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The problem is always the same. You create an application and need to connect it to your API. That means you need to think about caches, cache invalidation, request lifecycles and more. The kraken helps you to focus on what is really important: everything else but that. This library takes your types (e.g. users) and creates everything that is needed to manage the data. All you need to care about is from where and when to fetch.

kraken is built on top of Redux and redux-saga and connects to your React components.


Install the @signavio/kraken module and its peer depedencies:

# using npm
npm install --save @signavio/kraken react redux react-redux redux-saga normalizr

# using yarn
yarn add @signavio/kraken react redux react-redux redux-saga normalizr


@signavio/kraken provides you with the building blocks to connect React components to your backend API. Instead of using the kraken directly from your application, you are supposed to create wrapper module that defines the API types for application based upon the functionality this library provides. The main export of the kraken is a creator function that takes your custom type definitions as an argument and returns a ready-to-use module for connecting to your API.

API Types

The core idea of the library is that you can split you API into different types. Each type must export a certain set of attributes. These contain descriptions about the structure of each type and also methods to read, create or modify an instance of that type.

Attribute Required Description
schema true A normalizr schema that is used to store and access your data.
collection true Identifier where all retrieved instances for that type will be stored.
(callApi, apiBase) => fetch(query, body, requestParams) false A method that takes a custom set of properties and maps it to a call of callAPI to retrieve data from your backend.
(callApi, apiBase) => create(query, body, requestParams) false Function that describes how an instance is created.
(callApi, apiBase) => update(query, body, requestParams) false Function that describes how an instance is updaetd.
(callApi, apiBase) => remove(query, body, requestParams) false Function that describes how an instance is removed.
cachePolicy false The cache policy that should be used for that type. See cache policies for the possible options.

callApi(fullUrl, schema[, options])

For every method you implement (i.e. fetch, create, update, remove) the callAPI method will be injected and must be called in the end. It requires the two parameters fullUrl and schema and accepts extra options through the third parameter options.


The URL to which the request is sent.


The normalizr for the concerned API type.


A set of extra parameters that are also understood by fetch (the browser fetch method).


import { schema as schemas } from 'normalizr'

export const collection = 'users'
export const schema = new schemas.Entity(collection)

export const fetch = callApi => ({ id }) => callApi(`users/${id}`, schema)
export const create = callApi => (_, body) =>
  callApi('users', schema, { method: 'POST', body })
export const update = callApi => ({ id }, body) =>
  callApi(`users/${id}`, schema, { method: 'PUT', body })
export const remove = callApi => ({ id }) =>
  callApi(`users/${id}`, schema, { method: 'DELETE' })

In the example above we created a user type. It defines its collection as users since it makes sense to store all fetched users together in a large user database. Based on the collection we can create an Entity schema that describes a user. As we only want to be able to fetch users for now, we only need to define the fetch method. fetch will then map the id of a user to an API call at /users/{id}.

Exporting the pre-configured API module

After you have declared your types you can use the creator function, the default export of the kraken, to initialize your pre-configured API module. The rest of your application should never have use the kraken directly, but only ever interact with the pre-configured API module. To create your custom API module using your types, you will need some glue code similar to the following snippet:

import { mapValues } from 'lodash'

import creator, { promise, actionTypes } from '@signavio/kraken'

// These are the types you have declared
import apiTypes from './types'

const { connect, saga, reducer } = creator(apiTypes)

// create a set of keys for all the types you have declared
const types = mapValues(apiTypes, (definition, key) => key)

export { connect, types }

Whenever you use this library to access a resource using you API, you will need to provide the identifying key of the respective type you want to access. As a safeguard against nasty errors caused by typos in type references it is advisable to export the type keys as string constants that can be imported from any component module you want to connect to the API.

Integrating the API module in your application

The kraken uses redux and redux-saga under the hood to manage the cache state. To integrate it in an existing redux application you basically have to follow two steps:

Apply saga middleware

Apply redux-saga's sagaMiddleware to your redux store and use it to run the saga returned by the creator function.

Hook in cache reducer

The kraken expects to find its state under the key kraken in the redux store. Use combineReducers to hook the reducer returned by the creator function under the kraken key in your root reducer.

If your application is not using redux yet, you can hide this integration complexity inside the pre-configured API module by additionally exporting an ApiProvider component which provides the minimal setup:

import React from 'react'
import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'

// These are the configured API building blocks returned by the kraken `creator` call
import { reducer, saga } from '../configuredApi'

// Create the saga middleware
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()

// Mount it on the Store
const store = createStore(
  combineReducers({ cache: reducer }),

// Then run your pre-configured API saga, store.getState)

// Export a provider component wrapping the redux Provider
const ApiProvider = ({ children }) => (
  <Provider store={store}>{children}</Provider>

export default ApiProvider

Connecting your components

Once you have finished the setup and declared your types, you can start using your API methods in your comopnents. connect is a higher-order component creator, which you can use to connect React components to your API.

import { connect, types } from 'your-api'

function User({ userFetch }) {
  if (userFetch.pending) {
    return <div>Loading user...</div>

  if (userFetch.rejected) {
    return (
        Could not fetch user:
        <br />

  const user = userFetch.value

  return (
      {user.firstName} {user.lastName}

const enhance = connect(({ value }) => ({
  userFetch: {
    type: types.USER,
    id: value,

export default enhance(User)

As you can see using the connect method requires minimal setup. Also in this case we didn't have to state that we want to fetch as this is the default action. When we enhance a component using connect we can hook it up to as many API resources as we want to. In this example we only used the user resource and created a new prop userFetch that represents the API request. You include certain configuration options to get more power over when and how requests go out.

Option Default Required Description
type undefined true The API type which is concered.
query undefined false An object of query parameters.
refresh . undefined false Compares the old value with the new value to determine if a fresh request should be made.
requestParams undefined false An object of extra parameters to tell different requests apart.
id undefined false Shortcut to provide an ID query parameter, id: 1 is equivalent to query: { id: 1 }
method fetch false Either one of fetch, create, update, or remove.
lazy false false Only useful in combination with method: 'fetch'. Per default, the resource is fetched on component mount. Set lazy: true to not fetch on mount.
denormalize false false Inline all referenced data into the injected prop.

Notes on using denormalize: true

In most scenarios you will not need to use this. If you choose to use it, do so with caution.

By default the injected value prop will be normalized according to the schema you have defined for your api types. This means that even if your server response inlines data for referenced entities, you will only have access to the id property of any referenced entity. In a lot of cases this will be absolutely fine, since different data is probably handled by different UI components that can be connected to kraken respectively. However, in some rare cases you might need to access the referenced data right away. In these circumstances you can pass denormalize: true. The injected value will then be denormalized and contain all nested or referenced data. If you choose to do so be advised that the injected props will change on every render - even when your state does not change. This is due to the fact, that kraken can no longer know exactly where different parts of the state are being used. If you want to optimise for the least number of re-renders, you need to implement shouldComponentUpdate on your own in these cases.

Injected props

For every key returned by the function passed to connect, a prop with that name will be passed down to the wrapped component. This prop will be a function that you can call to trigger the request. While fetch requests will be triggered automatically on component mount, the requests for all other methods will not be dispatched until you call the injected function prop. The argument you provide in this call will be passed as second argument to the respective type's method implemention and is usually used as request body.

The function type props passed to your wrapped component carry additional properties. (JavaScript allows to assign properties to functions, too.) You can read these properties to render different stuff at different request lifecycle states.

When connect creates such a promise-like prop it adds certain lifecycle information that can be used to render a resource.

Name Type Description
value any The response value. It will only be set if fullfilled === true.
pending boolean true when the request is sent out but has not returned yet. false otherwise.
fullfilled boolean true when the last request returned without error. false otherwise.
rejected boolean true when the last request returned with errors. false otherwise.
reason string When rejected is true, we try to include the error message we got from the server in this property.
responseHeaders Headers The Fetch API's response Headers object, only returned when fullfilled is true.

Cache Policies

kraken builds up a cache of your data. When you integrate kraken into your app you might want to change how certain data is handled during its lifecycle. To activate a cache policy you need to export it under the key cachePolicy in your api type definition file (where you also define the schema, etc.).

In order to do this we provide some prebuild cache policies and also allow you to create your own.

Query from cache (cachePolicies.queryFromCache)

This policy is mainly used as an optimistic create. It will enhance request results with data that is already present in the cache. By doing so a promise prop will already have a value attribute even when the request didn't return yet from the server. The objects from the cache will be filtered by using the query option that was set inside the connect call.

// type definition
import { cachePolicies } from '@signavio/kraken'

export const cachePolicy = cachePolicies.queryFromCache

// component

const AddUser = ({ createUser }) => (
  <button onClick={() => createUser({ fullName: 'John Doe' })}>
      ? `Creating: ${createUser.value.fullName}`
      : 'Create new user'}

const enhance = connect(() => ({
  createUser: {
    type: types.USER,
    method: 'create',

export default enhance(AddUser)

In the example above the type declared that the queryFromCache policy should be used. Now the moment the createUser method is called the value will be available on the promise prop. This way, we can already use the value on the promise prop to show the fullName of the user even though the server didn't return a response yet.


In order for this mechanism to work the query params you specify must match attributes on the actual entities.

Optimistic remove (cachePolicies.optimisticRemove)

This policy is active by default for all Entity types

Using this policy you can specify that entities are removed when the remove action is dispatched.


In order for this mechanism to work the query params you specify must match attributes on the actual entities.

Remove references to deleted entities (cachePolicies.removeReferencesToDeletedEntities)

This policy is active by default for all Array types

If your application becomes larger then certain entities might have a relation to one another. For instance To-Dos could have assignees. The question then is, what happens when for instance the assignee for a certain To-Do is removed. By default these changes will not be reflected and you need to perform the necessary updates yourself. However, for this particular use case kraken also offers a cache policy you can use. It ensures that once an entity is deleted all references to that entity will also be cleaned up in your local state. In the To-Do example this would mean that once the assignee is deleted also the respective To-Do would no longer point to the stale id.

Adding your own cache policy

There are two possiblities to influence the cache. You can either change the request state or the entity state.

export type CachePolicyT = {
  updateRequestOnCollectionChange?: (
    apiTypes: ApiTypeMap,
    request: Request,
    collection: EntityCollectionT,
    entityType: EntityType
  ) => Request,
  updateEntitiesOnAction?: (
    apiTypes: ApiTypeMap,
    entities: EntitiesState,
    action: Action
  ) => EntitiesState,

In order to influence the entity state you can export a method under the key updateEntitiesOnAction. It will be called for every action that is executed by the entities reducer. You will get access to all the api types you have declared, the current state and also get the action that was dispatched.

If you want to influence the state of a certain request when some data changes, you need to export your policy under the key updateRequestOnCollectionChange. This method will be called for every request and will also be handed the entity collection which is influenced by the request.

To apply multiple cache policies at the same time you can use cachePolicies.compose and hand in all policies that you want to apply.


If you have any questions please talk to one of the authors or create an issue.


Feel free to submit PRs!

Every PR that adds new features or fixes a bug should include tests that cover the new code. Also the code should comply to our common code style. You can use the following commands in order to check that while you are developing.

# Install all dependencies

# Run the test suite
yarn test

# Check test coverage
yarn coverage

# Check whether you have any linting errors
yarn lint