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Mid-Semester Review 2

This is a quick summary of topics leading up to the second midterm. It is by no means fully comprehensive; use the rest of the lecture notes and recitation notes to help if you're unclear on anything.


3 channels

Remember that all C programs are automatically given 3 channels for input and output: stdin (0), stdout (1), and stderr (2). Make sure you understand their purposes and how to interact with them using function such as fprintf().

Redirecting I/O

It is possible to redirect the source of stdin or the destination of stderr and stdout. Make sure you understand how to use >, <, and >>.

Remember |? We'll talk about that in the Pipes section below.

File I/O

FILE *'s (file descriptors) are your best friends; they're just fancy pointers for files. As noted above, all C programs start with FILE *s stdin, stdout, and stderr.

You open a file with fopen(), which takes two strings: the name of the file you want to open and the mode in which you want to open it. Modes include r, w, a, r+, w+, a+, and all of the previous with a b tacked on the end. Do you remember the differences? (Hint: check out the man page.)

You read from and write to the file with functions fgets()/fputs(), fprintf()/fscanf(), and fread()/fwrite(). Hopefully you're familiar with these functions by now; if not, reviewing the man pages is a great idea.

Don't forget that you need to close the file when you're done by using fclose(). Before closing, you can use feof() or ferror() to see if anything weird happened while you were interacting with the file.


Buffering determines how often the contents of a stream are sent to their destination. Unbuffered streams are constantly flushed to its destination. Line-buffered streams are only flushed to its destination after a newline character is written. Block-buffered streams are flushed when they reach a certain size. You can use fflush(fp) to manually flush the buffer for any file pointer.

  • stderr is unbuffered - remember why? (hint: debugging!)
  • stdout is line-buffered when it's connected to the terminal
  • everything else is block-buffered


Quick UNIX overview

Before we can talk about fork() and exec(), here's a quick review of the UNIX system.

Users and Permissions

Unix systems have three different ways to allocate permissions: owner (a user), group, and everyone else.

  • Owner The owner is always a user and the owner can own both files and directories.
  • Group A file or directory is assigned to a group, usually but not always the user group that the owner belongs to.
  • Others Those who are not in the assigned group, nor an owner, belong to the others.

There are also three UNIX file permissions: read, write, and execute. Make sure you're comfortable with the binary and octal representations of these permissions. For example: 100 is the ability to only read, and has a value of 4. 111 is read, write, and execute, and has value 7. These numbers can be combined for owner, group, and others as well, like chmod 644. (Exercise: who has what permissions on a file after chmod 644?)


A program is a packaged set of instructions, whereas a process is an instance of a program. A program can have many processes associated with it. For example, we can run multiple instances of an executable independently, thereby initiating multiple processes that run that program. We can create more processes associated with the executable by splitting a process with the fork system call, as we'll soon see.

Confused? Here's an analogy: Let's say you have a recipe for an amazing soup. While you only have one recipe, you can have multiple pots cooking at once. A program is like that recipe; you can have multiple processes (pots) running at once.

Each process has a unique, non-negative numeric identifier known as the process ID (pid).


We can create new processes using the fork() system call. The process that calls fork() is the parent process; this creates a second process called the child process, essentially splitting your original process into two processes.

After fork(), the parent and child process both execute all code after the fork() statement. fork() is called once in the parent, but returns twice: once in the parent and once in the child. The return value of fork() depends on if it's executing within the child process or parent process.

  • If fork() is returning in the parent process, it returns the child's pid
  • If fork() is returning in the child process, it returns 0

This means you can identify which process you are in simply by checking the return value of fork().

Note that the process ID of the child process is NOT equal to 0. Also note that the order of execution of the child and parent processes relative to each other is unpredictable.


Now that you've used fork(), you have two exact copies of the same process. That's great, but it can be limiting. The exec() family of functions lets you turn your current process into an instance of another program. Cool!

You create the new program with exec() by specifying arguments, which include things like the new program name and any command line arguments. (Check out the man page for more info.) Once the call to exec() has been made, the process running exec() stops executing the code of its original program and begins executing the code of the new program. Your process has no memory (ha-ha) of the previously running program: its program code, data, heap, and stack are replaced with those of the new program. If the new program ends, the process exits and never returns to the code of your old program. This means that any code following a call to exec() will only be executed if the call to exec() fails.

Dealing with Terminated Processes

When a child process terminates before the parent process, the parent is responsible for ensuring the child process is reaped. In other words, the system resources associated with the child process need to be released, otherwise the child will become a zombie.

But what if a parent process terminates before the child? Then the child becomes an orphan; it is usually then "adopted" by init (pid=1). (init is the first process started by an operating system; everything else is fork/exec'd from there.)


Pipes allow one-way data flow and can connect processes having a common ancestor. We can use a pipe to connect the stdout of one process to the stdin of another. For example, we can "pipe" the output of program1 to program2 like this:

./program1 | ./program2

Note that pipes and file redirects are not directly interchangeable. > is used to direct stdout into a file; | is used to direct stdout into another process's stdin. Look at the difference between the following examples:

cat hello.txt > goodbye.txt     // puts contents of hello.txt into a file called goodbye.txt
cat hello.txt > less            // puts contents of hello.txt into a __file__ called less
cat hello.txt | less            // puts contents of hello.txt as stdin to the program less

You can, however, combine | and redirects (>, <, >>). Give it a try! And check out the next section.

FIFO, aka Named Pipe

A FIFO (First In First Out) or named pipe provides a slightly more flexible form of communication than a regular pipe. Since we can refer to FIFOs by name, we can get a bit more creative with how we use them.

Recall the pipeline from Lab 5:

mkfifo mypipe
cat mypipe | nc -l <port #> | /home/jae/.../mdb-lookup-cs3157 > mypipe

mypipe serves as a link between nc and mdb-lookup-cs3157. This accomplishes a circular pipeline:

  • cat pulls contents out of mypipe
  • The first | sends contents from cat mypipe to nc
  • The second | sends the output of nc as input to mdb-lookup-cs3157
  • > sends output of mdb-lookup-cs3157 into mypipe
  • Now there's something in mypipe for cat to pull out, and we start all over again

Note that we redirect (>) into mypipe, not | into it. mypipe itself is not a program or process, it's more like a file that we can read from and write to.


Pipes and FIFOs are fine for local, one-way data flow, but often we want to communicate between processes that may not even be on the same machine. Sockets are a way to do just that. A socket is a type of file used for network communication between processes. Sockets are generalizations of pipes: with sockets, we can achieve both intramachine communication, as with our above examples, and intermachine communication. Additionally, sockets allow for two-way interprocess communication, unlike pipes. To talk about sockets, let's take a quick detour to TCP/IP.


TCP/IP is the protocol that makes the world go 'round. The internet is powered by IP (Internet Protocol), and almost all the traffic is TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). IP sends bundles of bytes called packets toward IP addresses. Instead of having to memorize IP addresses, we can use DNS to translate between IP addresses and hostnames.

There are five protocol layers of TCP/IP networking:

  1. Physical
  2. Link
  3. IP
  4. Transport
  5. Application The sockets API connects Transport and Application layers. We're mostly concerned with the Application layer.

Back to sockets

In order to send data via a socket connection, we need a few means of identification to figure out where the data needs to go: an IP address and a port number. The IP address is a unique identifier that is assigned to a computer or device on a TCP/IP network. A port number works together with an IP address to identify the application or process on the host to which data must be transmitted. If it helps, you can consider Beej's analogy: an IP address is like a hotel address and a port number is like a room number in that hotel. Port numbers range from 0 to 65535, but we can only use ports 1024 and above.

We won't go over the socket API in depth here, but make sure you understand all the steps to create a server socket and a client socket. Definitely use the Donahoo slides to help you out.


nc is the Swiss army knife of the networking world. You can set up a server-client connection with the following commands:

Set up a server listening on <port>:

nc -l <port>

Connect a client to the server above:

nc <hostname or IP address of server> <server port>

Vanilla nc has two jobs: get connected and share information. The server waits until a client connects to it. After that happens, some neat stdin/stdout redirecting happens. The server sends all of its stdin to the client, and prints everything it receives from the client to stdout. The same happens with the client: its stdin is sent to the server, and it prints what it receives from the server to stdout. So, effectively, the stdin of the client is sent to the stdout of the server, and the stdin of the server is sent to the stdout of the client. You can think of it as a super simple instant messenger!

nc can obviously do more complex things when used in conjunction with pipes, named pipes, redirects, etc. Take another look at the pipeline from Lab 5 and make sure you fully understand it.


Make sure you understand HTTP in depth (to the extent that you needed it for Lab 6). You can read more about HTTP/1.0 here.

To request information from a server, you can formulate a GET request as follows:

GET /path/file.html HTTP/1.0
[zero or more headers ...]
[a blank line, must be '\r\n']

The response from the web server looks something like this:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 1354

<h1>Happy New Millennium!</h1>
(more file contents)

C++ Basics

What's different?

  • Classes/structs: default constructor
  • References
  • Stack allocation and heap allocation (new/delete)
  • The Basic 4
  • Function overloading
  • Strings (MyString)


In C, when you call a function, you pass arguments by value: a brand new copy of the argument is made for the function to use. That's why we needed pointers. Remember the following example?

void swap(int x, int y) {
	int tmp = x;
	x = y;
	y = tmp;

This doesn't actually work, because swap() gets its own copies of the parameters. swap() never even touches the "original" x and y that it is called with. Instead, you needed to do something like this:

void swap(int *x, int *y) {
	int tmp = *x;
	*x = *y;
	*y = tmp;

C++ has something new: a construct known as a reference. You can think of a reference as a dereferenced pointer to something. Here's a quick example:

int x = 5;
int& y = x; //y is a reference to x

x = 6; //y is now 6
y = 7; //x is now 7

y and x are essentially the same thing. You could write swap() in C++ like this:

void swap(int& x, int& y) {
	int tmp = x;
	x = y;
	y = tmp;

Cool, right?

Stack and Heap Allocation

Allocating space on the stack for a struct in C++ looks exactly the same as it does in C, e.g.

struct Pt myPt; // you can omit the "struct" in C++

Even though they look the same, though, they actually don't operate the same way. In C++, classes and structs have special functions called constructors that initialize all data members and base classes when the class/struct is allocated.

Heap allocation is also different in C++. You can still use malloc() and free(), but malloc() doesn't allow you to call the constructor. Instead, you can use the new keyword, like this:

Pt *myPt = new Pt; //allocates sizeof(Pt) space on heap, calls constructor
Pt *someArray = new Pt[10]; //heap-allocated array of Pts

Just like every malloc() must have a free(), every new must have a delete:

delete myPt;
delete [] someArray;

Don't mix up malloc()/free() and new/delete.

The Basic 4

  1. Constructor
    • Called when an object is allocated on stack/heap
  2. Destructor
    • Called when an object goes out of scope/delete is used
  3. Copy Constructor
    • Called when object needs to be copied (e.g. passed as argument)
  4. Operator=()
    • Called when an object is assigned to a variable

Make sure you understand why all of the above are necessary when you're writing a class or struct.