In general workflow is following:
- Find soft-clipped reads near boundaries of mobile elements.
- Extract unaligned part of reads.
- BLAST unaligned parts agains reference.
- Find best hits with >90% identity to the reference with unique highest bitscore. If two ore more hits share the same bit score - the junction considered as ambigious and skipped. Usually this is happening because aligner map reads to several copies of mobile element.
- Assess frequency of insertion by simple formula:
$R_l$ - number of reads that support junction to the target on the "left" side of mobile element -
$R_r$ - number of reads that support junction to the target on the "right" side of mobile element -
$D_t$ - average depth of caverage of target region -
$B_{min}$ - minimum length for unaligned parts that were used in the BLAST step -
$a_{rlen}$ - average read length -
$m_{match}$ - minimum length of the read part that could be aligned to reference. Accessed as the minimum of longest clipped part of the read (e.g. for read with CIGAR string 10S120M30S $m_{match}$ is 30).$1 + B_{min} / a_{rlen}$ - correction for reads that were found on the IS element boundary but were not mapped back due to short clipped part.$1 - m_{match} / a_{rlen}$ - correction for reads that were not mapped to the IS element boundary but present on the insertion side.
NOTE: The "Average" workflow of iJump do not separate different junction events in one target gene. For example, if IS1 element was inserted in gene X three times in different positions, iJump anyway will show one event of unspecified insertion of IS1 element into gene X with summarized frequency.
Contains information about junctions for each read. File contains following columns:
order number -
unique identifier -
IS name
mobile element name -
IS pos
what part of the read matches mobile element -
IS chrom
name of contig where mobile element is located in the reference -
Read name read name where junction was observed
name of contig where mobile element jumped -
Position position of the junction
orientation of mobile element relative to junction -
mark if junction is in other mobile elements - usually indicates false positive hits -
Locus tag locus tag of the affected gene; in the case of intergenic region two locus tags will be shown with us_ or ds_ prefixes that indicate upstream or downstream position of the region relative to the genes.
trivial name of the affected gene
Long format of frequency estimation. NOTE: If you have aligner (like BWA-mem) that produses both soft- and hard-clipped reads you should multiply frequency assessments by 2.
File contains following columns:
IS Name
mobile element name -
locus tag of the affected gene; in the case of intergenic region two locus tags will be shown with us_ or ds_ prefixes that indicate upstream or downstream position of the region relative to the genes. -
name of contig where affected region is located -
Start start coordinate of affected region
end coordinate of affected region -
estimated frequency of the mobile element jumps into a genomic region -
average coverage of the genomic region
Wide format of frequency estimation. Table shows raw counts of reads that support junctions instead of frequency estimation. NOTE: If you have aligner (like BWA-mem) that produses both soft- and hard-clipped reads you should multiply frequency assessments by 2.
locus tag of the affected gene; in the case of intergenic region two locus tags will be shown with us_ or ds_ -
name of contig where affected region is located -
start start coordinate of affected region
end coordinate of affected region -
mobile element names
raw reads that support junctions
iJump can create config files (data folder) for CIRCOS circular diagrams that represent directions of mobile element jumps. Currently commented because of long processing (will be improved soon).
To run CIRCOS you will need to type:
circos -config ./data/circos.conf
To assess accuracy of iJump we simulated a defined populatin. Simulated data mimics several jumps of one of the copy of IS5 element (has several copies in the genome) in Escherichia coli BW25113 genome. The scripts and auxillary files can be found in the simulation folder.
The setup of this computational experiment is following:
Parent | Genome | IS name | IS start | IS stop | Insert position | Tandem | Frequency of insertion | Coverage | Insert repeat |
EC_WT | EC_1 | IS5_10 | 2059640 | 2060834 | 1970720 | 5bp | 100% | 190 | TAAAA |
EC_1 | EC_2 | IS5_10 | 2059640 | 2060834 | 1172149 | 5bp | 25% | 250 | GTGCT |
EC_1 | EC_3 | IS5_10 | 2059640 | 2060834 | 3846500 | 5bp | 5% | 50 | CACCG |
EC_1 | EC_4 | IS5_10 | 2059640 | 2060834 | 240955 | 5bp | 1% | 10 | GTCGC |
EC_1 | EC_5 | IS5_10 | 2059640 | 2060834 | 3358463 | 5bp | 50% | 500 | GCAAT |
Reads were simulated with ART Illumina
Alignment was made with bwa-mem
BAM file manipulations were performed with samtools
Results are following:
IS Name | Annotation | Chromosome | Start | Stop | Frequency | Depth |
IS5_9 | BW25113_1117 | CP009273.1 | 1172083 | 1172777 | 2.94% | 976 |
IS5_10 | BW25113_1117 | CP009273.1 | 1172083 | 1172777 | 20.90% | 976 |
IS5_9 | BW25113_3216 | CP009273.1 | 3356166 | 3358544 | 6.17% | 940 |
IS5_7 | BW25113_3216 | CP009273.1 | 3356166 | 3358544 | 0.07% | 940 |
IS5_10 | BW25113_3216 | CP009273.1 | 3356166 | 3358544 | 41.39% | 940 |
IS5_9 | BW25113_0223 | CP009273.1 | 240814 | 241552 | 0.14% | 966 |
IS5_10 | BW25113_0223 | CP009273.1 | 240814 | 241552 | 0.48% | 966 |
IS5_1 | BW25113_1890 | CP009273.1 | 1970513 | 1971397 | 0.07% | 900 |
IS5_8 | BW25113_1890 | CP009273.1 | 1970513 | 1971397 | 0.07% | 900 |
IS5_5 | BW25113_1890 | CP009273.1 | 1970513 | 1971397 | 0.07% | 900 |
IS5_4 | BW25113_1890 | CP009273.1 | 1970513 | 1971397 | 12.29% | 900 |
IS5_10 | BW25113_1890 | CP009273.1 | 1970513 | 1971397 | 83.29% | 900 |
IS5_10 | BW25113_3671 | CP009273.1 | 3844456 | 3846145 | 4.35% | 966 |
We see that some reads were aligned to other copies of IS5 element. However majority of reads were aligned correctly. If we summarize all frequences for each affected gene we will get results close to the expected:
Gene | Start | Stop | Observed | Expected |
BW25113_1890 | 1970513 | 1971397 | 95.79% | 100.00% |
BW25113_3216 | 3356166 | 3358544 | 47.63% | 50.00% |
BW25113_1117 | 1172083 | 1172777 | 23.84% | 25.00% |
BW25113_3671 | 3844456 | 3846145 | 4.35% | 5.00% |
BW25113_0223 | 240814 | 241552 | 0.62% | 1.00% |
Simulation shows that iJump tend to slightly decrease frequency. This is happening because instead of work with individual junction sites it summarizes all sites along the genetic element where junctions were found and assess frequency with average depth in the element. However near junctions coverage has slight drop. The reason of this effect is that aligners have a limit on a length of aligned part of a read. iJump estimates this limit and introduces correction cefficients.