diff --git a/RevenueCollection/doc/spec_JA.md b/RevenueCollection/doc/spec_JA.md
index 0278e29..0b2bd29 100644
--- a/RevenueCollection/doc/spec_JA.md
+++ b/RevenueCollection/doc/spec_JA.md
@@ -1,504 +1,502 @@
-[![Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/SmartDataModels_logo.png "Logo")](https://smartdatamodels.org)
バージョン: 0.0.1
## プロパティのリスト
[*] 属性に型がない場合は、複数の型があるか、異なるフォーマット/パターンがある可能性があるためです。
-- `address[object]`: 郵送先住所 . Model: [https://schema.org/address](https://schema.org/address)
- `addressCountry[string]`: 国。例えば、スペイン . Model: [https://schema.org/addressCountry](https://schema.org/addressCountry)
- - `addressLocality[string]`: 番地がある地域と、その地域に含まれる地域 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressLocality](https://schema.org/addressLocality)
- - `addressRegion[string]`: その地域がある地域、またその国がある地域 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressRegion](https://schema.org/addressRegion)
- - `district[string]`: 地区とは行政区画の一種で、国によっては地方自治体によって管理されている。
- - `postOfficeBoxNumber[string]`: 私書箱の住所のための私書箱番号。例:03578 . Model: [https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber](https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber)
- - `postalCode[string]`: 郵便番号。例:24004 . Model: [https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode](https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode)
- - `streetAddress[string]`: 番地 . Model: [https://schema.org/streetAddress](https://schema.org/streetAddress)
-- `alternateName[string]`: この項目の別名
- `amountCollected[number]`: この観測に対応するサービスに対する徴収額
- `areaServed[string]`: サービスまたは提供品が提供される地理的地域 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text)
- `dataProvider[string]`: ハーモナイズされたデータ・エンティティの提供者を識別する一連の文字。
- `dateCreated[date-time]`: エンティティの作成タイムスタンプ。これは通常、ストレージプラットフォームによって割り当てられます。
- `dateModified[date-time]`: エンティティの最終変更のタイムスタンプ。これは通常、ストレージプラットフォームによって割り当てられる。
- `dateObserved[date-time]`: ISO8601 UTCフォーマットでの観測日時
- `description[string]`: この商品の説明
- `enrollmentCertificateRecoveryAmount[number]`: 事業所から毎年徴収される在籍証明書の金額
- `id[*]`: エンティティの一意識別子
- `location[*]`: アイテムへの Geojson 参照。Point、LineString、Polygon、MultiPoint、MultiLineString、MultiPolygon のいずれか。
- `month[string]`: この観測に対応する月であり、MMフォーマットで記述される。
- `municipalityInfo[object]`: この観測に対応する自治体情報
- `addressLocality`:
- - `addressRegion`:
- - `cityId`:
- - `district`:
- - `ulbName`:
- - `wardNum`:
-- `name[string]`: このアイテムの名前
- `owner[array]`: 所有者の固有IDを参照するJSONエンコードされた文字列を含むリスト。
- `registrationCertificateRecoveryAmount[number]`: 従業員1人当たり、事業所から毎月徴収される登録証明書の金額
- `revenueCollectionType[string]`: 固定資産税、自動車登録、パーティー会場の予約、公民館の予約、公会堂の予約など。
- `seeAlso[*]`: アイテムに関する追加リソースを指すURIのリスト
- `source[string]`: エンティティ・データの元のソースを URL として示す一連の文字。ソース・プロバイダの完全修飾ドメイン名、またはソース・オブジェクトの URL を推奨する。
- `totalCount[number]`: この観測に対応する歳入徴収サービスの回数
- `type[string]`: NGSI エンティティタイプ。これは RevenueCollection でなければなりません。
- `vehicleType[string]`: 車両の構造的特徴から見た車両のタイプ。これは車両カテゴリーとは異なる。DATEX2バージョン2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/_static/umlmodel/v2.3/index.htm)の_VehicleTypeEnum_および_VehicleTypeEnum2_で定義される以下の値。
- `vehicleTypeCode[string]`: このオブザベーションに対応する vehicleType のコード。例:'1' - MOPED/SCOOTER、'2' - MOTOR CYCLE、'4' - PRIVATE MOTOR CAR/JEEP CAR、'21' - TEMPO、'26' - BUSなど。
- `year[string]`: この観測に対応する年であり、YYYYフォーマットで記述される。
## プロパティのデータモデル記述
-full yaml details
- description: A Data Model for city revenue collection operations.
- properties:
- address:
- description: The mailing address
- properties:
- addressCountry:
- description: 'The country. For example, Spain'
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- model: https://schema.org/addressCountry
- type: Property
- addressLocality:
- description: 'The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region'
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- model: https://schema.org/addressLocality
- type: Property
- addressRegion:
- description: 'The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country'
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- model: https://schema.org/addressRegion
- type: Property
- district:
- description: 'A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government'
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- postOfficeBoxNumber:
- description: 'The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578'
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- model: https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber
- type: Property
- postalCode:
- description: 'The postal code. For example, 24004'
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- model: https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode
- type: Property
- streetAddress:
- description: The street address
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- model: https://schema.org/streetAddress
- type: Property
- streetNr:
- description: Number identifying a specific property on a public street
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- type: object
- x-ngsi:
- model: https://schema.org/address
- type: Property
- alternateName:
- description: An alternative name for this item
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- amountCollected:
- description: Amount collected towards the service corresponding to this observation
- type: number
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- areaServed:
- description: The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- model: https://schema.org/Text
- type: Property
- dataProvider:
- description: A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- dateCreated:
- description: Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform
- format: date-time
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- dateModified:
- description: Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform
- format: date-time
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- dateObserved:
- description: The date and time of this observation in ISO8601 UTC format
- format: date-time
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- description:
- description: A description of this item
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- enrollmentCertificateRecoveryAmount:
- description: Amount collected towards Enrollment Certificate from the establishment on annual basis
- type: number
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- id:
- anyOf:
- - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity
- maxLength: 256
- minLength: 1
- pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity
- format: uri
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- description: Unique identifier of the entity
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- location:
- description: 'Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon'
- oneOf:
- - description: Geojson reference to the item. Point
- properties:
- bbox:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 4
- type: array
- coordinates:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 2
- type: array
- type:
- enum:
- - Point
- type: string
- required:
- - type
- - coordinates
- title: GeoJSON Point
- type: object
- x-ngsi:
- type: GeoProperty
- - description: Geojson reference to the item. LineString
- properties:
- bbox:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 4
- type: array
- coordinates:
- items:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 2
- type: array
- minItems: 2
- type: array
- type:
- enum:
- - LineString
- type: string
- required:
- - type
- - coordinates
- title: GeoJSON LineString
- type: object
- x-ngsi:
- type: GeoProperty
- - description: Geojson reference to the item. Polygon
- properties:
- bbox:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 4
- type: array
- coordinates:
- items:
- items:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 2
- type: array
- minItems: 4
- type: array
- type: array
- type:
- enum:
- - Polygon
- type: string
- required:
- - type
- - coordinates
- title: GeoJSON Polygon
- type: object
- x-ngsi:
- type: GeoProperty
- - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiPoint
- properties:
- bbox:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 4
- type: array
- coordinates:
- items:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 2
- type: array
- type: array
- type:
- enum:
- - MultiPoint
- type: string
- required:
- - type
- - coordinates
- title: GeoJSON MultiPoint
- type: object
- x-ngsi:
- type: GeoProperty
- - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString
- properties:
- bbox:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 4
- type: array
- coordinates:
- items:
- items:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 2
- type: array
- minItems: 2
- type: array
- type: array
- type:
- enum:
- - MultiLineString
- type: string
- required:
- - type
- - coordinates
- title: GeoJSON MultiLineString
- type: object
- x-ngsi:
- type: GeoProperty
- - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString
- properties:
- bbox:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 4
- type: array
- coordinates:
- items:
- items:
- items:
- items:
- type: number
- minItems: 2
- type: array
- minItems: 4
- type: array
- type: array
- type: array
- type:
- enum:
- - MultiPolygon
- type: string
- required:
- - type
- - coordinates
- title: GeoJSON MultiPolygon
- type: object
- x-ngsi:
- type: GeoProperty
- x-ngsi:
- type: GeoProperty
- month:
- description: 'Month corresponding to this observation and is described in MM format, for eg. ''05'' for the month of May'
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- municipalityInfo:
- description: Municipality information corresponding to this observation
- properties:
- addressLocality:
- type: string
- addressRegion:
- type: string
- cityId:
- type: string
- district:
- type: string
- ulbName:
- type: string
- wardNum:
- type: number
- zoneId:
- type: string
- type: object
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- name:
- description: The name of this item
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- owner:
- description: A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s)
- items:
- anyOf:
- - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity
- maxLength: 256
- minLength: 1
- pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity
- format: uri
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- description: Unique identifier of the entity
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- type: array
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- registrationCertificateRecoveryAmount:
- description: Amount collected towards Registration Certificate on monthly basis from the establishment per employee
- type: number
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- revenueCollectionType:
- description: 'Type of source from which the city administration collects the revenue, could be property tax, vehicle registration, party hall booking, community hall booking, auditorium booking etc'
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- seeAlso:
- description: list of uri pointing to additional resources about the item
- oneOf:
- - items:
- format: uri
- type: string
- minItems: 1
- type: array
- - format: uri
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- source:
- description: 'A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object'
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- totalCount:
- description: Count of the revenue collection service corresponding to this observation
- type: number
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- type:
- description: NGSI Entity type. It has to be RevenueCollection
- enum:
- - RevenueCollection
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- vehicleType:
- description: 'Type of vehicle from the point of view of its structural characteristics. This is different than the vehicle category . The following values defined by _VehicleTypeEnum_ and _VehicleTypeEnum2_, [DATEX 2 version 2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/_static/umlmodel/v2.3/index.htm)'
- enum:
- - agriculturalVehicle
- - anyVehicle
- - articulatedVehicle
- - autorickshaw
- - bicycle
- - binTrolley
- - BRT mini bus·
- - BRT bus
- - bus
- - car
- - caravan
- - carOrLightVehicle
- - carWithCaravan
- - carWithTrailer
- - cleaningTrolley
- - compactor
- - constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle
- - dumper
- - e-moped
- - e-scooter
- - e-motorcycle
- - fourWheelDrive
- - highSidedVehicle
- - hopper
- - lorry
- - minibus
- - moped
- - motorcycle
- - motorcycleWithSideCar
- - motorscooter
- - sweepingMachine
- - tanker
- - tempo
- - threeWheeledVehicle
- - tipper
- - trailer
- - tram
- - trolley
- - twoWheeledVehicle
- - van
- - vehicleWithoutCatalyticConverter
- - vehicleWithCaravan
- - vehicleWithTrailer
- - withEvenNumberedRegistrationPlates
- - withOddNumberedRegistrationPlates
- - other
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- vehicleTypeCode:
- description: 'The code for vehicleType corresponding to this observation. For eg.- ''1'' - MOPED/SCOOTER, ''2'' - MOTOR CYCLE, ''4'' - PRIVATE MOTOR CAR/JEEP CAR, ''21'' - TEMPO, ''26'' - BUS, etc'
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- year:
- description: 'Year corresponding to this observation and is described in YYYY format, for eg. ''2020'''
- type: string
- x-ngsi:
- type: Property
- required: []
- type: object
- x-derived-from: ""
- x-disclaimer: 'Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the license conditions are met. Copyleft (c) 2022 Contributors to Smart Data Models Program'
- x-license-url: https://github.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.PublicAccountability/blob/master/RevenueCollection/LICENSE.md
- x-model-schema: https://smart-data-models.github.io/dataModel.PublicAccountability/RevenueCollection/schema.json
- x-model-tags: IUDX
- x-version: 0.0.1
## ペイロードの例
#### RevenueCollection NGSI-v2 キー値の例
以下は、RevenueCollection を JSON-LD フォーマットの key-values で表した例です。これは NGSI-v2 と互換性があり、`options=keyValues` を使用すると個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返します。
-show/hide example
+[![Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/SmartDataModels_logo.png "Logo")](https://smartdatamodels.org)
バージョン: 0.0.1
## プロパティのリスト
[*] 属性に型がない場合は、複数の型があるか、異なるフォーマット/パターンがある可能性があるためです。
+- `address[object]`: 郵送先住所 . Model: [https://schema.org/address](https://schema.org/address)
- `addressCountry[string]`: 国。例えば、スペイン . Model: [https://schema.org/addressCountry](https://schema.org/addressCountry)
+ - `addressLocality[string]`: 番地がある地域と、その地域に含まれる地域 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressLocality](https://schema.org/addressLocality)
+ - `addressRegion[string]`: その地域がある地域、またその国がある地域 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressRegion](https://schema.org/addressRegion)
+ - `district[string]`: 地区とは行政区画の一種で、国によっては地方自治体によって管理されている。
+ - `postOfficeBoxNumber[string]`: 私書箱の住所のための私書箱番号。例:03578 . Model: [https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber](https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber)
+ - `postalCode[string]`: 郵便番号。例:24004 . Model: [https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode](https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode)
+ - `streetAddress[string]`: 番地 . Model: [https://schema.org/streetAddress](https://schema.org/streetAddress)
+- `alternateName[string]`: この項目の別名
- `amountCollected[number]`: この観測に対応するサービスに対する徴収額
- `areaServed[string]`: サービスまたは提供品が提供される地理的地域 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text)
- `dataProvider[string]`: ハーモナイズされたデータ・エンティティの提供者を識別する一連の文字。
- `dateCreated[date-time]`: エンティティの作成タイムスタンプ。これは通常、ストレージプラットフォームによって割り当てられます。
- `dateModified[date-time]`: エンティティの最終変更のタイムスタンプ。これは通常、ストレージプラットフォームによって割り当てられる。
- `dateObserved[date-time]`: ISO8601 UTCフォーマットでの観測日時
- `description[string]`: この商品の説明
- `enrollmentCertificateRecoveryAmount[number]`: 事業所から毎年徴収される在籍証明書の金額
- `id[*]`: エンティティの一意識別子
- `location[*]`: アイテムへの Geojson 参照。Point、LineString、Polygon、MultiPoint、MultiLineString、MultiPolygon のいずれか。
- `month[string]`: この観測に対応する月であり、MMフォーマットで記述される。
- `municipalityInfo[object]`: この観測に対応する自治体情報
- `addressLocality`:
+ - `addressRegion`:
+ - `cityId`:
+ - `district`:
+ - `ulbName`:
+ - `wardNum`:
+- `name[string]`: このアイテムの名前
- `owner[array]`: 所有者の固有IDを参照するJSONエンコードされた文字列を含むリスト。
- `registrationCertificateRecoveryAmount[number]`: 従業員1人当たり、事業所から毎月徴収される登録証明書の金額
- `revenueCollectionType[string]`: 固定資産税、自動車登録、パーティー会場の予約、公民館の予約、公会堂の予約など。
- `seeAlso[*]`: アイテムに関する追加リソースを指すURIのリスト
- `source[string]`: エンティティ・データの元のソースを URL として示す一連の文字。ソース・プロバイダの完全修飾ドメイン名、またはソース・オブジェクトの URL を推奨する。
- `totalCount[number]`: この観測に対応する歳入徴収サービスの回数
- `type[string]`: NGSI エンティティタイプ。これは RevenueCollection でなければなりません。
- `vehicleType[string]`: 車両の構造的特徴から見た車両のタイプ。これは車両カテゴリーとは異なる。DATEX2バージョン2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/_static/umlmodel/v2.3/index.htm)の_VehicleTypeEnum_および_VehicleTypeEnum2_で定義される以下の値。
- `vehicleTypeCode[string]`: このオブザベーションに対応する vehicleType のコード。例:'1' - MOPED/SCOOTER、'2' - MOTOR CYCLE、'4' - PRIVATE MOTOR CAR/JEEP CAR、'21' - TEMPO、'26' - BUSなど。
- `year[string]`: この観測に対応する年であり、YYYYフォーマットで記述される。
## プロパティのデータモデル記述
+full yaml details
+ description: A Data Model for city revenue collection operations.
+ properties:
+ address:
+ description: The mailing address
+ properties:
+ addressCountry:
+ description: 'The country. For example, Spain'
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ model: https://schema.org/addressCountry
+ type: Property
+ addressLocality:
+ description: 'The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region'
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ model: https://schema.org/addressLocality
+ type: Property
+ addressRegion:
+ description: 'The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country'
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ model: https://schema.org/addressRegion
+ type: Property
+ district:
+ description: 'A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government'
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ postOfficeBoxNumber:
+ description: 'The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578'
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ model: https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber
+ type: Property
+ postalCode:
+ description: 'The postal code. For example, 24004'
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ model: https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode
+ type: Property
+ streetAddress:
+ description: The street address
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ model: https://schema.org/streetAddress
+ type: Property
+ streetNr:
+ description: Number identifying a specific property on a public street
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ type: object
+ x-ngsi:
+ model: https://schema.org/address
+ type: Property
+ alternateName:
+ description: An alternative name for this item
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ amountCollected:
+ description: Amount collected towards the service corresponding to this observation
+ type: number
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ areaServed:
+ description: The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ model: https://schema.org/Text
+ type: Property
+ dataProvider:
+ description: A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ dateCreated:
+ description: Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform
+ format: date-time
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ dateModified:
+ description: Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform
+ format: date-time
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ dateObserved:
+ description: The date and time of this observation in ISO8601 UTC format
+ format: date-time
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ description:
+ description: A description of this item
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ enrollmentCertificateRecoveryAmount:
+ description: Amount collected towards Enrollment Certificate from the establishment on annual basis
+ type: number
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ id:
+ anyOf:
+ - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity
+ maxLength: 256
+ minLength: 1
+ pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity
+ format: uri
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ description: Unique identifier of the entity
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ location:
+ description: 'Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon'
+ oneOf:
+ - description: Geojson reference to the item. Point
+ properties:
+ bbox:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 4
+ type: array
+ coordinates:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 2
+ type: array
+ type:
+ enum:
+ - Point
+ type: string
+ required:
+ - type
+ - coordinates
+ title: GeoJSON Point
+ type: object
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: GeoProperty
+ - description: Geojson reference to the item. LineString
+ properties:
+ bbox:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 4
+ type: array
+ coordinates:
+ items:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 2
+ type: array
+ minItems: 2
+ type: array
+ type:
+ enum:
+ - LineString
+ type: string
+ required:
+ - type
+ - coordinates
+ title: GeoJSON LineString
+ type: object
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: GeoProperty
+ - description: Geojson reference to the item. Polygon
+ properties:
+ bbox:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 4
+ type: array
+ coordinates:
+ items:
+ items:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 2
+ type: array
+ minItems: 4
+ type: array
+ type: array
+ type:
+ enum:
+ - Polygon
+ type: string
+ required:
+ - type
+ - coordinates
+ title: GeoJSON Polygon
+ type: object
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: GeoProperty
+ - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiPoint
+ properties:
+ bbox:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 4
+ type: array
+ coordinates:
+ items:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 2
+ type: array
+ type: array
+ type:
+ enum:
+ - MultiPoint
+ type: string
+ required:
+ - type
+ - coordinates
+ title: GeoJSON MultiPoint
+ type: object
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: GeoProperty
+ - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString
+ properties:
+ bbox:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 4
+ type: array
+ coordinates:
+ items:
+ items:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 2
+ type: array
+ minItems: 2
+ type: array
+ type: array
+ type:
+ enum:
+ - MultiLineString
+ type: string
+ required:
+ - type
+ - coordinates
+ title: GeoJSON MultiLineString
+ type: object
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: GeoProperty
+ - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString
+ properties:
+ bbox:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 4
+ type: array
+ coordinates:
+ items:
+ items:
+ items:
+ items:
+ type: number
+ minItems: 2
+ type: array
+ minItems: 4
+ type: array
+ type: array
+ type: array
+ type:
+ enum:
+ - MultiPolygon
+ type: string
+ required:
+ - type
+ - coordinates
+ title: GeoJSON MultiPolygon
+ type: object
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: GeoProperty
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: GeoProperty
+ month:
+ description: 'Month corresponding to this observation and is described in MM format, for eg. ''05'' for the month of May'
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ municipalityInfo:
+ description: Municipality information corresponding to this observation
+ properties:
+ addressLocality:
+ type: string
+ addressRegion:
+ type: string
+ cityId:
+ type: string
+ district:
+ type: string
+ ulbName:
+ type: string
+ wardNum:
+ type: number
+ zoneId:
+ type: string
+ type: object
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ name:
+ description: The name of this item
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ owner:
+ description: A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s)
+ items:
+ anyOf:
+ - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity
+ maxLength: 256
+ minLength: 1
+ pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity
+ format: uri
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ description: Unique identifier of the entity
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ type: array
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ registrationCertificateRecoveryAmount:
+ description: Amount collected towards Registration Certificate on monthly basis from the establishment per employee
+ type: number
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ revenueCollectionType:
+ description: 'Type of source from which the city administration collects the revenue, could be property tax, vehicle registration, party hall booking, community hall booking, auditorium booking etc'
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ seeAlso:
+ description: list of uri pointing to additional resources about the item
+ oneOf:
+ - items:
+ format: uri
+ type: string
+ minItems: 1
+ type: array
+ - format: uri
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ source:
+ description: 'A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object'
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ totalCount:
+ description: Count of the revenue collection service corresponding to this observation
+ type: number
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ type:
+ description: NGSI Entity type. It has to be RevenueCollection
+ enum:
+ - RevenueCollection
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ vehicleType:
+ description: 'Type of vehicle from the point of view of its structural characteristics. This is different than the vehicle category . The following values defined by _VehicleTypeEnum_ and _VehicleTypeEnum2_, [DATEX 2 version 2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/_static/umlmodel/v2.3/index.htm)'
+ enum:
+ - agriculturalVehicle
+ - anyVehicle
+ - articulatedVehicle
+ - autorickshaw
+ - bicycle
+ - binTrolley
+ - BRT mini bus·
+ - BRT bus
+ - bus
+ - car
+ - caravan
+ - carOrLightVehicle
+ - carWithCaravan
+ - carWithTrailer
+ - cleaningTrolley
+ - compactor
+ - constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle
+ - dumper
+ - e-moped
+ - e-scooter
+ - e-motorcycle
+ - fourWheelDrive
+ - highSidedVehicle
+ - hopper
+ - lorry
+ - minibus
+ - moped
+ - motorcycle
+ - motorcycleWithSideCar
+ - motorscooter
+ - sweepingMachine
+ - tanker
+ - tempo
+ - threeWheeledVehicle
+ - tipper
+ - trailer
+ - tram
+ - trolley
+ - twoWheeledVehicle
+ - van
+ - vehicleWithoutCatalyticConverter
+ - vehicleWithCaravan
+ - vehicleWithTrailer
+ - withEvenNumberedRegistrationPlates
+ - withOddNumberedRegistrationPlates
+ - other
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ vehicleTypeCode:
+ description: 'The code for vehicleType corresponding to this observation. For eg.- ''1'' - MOPED/SCOOTER, ''2'' - MOTOR CYCLE, ''4'' - PRIVATE MOTOR CAR/JEEP CAR, ''21'' - TEMPO, ''26'' - BUS, etc'
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ year:
+ description: 'Year corresponding to this observation and is described in YYYY format, for eg. ''2020'''
+ type: string
+ x-ngsi:
+ type: Property
+ required: []
+ type: object
+ x-derived-from: ""
+ x-disclaimer: 'Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the license conditions are met. Copyleft (c) 2022 Contributors to Smart Data Models Program'
+ x-license-url: https://github.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.PublicAccountability/blob/master/RevenueCollection/LICENSE.md
+ x-model-schema: https://smart-data-models.github.io/dataModel.PublicAccountability/RevenueCollection/schema.json
+ x-model-tags: IUDX
+ x-version: 0.0.1
## ペイロードの例
#### RevenueCollection NGSI-v2 キー値の例
以下は、RevenueCollection を JSON-LD フォーマットの key-values で表した例です。これは NGSI-v2 と互換性があり、`options=keyValues` を使用すると個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返します。
+show/hide example
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:001:rtir:0234",
@@ -524,24 +522,24 @@ RevenueCollection:
#### RevenueCollection NGSI-v2 正規化例
以下は、正規化された JSON-LD 形式の RevenueCollection の例です。これは、オプションを使用しない場合は NGSI-v2 と互換性があり、個々のエンティティのコンテキスト・データを返します。
-show/hide example
#### RevenueCollection NGSI-v2 正規化例
以下は、正規化された JSON-LD 形式の RevenueCollection の例です。これは、オプションを使用しない場合は NGSI-v2 と互換性があり、個々のエンティティのコンテキスト・データを返します。
+show/hide example
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:001:rtir:0234",
"type": "RevenueCollection",
"totalCount": {
- "type": "number",
+ "type": "Number",
"value": 436
"registrationCertificateRecoveryAmount": {
- "type": "number",
+ "type": "Number",
"value": 10400
"enrollmentCertificateRecoveryAmount": {
- "type": "number",
+ "type": "Number",
"value": 8400
"year": {
@@ -549,7 +547,7 @@ RevenueCollection:
"value": "2020"
"dateObserved": {
- "type": "Date-Time",
+ "type": "DateTime",
"value": "2021-11-10T01:16:01Z"
"month": {
@@ -565,7 +563,7 @@ RevenueCollection:
"value": "2"
"amountCollected": {
- "type": "number",
+ "type": "Number",
"value": 20400
"vehicleType": {
@@ -586,44 +584,44 @@ RevenueCollection:
#### RevenueCollection NGSI-LD キー値の例
以下は、RevenueCollection を JSON-LD フォーマットの key-values で表した例です。これは、`options=keyValues` を使用した場合に NGSI-LD と互換性があり、個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返します。
-show/hide example
#### RevenueCollection NGSI-LD キー値の例
以下は、RevenueCollection を JSON-LD フォーマットの key-values で表した例です。これは、`options=keyValues` を使用した場合に NGSI-LD と互換性があり、個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返します。
+show/hide example
- "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:001:rtir:0234",
- "@context": [
- "iudx:RevenueCollection",
- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.Transportation/master/context.jsonld",
- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.PublicAccountability/master/context.jsonld"
- ],
- "type": "RevenueCollection",
- "totalCount": 436,
- "registrationCertificateRecoveryAmount": 10400,
- "enrollmentCertificateRecoveryAmount": 8400,
- "year": "2020",
- "dateObserved": "2021-11-10T01:16:01Z",
- "month": "02",
- "revenueCollectionType": "Property Tax",
- "vehicleTypeCode": "2",
- "amountCollected": 20400,
- "vehicleType": "motorcycle",
- "municipalityInfo": {
- "district": "Bangalore Urban",
- "ulbName": "BMC",
- "cityId": "23",
- "addressRegion": "Karnataka",
- "addressLocality": "Bangalore",
- "zoneId": "2",
- "wardNum": 4
- }
+ "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:001:rtir:0234",
+ "@context": [
+ "iudx:RevenueCollection",
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.Transportation/master/context.jsonld",
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.PublicAccountability/master/context.jsonld"
+ ],
+ "type": "RevenueCollection",
+ "totalCount": 436,
+ "registrationCertificateRecoveryAmount": 10400,
+ "enrollmentCertificateRecoveryAmount": 8400,
+ "year": "2020",
+ "dateObserved": "2021-11-10T01:16:01Z",
+ "month": "02",
+ "revenueCollectionType": "Property Tax",
+ "vehicleTypeCode": "2",
+ "amountCollected": 20400,
+ "vehicleType": "motorcycle",
+ "municipalityInfo": {
+ "district": "Bangalore Urban",
+ "ulbName": "BMC",
+ "cityId": "23",
+ "addressRegion": "Karnataka",
+ "addressLocality": "Bangalore",
+ "zoneId": "2",
+ "wardNum": 4
+ }
#### 収益コレクション NGSI-LD 正規化例
以下は、正規化された JSON-LD 形式の RevenueCollection の例です。これは、オプションを使用しない場合は NGSI-LD と互換性があり、個々のエンティティのコンテキスト・データを返します。
-show/hide example
#### 収益コレクション NGSI-LD 正規化例
以下は、正規化された JSON-LD 形式の RevenueCollection の例です。これは、オプションを使用しない場合は NGSI-LD と互換性があり、個々のエンティティのコンテキスト・データを返します。
+show/hide example
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:001:rtir:0234",
@@ -690,12 +688,12 @@ RevenueCollection:
マグニチュード単位の扱い方については、[FAQ 10](https://smartdatamodels.org/index.php/faqs/)を参照のこと。
[Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org) +++ [Contribution Manual](https://bit.ly/contribution_manual) +++ [About](https://bit.ly/Introduction_SDM)
マグニチュード単位の扱い方については、[FAQ 10](https://smartdatamodels.org/index.php/faqs/)を参照のこと。
[Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org) +++ [Contribution Manual](https://bit.ly/contribution_manual) +++ [About](https://bit.ly/Introduction_SDM)