The CloudTeams Iteation Platform is part of the Developer Platform and includes the following collaboration tools:
- Anonymizer: A configurable python ORM that fetches anonymized information directly from a database. PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite are currently supported.
- Persona Builder: Create, understand and promote material to customer segments.
- Business Model Canvas: An online, collaborative Business Model Canvas editor.
- Requirement Library: Software requirements online management systems that follows the agile methodology of scenarios and user stories.
The CloudTeams Iteation Platform has the following dependencies:
- Python 2.7
- Django 1.8 and other python packages mentioned in
- PostgreSQL >= 9.5
- CloudTeams Developer Platform (only applies to Persona Builder, Business Model Canvas and Requirement Library)
- CloudTeams Customer Platform (only applies to Persona Builder, Business Model Canvas and Requirement Library)
If you want to install the CloudTeams platform or use and/or extend parts of the Customer Platform, please contact the software author:
Dimitris Papaspyros, Software Developer & PhD Candidate at National Technical University of Athens ([email protected])
The CloudTeams Anonymizer is soon going to be provided as a standalone Python package, available on pip.