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Chris Gansen edited this page Jun 27, 2013 · 9 revisions

Open311 API will return at most 200 records in a single call; documentation says that page_size maximum is 500.

Service request that has a "closed" datetime before its "requested" datetime:

Pothole is patched, but the request is still open:``

Restaurant complaint is status = "open" but the notes indicate it has been closed:

    "service_request_id": "13-00575277",
    "status": "open",
    "status_notes": "Failed/Citations Issued",
    "service_name": "Restaurant Complaint",
    "service_code": "4fd6e4ece750840569000019",
    "agency_responsible": "Health - Food Protection",
    "requested_datetime": "2013-05-14T09:02:29-05:00",
    "updated_datetime": "2013-06-19T11:23:39-05:00",
    "address": "1143 N LAVERGNE AVE, CHICAGO, IL, 60651",
    "lat": 41.90126402377569,
    "long": -87.75084884900936,
    "notes": [
        "datetime": "2013-05-14T08:48:29-05:00",
        "summary": "Request opened",
        "type": "opened"
        "datetime": "2013-05-16T11:22:00-05:00",
        "summary": "Assign To Field Supervisor",
        "description": "Failed/Citations Issued",
        "type": "activity"
        "datetime": "2013-05-17T11:23:19-05:00",
        "summary": "Request closed",
        "type": "closed"
        "datetime": "2013-05-22T11:48:44-05:00",
        "summary": "Request reopened",
        "type": "closed"
        "datetime": "2013-05-24T12:30:00-05:00",
        "summary": "Send Letter",
        "description": "Pass",
        "type": "activity"
    "extended_attributes": {
      "channel": "phone",
      "ward": "37",
      "police_district": "15"

Ward value for SR# XXX is "COL"

	$ curl "" | jsonlint
	  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
	                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
	100  1515    0  1515    0     0   7655      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 18253
	    "service_request_id": "08-01980876",
	    "status": "closed",
	    "status_notes": "WM Sewer Cave-In Inspection",
	    "service_name": "Pavement Cave-In Survey",
	    "service_code": "4ffa971e6018277d4000000b",
	    "agency_responsible": "DIM, Public Way Management - CDOT",
	    "requested_datetime": "2008-09-29T16:47:15-05:00",
	    "updated_datetime": "2008-10-16T12:34:04-05:00",
	    "address": "6042 N SHERIDAN RD, CHICAGO, IL, 60660",
	    "lat": 41.99158895275862,
	    "long": -87.65543224386377,
	    "notes": [
	        "datetime": "2008-09-29T16:47:15-05:00",
	        "summary": "Request opened",
	        "type": "opened"
	        "datetime": "2008-10-01T14:42:00-05:00",
	        "summary": "Assign Surveyor",
	        "description": "WM Sewer Cave-In Inspection",
	        "type": "activity"
	        "datetime": "2008-10-01T14:42:45-05:00",
	        "summary": "Follow-on Sewer Cave In Inspection Created",
	        "description": "Sewer Cave In Inspection #08-01999831 created for Water Management",
	        "type": "follow_on_created",
	        "extended_attributes": {
	          "service_request_id": "08-01999831",
	          "service_name": "Sewer Cave In Inspection",
	          "agency_responsible": "Water Management"
	        "datetime": "2008-10-16T12:34:03-05:00",
	        "summary": "Follow-on Sewer Cave In Inspection Closed",
	        "description": "Sewer Cave In Inspection #08-01999831 closed by Water Management",
	        "type": "follow_on_closed",
	        "extended_attributes": {
	          "service_request_id": "08-01999831",
	          "service_name": "Sewer Cave In Inspection",
	          "agency_responsible": "Water Management"
	        "datetime": "2008-10-16T12:34:04-05:00",
	        "summary": "Request closed",
	        "type": "closed"
	    "extended_attributes": {
	      "channel": "phone",
	      "ward": "COL",
	      "police_district": "24"
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