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243 lines (180 loc) · 8.42 KB

File metadata and controls

243 lines (180 loc) · 8.42 KB




  • Async Iterator API
    • mc.iter().filter().map()...
  • New event type for Event Emitter API (chat)


  • membership in AddMembershipMilestoneItemAction and AddMembershipItemAction now becomes optional and won't raise an error when membership information lacks in those actions



  • Transcript API
    • mc.getTranscript()
  • Playlist API
    • mc.getPlaylist()
  • New: ModerationMessageAction (type: moderationMessageAction) for moderation messages for moderators
  • New: AddRedirectBannerAction (type: addRedirectBannerAction) for raid event notifications


  • Move video comments API to Masterchat class
    • mc.getComments()
  • Use direct method for hide, unhide, pin, unpin, addModerator, removeModerator and timeout
  • Add executor to MarkChatItemAsDeletedAction


  • Don't overwrite isLive unless it is undefined
  • Reintroduce timeout drift adjustment
  • Treat ERR_REQUEST_ABORTED as aborted
  • Detect being timeouted by moderator when sending a chat



  • Replace cross-fetch with axios (thanks for the review, @ricecakess)
  • Ditch timeout adjustment for performance reasons


  • authorName in addMembershipItemAction now becomes optional as we've got a report about such events (thanks @sphinxrave)



  • New: Support for Video Comment API (see MANUAL):
    • getComments for fetching video comments
    • getComment for fetching video comment by id
  • New action: MembershipGiftPurchaseAction and MembershipGiftRedemptionAction
  • New action: AddPollResultAction (separated from AddViewerEngagementMessageAction)
  • New params for AddBannerAction: viewerIsCreator, targetId


  • BREAKING: remove messageType from AddViewerEngagementMessageAction
  • BREAKING: normalize ReplaceChatItemAction.replacementItem interfaces
  • BREAKING: incompatible property name changes
    • which is actually action id has been renamed to AddBannerAction.actionId
    • now refer to chat id
  • Move cli tools (tools/) to masterchat-cli


  • Properly handle membership tickers where its content are gift purchase actions
  • AddSuperChatItemAction.authorName becomes optional (as we've observed such events)
  • Special handling for cases where addLiveChatItemAction is missing message
    • AddLiveChatItemAction.message now becomes optional (you can just ignore those anomalous events)
  • Special handling for anomalous emoji entities



  • New action: AddMembershipMilestoneItemAction. Refer to duration for a precise membership duration
  • New action: ShowPollPanelAction.
  • Add timestampColor and authorNameTextColor to SuperChat
  • New util stringify to transform YTRun[], YTRunContainer and YTSimpleText into string
  • New util formatColor to format Color into CSS rgba() or HEX string
  • New util durationToISO8601 to format duration text into ISO8601 duration string
  • New util durationToSeconds to format duration text into integer seconds
  • New util tsToDate to format timestampUsec to Date
  • New util tsToNumber to format timestampUsec to number


  • BREAKING: normalized all the raw interfaces:
    • AddBannerAction
    • AddMembershipItemAction
    • AddMembershipTickerAction
    • AddPlaceholderItemAction
    • AddSuperChatTickerAction
    • AddSuperStickerItemAction
    • AddSuperStickerTickerAction
    • AddViewerEngagementMessageAction
    • ClosePanelAction
    • ShowPanelAction
    • ShowTooltipAction
  • BREAKING: renamed ShowLiveChatActionPanelAction -> ShowPanelAction
  • BREAKING: renamed UpdateLiveChatPollAction -> UpdatePollAction
  • BREAKING: renamed CloseLiveChatActionPanelAction -> ClosePanelAction
  • DEPRECATED: AddChatItemAction.rawMessage -> AddChatItemAction.message
  • DEPRECATED: AddSuperChatItemAction.rawMessage -> AddSuperChatItemAction.message
  • DEPRECATED: props of AddSuperChatItemAction.superchat has been flattened into AddSuperChatItemAction
  • BREAKING: end event will provide a reason ('privated' | 'deleted' | 'disabled' | 'aborted' | null)
    • streamPool.on('end', (mc) => {}) -> streamPool.on('end', (reason, mc) => {})
  • BREAKING: instance will emit end instead of error in some special cases where the unrecoverable error code is either private or unavailable, and it did not occur during the first request (this usually happens when a streamer deletes or privates their live stream after the stream ends)
  • BREAKING: runsToPlainText will expand watchEndpoint when text is a fragment of URL
  • use Uint8Array instead of Buffer in protobuf lib (by @jprochazk)


  • BREAKING: remove unknown type from MasterchatError
  • Deprecate Credentials.SESSION_ID in favor of Credentials.DELEGATED_SESSION_ID


  • BREAKING: Merged MasterchatAgent into Masterchat
    • Use on and listen. iterate and fetch are still available for advanced users
  • BREAKING: new Masterchat(..., {isLive?: boolean}) -> new Masterchat(..., {mode?: "live" | "replay"})
  • Added type definition for once
  • New metadata property
  • BREAKING: Renamed MasterchatManager -> StreamPool
  • BREAKING: In StreamPool event callback, (metadata: Metadata, ...) => {} -> (..., mc: Masterchat) => {}
    • i.e. on("actions", ({ videoId }, actions) => {}) -> on("actions", (actions, { videoId }) => {})
    • e.g. on("data", (data, mc) => { if (...) { mc.stop() } })


const mc = new Masterchat(videoId, ...)

try {
  for await (const { actions } of mc.iterate()) {
    const chats = actions.filter(action => action.type === "addChatItemAction")
    if (youWant) break;
} catch(err) {


const mc = new Masterchat(videoId, ...)
  .on("chats", chats => {
    if (youWant) mc.stop();
  .on("error", err => {



  • BREAKING: emojiHandler in runsToString now takes YTEmojiRun instead of YTEmoji
  • Added textHandler option to runsToString
  • BREAKING: runsToString will expand truncated urls (by @stu43005)


  • Masterchat Agent for handling events using EventEmitter
  • Masterchat Manager for processing multiple live streams
  • Required Node.js version is now v16.6.0 or higher
  • Re-export more yt types


  • Renamed normalizedVideoId -> toVideoId
    • toVideoId will returns undefined when the given string doesn't contains any valid id pattern
  • Fix format issue in default emoji handler of runsToString


  • Support legacy pageId session (append SESSION_ID to Credentials)


  • .remove will use homebrew pb params


  • .fetch will attempt to switch an API endpoint to the replay chat if failed to fetch chats from the live chat. Explicitly set isLive option true or false when instantiating Masterchat to disable this behavior.
    • if unset,
      • live -> OK
      • archive -> first request fails, then try fetching replay chat -> OK
    • if set true:
      • live -> OK
      • archive -> throw DisabledChatError
    • if set false:
      • live -> throw DisabledChatError
      • archive -> OK
  • Supported .fetch overloading
    • .fetch(options?: FetchChatOptions)
    • .fetch(token: string, options?: FetchChatOptions)
  • Renamed SucceededChatResponse -> ChatResponse
  • Dropped ignoreReplayTimeout option from .iterate


  • credential-fetcher now supports parsing legacy session id


  • Full Protocol Buffer support
  • Use new Masterchat(videoId, channelId, {isLive}) for skipping metadata fetching. Masterchat.init(videoId) scrapes watch page in order to obtain channelId and livechat status
  • Renamed masterchat/types/... -> masterchat/yt/...
  • Renamed Masterchat.metadata.isLive -> Masterchat.isLive
  • Renamed Masterchat.metadata.channelId -> Masterchat.channelId
  • Renamed Masterchat.metadata.channelName -> Masterchat.channelName
  • Renamed Masterchat.metadata.title -> Masterchat.title
  • Removed Masterchat.isReplay


  • fetchMetadata() -> Masterchat.populateMetadata()


  • iterateChat("top" | "all") -> iterate({topChat: true|false}),
  • fetchChat({continuation}) -> fetch(b64Token) OR fetch({topChat})
  • AddSuperChatItemAction.currency always contains normalized three-letter currency code


  • Added diagnosis toolkit


  • Renamed convertRunsToString -> runsToString