- compromise separation infrastructure from business layers
- communication between layers via pure serializable objects
- all business logic and validation are contained in the business layer
- API, views, celery tasks prepares raw data for transmission to the business layer
- a unified approach to building the interaction of layers
- wide using interfaces, dependency injection
- keep the usual django folder organization with minimal improvements
- typing, linters
- tests (pytest)
- single class per file (model per file,...)
- documentation API
- separate view per API method
- reduction of cognitive load by small modules
participant router
participant view as API View / View
participant bus as messages bus
participant handler as query/command handler
participant database
router->>view: request
view->>bus: query/command
Note right of view: create query/command by <br/>input serializers/forms
bus->>handler: query/command
handler->>database: CRUD operations
database->>handler: data
handler->>bus: query/command result
bus->>view: query/command result
view->>router: response
Note left of view: create response by <br/>output serializers/templates
class QueryResult: # query result
"""Posts list result."""
instances: models.QuerySet
class Query(messages.BaseQuery[QueryResult]): # inherit from BaseQuery
"""Post list query."""
author_id: int | None = None
class QueryHandler(messages.BaseQueryHandler[Query]): # inherit from BaseQueryHandler
"""Posts list query handler."""
def handle(self, query: Query) -> QueryResult: # handle logic
posts = Post.objects.filter(status=PostStatus.PUBLISHED)
if query.author_id is not None:
posts = posts.filter(author_id=query.author_id)
posts = posts.order_by("-created_at")
# returns query result
return QueryResult(
class CommandResult: # command result dto
"""Create post output dto."""
instance: Post
class Command(messages.BaseCommand[CommandResult]): # inherit from BaseCommand
"""Create post command."""
user_id: int | None
title: str
content: str # noqa: WPS110
status: PostStatus
class CommandHandler(messages.BaseCommandHandler[Command]): # inherit from BaseCommandHandler
"""Create post."""
def handle(self, command: Command) -> CommandResult: # handle logic
"""Main logic here."""
if not command.user_id:
raise AccessDeniedApplicationError()
user = User.objects.get(id=command.user_id)
post = Post.objects.create(
# returns command result
return CommandResult(
class _InputSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
author = serializers.IntegerField(required=False)
# inherit from:
# - BaseListQueryView for list instances queries: list posts, users,...
# - BaseRetrieveQueryView for retrieve instance queries: get post, user,...
class View(BaseListQueryView):
# query to call from view.
query = posts.list.Query
# sometimes you need some input parameters from user. To get it - set input serializer, and
# you will get the parameters by calling "self.extract_input_dto()".
input_serializer = _InputSerializer
# output dto serializer. The serializer will get "instances" field from query result.
output_serializer = PostCardSerializer
# Every view must override the method to create query with required parameters.
def create_query(self) -> queries.IQuery:
input_dto = self.extract_input_dto()
return self.query(
from apps.blogs.api.views import posts
from apps.core.api.routers import ActionsRouter
# action router is proxy to implement view per api url logic.
router = ActionsRouter()
router.get("posts", posts.list.View.as_view())
urlpatterns = router.urls
class _InputSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
title = serializers.CharField()
content = serializers.CharField() # noqa: WPS110
status = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=PostStatus)
# inherit from BaseCommandView
class View(BaseCommandView):
# command to call from view.
command = posts.update.Command
# sometimes you need some input parameters from user. To get it - set input serializer, and
# you will get the parameters by calling "self.extract_input_dto()".
input_serializer = _InputSerializer
# output dto serializer if need response to client.
output_serializer = PostSerializer
# Every view must override the method to create command with required parameters.
def create_command(self) -> commands.ICommand:
input_dto = self.extract_input_dto()
return self.command(
user_id=self.user.id if self.user else None,
# Provides serializer data from command result.
def get_output_serializer_instance(
command_result: posts.create.CommandResult,
) -> Post:
return command_result.instance
Url binding for the view is same as for query.
# inherit from:
# - BaseListQueryView for list instances queries: list posts, users,...
# - BaseRetrieveQueryView for retrieve instance queries: get post, user,...
class View(BaseListQueryView):
# query to call from view.
query = posts.list.Query
# template to render results.
template_name = "posts/list.html"
# Every view must override the method to create query with required parameters.
def create_query(self, request: HttpRequest) -> queries.IQuery:
return self.query()
Add binding from url to view same as standard django mechanism.
class _Form(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Post
fields = ("title", "content", "status")
# inherit from BaseCommandView
class View(BaseCommandView):
# command to call from view.
command = posts_commands.update.Command
# edit instance mostly requires additional html form to get data from the user.
# To get the instance to fill the form we need initial retrieve query.
initial_query = posts_queries.retrieve.Query
# template for initial form.
template_name = "posts/edit.html"
# input data parser.
form = _Form
# build query for initial form.
def create_initial_query(self, request: HttpRequest) -> queries.IQuery:
return self.initial_query(
user_id=request.user.id if request.user.is_authenticated else None,
# build form to accept data from user. But ALL validation logic must be placed at command.
def create_initial_form(
request: HttpRequest,
initial_query_result: posts_queries.retrieve.QueryResult,
) -> forms.BaseForm:
return self.form(instance=initial_query_result.instance)
# create and fill the command with provided data
def create_command(
request: HttpRequest,
form: _Form,
) -> commands.ICommand:
return self.command(
user_id=request.user.id if request.user.is_authenticated else None,
# on command success we can do some additional logic: redirects to other page,...
def handle_command_success(
request: HttpRequest,
form: _Form,
command_result: posts_commands.create.CommandResult,
) -> HttpResponse:
return redirect("blogs:post_detail", command_result.instance.id)
Add url routing is same as standard django mechanism.
- api requests caching
- CQRS logging, metrics