purpose
- The time of server and local machine should be similar to be able to work upon somekind of network
- it is used by package called
- in conf file of chrony
, enter
server adhocnw.example.com
- restart service
systemctl restart chronyd
- enable the service
systemctl enable chronyd
- to check the server information
chronyc sourcestats
- offset -> in how much time it synchronises the time with server
- to get complete info
chronyc tracking
- official website of ntp : www.pool.ntp.org
- hard-disk can be used as a RAM
- swap memory - > using the hard-disk partition as a RAM
- to check swap
free -m
- RAM 2G - > SWAP 2G
- RAM 8G -> SWAP 4G
* make partition
* mkswap hdd-name
* To start swap ```swapon hdd-name```
* To stop swap ```swapoff hdd-name```
* make it permanent using UUID
UUID swap swap defaults 0 0
* ```swapon -a``` to mount fstab entry
* To create data lots of data (kachra)
1. of = output file
2. bs = blocksize
3. count = no of blocks
dd if=/dev/urandom of=file-name bs=10M count=100
* to extend lvm size with format extension as well
lvextend --size +1G /dev/vggroup-name/lv-name -r
* to increase the format size of lvm , if partition is already formatted with xfs
xfs_growfs # only for xfs type
* to increase the format size of any format
resize2f lvm-name
- For tunning purpose of machine
- Create a repo
[a] baseurl= gpgcheck=0 [b] baseurl= gpgcheck=0
2. yum install tuned
* to check current administrator
tuned-adm active
* start the tuned services ``` systemctl start tuned```
* to get best adm ```tuned-adm recommended```
* to change adm ```tuned-adm profile name-of-list```
# Nice & Renice
1. nice is for giving Performance options to some task
2. if a new process starts it can be started with nice to provide with efficient performance resources ```nice -n -value process-name```
3. if process is already i action then renice command can be used ```renice -n -value process-id```
4. -20 stands for highest performance and +19 for lowest
5. ```ps -xl``` shows process list where NI is for Nice
6. To change nice value
7. Usage with respect to CPU can be checked
ps -aux --sort=pcpu
## In exam , two virual machines will be provided , so perform tasks as specified
* 122 is ip given by virtual machine when its connected with Base OS and its not accessible to all world
* World cannot directly access virtual machine , the network is accessed through Base OS
* always create password through ```passwd``` command only -- no reason
* crontab doesn't show actions or output of some command on terminal so it can be checked using I/O redirection
* ```watch date``` is command to start clock
* always restart service after changing config file of any services
* to install new kernel
rpm -ivh ftp-address-of-kernel-location i - > install , u - > update
* kernel installation process takes time so when this command is run ... wait until hostname is available to you by default ```ctrl C``` is prohibited in this action
* to check kernel when reboot is done .... more then 2 lines will be seen for kernel
* selinux is always updated only after reboot
* after reboot selinux relabels all files and gets persistent
## Enable IP Forwarding
* It is a feature of router with help of which ip of different series are able to communicate with each other
* two lan cards can communicate with each other when its ON
* run command
sysctl -a | grep -i ip_fo
* set net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
* to make ip forwarding permanent,open
vim /etc/sysctl.conf
* write at end of sysctl.conf file
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
* to load new settings - > reads the sysctl.conf file and updates
sysctl -p
* 0 - > Disable 1 - > Enable
* to set it temporarily
sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
## Archive
* for gzip --z --gz
tar -cvzf file.tar.gz file-to-make-tar
* for bzip2
tar -cjvf file.tar.bz2 folder-name
* for xz
tar -cJvf file.tar.xz folder-name
* to decompress files elsewhere, copy the tar in that directory and decompress it by
tar -xvf tar-name
* to decompress at certain path
tar -xvf tar-name -C path-name
## VDO -> Virtual Data Optimizer
* Minimum space requires = 15 to 20 GB
* maintins the copy of two or more copies
* the virtual size remains same and not increases even if same file is copied in the same folder again and again
* it is a optimizer and maintains if data is not duplicated
* for repo requires
baseurl=AppStream and BaseOS
* repo link will be provided by the examiner
* for installation
yum install vdo kmod-kvdo
* it is not a service
* to create a vdo
vdo create --name=vdo1 --device=/dev/vda --vdoLogicalSize=50G
* logical size can be greater then actual block device
* it is an dev mapper technology device <b>DM</b>
* to get information about vdo device
vdo status --name=particular-vdo-name
* to get all vdo devices list
vdo status
* to get list of vdo devices, uses 4GB for meta-data
vdostats --human-readable
* saving % denotes the amount of duplicated data
* to format
mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/vdo1
* for mounting
mount /dev/mapper/vdo-name path-to-mount
* for fstab entry ,
/dev/mapper/vdo1 path-to-mount xfs defaults,x-systemd.requires=vdo.service 0 0
## AutoFs
* NFS -> Network File System is a object storage over the internet or intranet
* AutoFs is used to remove the mounting problem of Fstab raised for 1000 of users working in same community/organization
* to install Autofs
yum install autofs
* to start service
service autofs restart
* to view mount points
service autofs status
* after installing Autofs, we are provided with 2 files named
1. /etc/auto.master
2. /etc/auto.misc
* If you modify the /etc/auto.master configuration file while autofs is running, you must tell the automount daemon(s) to reload by
service autofs reload
* Work of autofs is done over a user server where N users can connect (using something like ssh) and access the NFS shared by main server
* You can also examine the ```/etc/rmtab``` file on the server to see how frequently its clients are mounting and unmounting automounted filesystems. When a filesystem is mounted, an entry is added to the ```/etc/rmtab file```
## Server Side
* create a nfs directory , add path is exports and make it shareable by ```exportfs -r```
* ```showmount -e ip-address``` will show the shareable directory path
## Client-Server Side
* Entry in auto.misc is something like
subdirectory-to-create-when-user-logs-in -fstype=nfs,rw,vers=3 server-ip/nameserver:path-of-nfs-to-mount
mynfs-directory -fstype=nfs,rw,vers=3 adhoc.example.com:/mnt/share
* This subdirectory is created dynamically by automount. It should not actually exist on the client machine.
* Entry in auto.master is something like
directory-to-mount-on /etc/auto.misc --timeout 60
* Base OS = 7.5
* make sure to use base OS properly
* two OS will be provided one for partition problems, one for other
* names of virtual machines - > station1,station2 or node1,node2 or machine1,machine2 or system2,system4
2. <b> IP ADDRESS </b>
* series netmask
* partition setup to be done ---- IP not to be set
* Non partition ---- IP set
* just reverse for password break
* ifconfig not working , its replacement is ```ip a```
* there will be no ifcfg-eno1 file ---check the same file in your base OS
* SET IP Address graphically
1. in terminal if we run ```startx``` command GUI will be opened
2. open wired setting
3. click on + in wired
4. check on manual
5. Move top IPv4 and set all details
6. reboot