These command can help you view your deployment in detail
- openstack orchestration template validate
ubuntu@monasca-heat:~$ openstack orchestration template validate -t autoscaling.yaml
event_sinks: []
parameter_defaults: {}
parameters: {}
resources: {}
Description: 'Example of using monasca resources for auto-scale testing. In this template,
sample scale-group is created with given nova instance to auto-scale when cpu utilization
varies between 15 to 50 percent for 3 times consequently.
Default: m1.nano
Description: Flavor for the instances to be created
Label: flavor
NoEcho: 'false'
Type: String
Description: Name or ID of the image to use for the instances.
Label: image
NoEcho: 'false'
Type: String
- Check flavor, image, and security_group IDs
- openstack stack create
ubuntu@monasca-heat:~$ openstack stack create --wait -t autoscaling.yaml --parameter image=3250d6a6-e372-4e37-8b7f-1b854ecaaa9b --parameter flavor=m1.tiny test
2019-04-11 11:35:44Z [test.scale_down_policy]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2019-04-11 11:35:44Z [test.down_notification]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state changed
2019-04-11 11:35:44Z [test.up_notification]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state changed
2019-04-11 11:35:44Z [test.down_notification]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2019-04-11 11:35:45Z [test.up_notification]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2019-04-11 11:35:45Z [test.cpu_alarm_low]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state changed
2019-04-11 11:35:45Z [test.cpu_alarm_high]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state changed
2019-04-11 11:35:45Z [test.cpu_alarm_low]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2019-04-11 11:35:45Z [test.cpu_alarm_high]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2019-04-11 11:35:45Z [test]: CREATE_COMPLETE Stack CREATE completed successfully
- openstack stack resource list
ubuntu@monasca-heat:~$ openstack stack resource list -n 7 test --max-width 120
| resource_name | physical_resource_id | resource_type | resource_status | updated_time | stack_name |
| up_notification | 141ba277-30a3-441b- | OS::Monasca::Noti | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2019-04-11T13:46: | test |
| | 8ee9-d7491fbcb755 | fication | | 45Z | |
| cpu_alarm_low | 95440854-3110-4061 | OS::Monasca::Alar | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2019-04-11T13:46: | test |
| | -affa-0d59e1f636b8 | mDefinition | | 45Z | |
| group | c6bbee22-b053-424d- | OS::Heat::AutoSca | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2019-04-11T13:46: | test |
| | af8b-bbd58313a8cd | lingGroup | | 45Z | |
| cpu_alarm_high | bb133bc4-50c9-4faa- | OS::Monasca::Alar | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2019-04-11T13:46: | test |
| | bac4-011202a04b73 | mDefinition | | 45Z | |
| down_notification | 647946a4-168f-4b7b- | OS::Monasca::Noti | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2019-04-11T13:46: | test |
| | adb8-a5b5796192c4 | fication | | 45Z | |
| scale_down_policy | 9b0fab911f664368b0f9 | OS::Heat::Scaling | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2019-04-11T13:46: | test |
| | 4a0d1979bae2 | Policy | | 45Z | |
| scale_up_policy | 12bc95dbe1104bf19674 | OS::Heat::Scaling | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2019-04-11T13:46: | test |
| | 63a6c02d67df | Policy | | 45Z | |
| fexdqohubmck | 1ba11cac-9b54-458c- | OS::Nova::Server | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2019-04-11T14:20: | test-group- |
| | aecf-b64e00941018 | | | 50Z | tnwfedco5iyy |
Note the
row, as this will be thescale_group
dimension used to group measurements -
Note the
from resources ofresource_type
"OS::Nova::Server" is the server id from Nova -
monasca alarm-definition-list
ubuntu@monasca-heat:~$ monasca alarm-definition-list
| name | id | expression | match_by | actions_enabled |
| CPU utilization less than 15 percent | 95440854-3110-4061-affa-0d59e1f636b8 | avg(cpu.utilization_perc{scale_group=fbdd8830-ba09-4b82-8afd-5307e67aefd1}) < 15 times 3 | | True |
| CPU utilization beyond 50 percent | bb133bc4-50c9-4faa-bac4-011202a04b73 | avg(cpu.utilization_perc{scale_group=fbdd8830-ba09-4b82-8afd-5307e67aefd1}) > 50 times 3 | | True |
- monasca metric-list
- monasca measurement-list
ubuntu@monasca-heat:~$ monasca measurement-list --group_by hostname --dimension scale_group=fbdd8830-ba09-4b82-8afd-5307e67aefd1 cpu.utilization_perc -3
| name | dimensions | timestamp | value | value_meta |
| cpu.utilization_perc | hostname: test-group-tnwfedco5iyy-fexdqohubmck-fkryddl4a6qp | 2019-04-19T17:10:26.395Z | 0.000 | |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:10:41.409Z | 0.000 | |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:10:56.467Z | 0.000 | |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:11:11.442Z | 0.000 | |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:11:26.457Z | 0.000 | |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:11:41.503Z | 0.000 | |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:11:56.458Z | 0.000 | |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:12:11.554Z | 0.000 | |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:12:26.515Z | 0.000 | |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:12:41.567Z | 0.000 | |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:12:56.519Z | 0.000 | |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:13:11.558Z | 0.000 | |
- monasca metric-statistics
ubuntu@monasca-heat:~$ monasca metric-statistics --dimensions scale_group=fbdd8830-ba09-4b82-8afd-5307e67aefd1 --merge_metrics --period 60 cpu.utilization_perc avg -3
| name | dimensions | timestamp | avg |
| cpu.utilization_perc | scale_group: fbdd8830-ba09-4b82-8afd-5307e67aefd1 | 2019-04-19T17:10:00Z | 0.000 |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:11:00Z | 0.000 |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:12:00Z | 0.000 |
| | | 2019-04-19T17:13:00Z | 0.000 |
- monasca alarm-list
- log in to the instance and generate load
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null
- openstack server list
- monasca metric-statistics
- monasca alarm-list
- monasca alarm-history
- Heat autoscaling template
- Monasca libvirt plugin documentation
- Monasca API reference