Please see INSTALL
cd Surelog
If you had a previous install, remove it first:
make uninstall (PREFIX=...)
make debug
make install (/usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib/surelog by default, use PREFIX=<path> for alternative locations)
To make with Python you have to add the option to build/cmake: -DSURELOG_WITH_PYTHON=1
When in the Surelog/build directory, run one of the following:
bin/surelog -help
bin/surelog -writepp -parse ../tests/UnitElabBlock/top.v
bin/hellosureworld ../tests/UnitElabBlock/top.v -parse -mutestdout
bin/hellouhdm ../tests/OneFF/dut.v -d uhdm -d coveruhdm -elabuhdm
The CMake file
contains the instructions to create your own executable that uses the surelog library for design parsing and creation of the Design/Testbench data model. -
The source file
contains the "HelloWorld" for surelog library usage and Surelog data model browsing. -
The source file
contains the "HelloWorld" for surelog library usage and UHDM VPI data model browsing.
- Edit the grammar file in the G4 directory, test the grammar locally with the java targets:
- cd Surelog/grammar;
- Edit the following section in SV3_1aLexer.g4 for the C++ (Surelog build) or Java target (Java grammar development):
@lexer::members {
// C++ target:
bool sverilog;
// Java target:
// Boolean sverilog = true;
- ant compile_java;
- ant javac;
- ant test_pp_tokens or
- ant test_tree ... (There are several debug targets in the build.xml)
The following regression script will run all tests under tests and third_party/tests:
- cd build
- ../tests/regression.tcl
Regression options:
- regression.tcl help
- regression.tcl tests= (Tests matching regular expression)
- test= (Just that test)
- debug=<none, valgrind, ddd>
- build=<debug, release>
- mt= (Number of threads per process - regression runs 1 process at a time)
- mp= (Number of processes per test - regression runs 1 process at a time)
- large (large tests too)
- show_diff (Shows text diff)
- regression.tcl update [test=] (Updates the golden files)
- env CPUPROFILE=./prof env LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/" build/dist/Debug/surelog
- google-pprof --callgrind build/dist/Debug/surelog prof >> call
- kcachegrind call
Get Google tools:
- sudo apt-get install google-perftools graphviz
- sudo apt-get install libgoogle-perftools-dev
- sudo apt-get install gperftools
When running valgrind add the -nopython command line argument
- When submitting a source code change for review, please format your code using:
- clang-format -i -style=Google -sort-includes=false