This contains a Vagrant setup for Kubernetes and OVN integration. This needs a minimum vagrant version of 1.8.5 and is known to atleast work on Mac, Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10.
From the cloned ovn-kubernetes repo,
- cd vagrant
Pull down Kubernetes (it's big)
- mkdir k8s
- cd k8s
- wget
- tar xvzf kubernetes.tar.gz
- ./kubernetes/cluster/
- mkdir server
- cd server
- tar xvzf ../kubernetes/server/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz
Bringup the Vagrant setup
- vagrant up
The Vagrant will create some sample yaml files for configuring a pod running Apache, as well as yaml for creating an east-west service and a north-south service. To try these out, follow these instructions.
- cd ~/k8s/server/kubernetes/server/bin
- ./kubectl create -f ~/apache-pod.yaml
- ./kubectl create -f ~/nginx-pod.yaml
- ./kubectl create -f ~/apache-e-w.yaml
- ./kubectl create -f ~/apache-n-s.yaml
You can verify the services are up and running now:
- ./kubectl get pods
- ./kubectl get svc
You can now get to the service from the host running Virtualbox by using the Nodeport and the IP (the public-ip for the master found in the vagrant/provisioning/virtualbox.conf.yml file).
- curl[nodeport]
Since the vagrant initializes gateway node on the minions too, you should be able to access the same service via the IP addresses of the minion nodes too.
- curl[nodeport]
- curl[nodeport]
You should see OVN doing load-balancing between the pods, which means you will both the apache example page and the nginx example page.
Launch a busybox pod:
- kubectl run -i --tty busybox --image=busybox -- sh
Verify this pod:
- kubectl get pods
- kubectl describe pod
You can now login to the busybox pod on the minion host and ping across pods.