0.0.2 - 10/07/2020
Controller and GUI
- Made .desktop launcher that runs bash script (runApp--> starts runApp.py) that starts subprocesses for the controlNQ.py and setupGUI.py
- Modifed pub-sub strategy so that another remote instance of setupGUI.py can receive and send commands to the controller
- Cleaned up code that was commented, extra QML console.log messages, and set GUI logging level to info.
- Test on prepbot
- Swipe view on cassette monitor to increase the number of samples that can be run
- refactor corresponding machine functions to eliminate boilerplate code
- Save sample log button
- Past run/sample log history in GUI
- Add paths and preferences (default protocol, protocol folder, windowed/fullscreen) to config.yaml parameter file
- Update times for real operations using opTimes.log data
- Determine operation bottlenecks and adjust parameters to speed up protocols
0.0.1 - 09/30/2020
First Changelog entry and operational CasMonitor version!
Controller and GUI WAMPHandler
- Clean lines and shutdown procedure
- Task status 'stopping' and 'cleaning' can be used to repopulate the controller and GUI upon disconnection from router
- YAML adjustable parameters with functions to communicate to GUI and Debug screen
- Send parameters when controller joins
- Update parameters and write to config.yaml file from Debug screen
- Communication with controller to receive config.yaml parameters and update Debug screen when GUI joins
- Density adjustment based on residual fluid and reagent
- Operation time log (opTimes.log) and timers on all controlNQ.py operations and machine.py functions
- Sample log in GUI should update more often and starts from the correct position
- Debug screen is fully functional.
- Execute script and stop all terminal tasks (termTasks)
- Use buttons to execute functions directly
- Edit parameters and send to controller
- Scroll view instead of swipe view
- Protocol editor
- Wash line & syringe on load reagent operations
- Test on prepbot
- Swipe view on cassette monitor to increase the number of samples that can be run
- refactor corresponding machine functions to eliminate boilerplate code
- Save sample log button
- Past run/sample log history in GUI
- Add paths and preferences (default protocol, protocol folder, windowed/fullscreen) to config.yaml parameter file
- Update times for real operations using opTimes.log data
- Determine operation bottlenecks and adjust parameters to speed up protocols