diff --git a/docs/trace-explorer.md b/docs/trace-explorer.md
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+++ b/docs/trace-explorer.md
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+# Example Snowpark Trace Explorer
+## Directions:
+1. Follow the directions to [Create and View a Streamlit app by using Snowsight](https://docs.snowflake.com/en/developer-guide/streamlit/create-streamlit-ui).
+2. For your app title enter "Example Snowpark Trace Explorer"
+3. For your app location, choose the database and schema for your Event Table configuration
+4. For your app warehouse, choose an appropriate value
+5. Click "Create"
+In the left pane, delete the sample code and replace it with the code below.
+In the code below be sure to update these placeholder values to reflect your Event Table configuration:
+import json
+import streamlit as st
+from snowflake.snowpark.context import get_active_session
+from typing import List, Dict
+# Write directly to the app
+st.title("Example Snowpark Trace Explorer")
+# Get the current credentials
+session = get_active_session()
+def event_to_dict(event_records):
+    events = []
+    for e in event_records:
+        event_dict = e.as_dict(True)
+        for k, v in event_dict.items():
+            if k in ["TRACE", "RECORD", "RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES"]:
+                event_dict[k] = json.loads(v)
+        events.append(event_dict)
+    return events
+def build_event_trees(events: List[Dict]):
+    event_trees = []
+    span_id_lookup = {}
+    # Initialize lookup dict with each span_id as key
+    for e in events:
+        span_id = e["TRACE"]["span_id"]
+        span_id_lookup[span_id] = e
+        span_id_lookup[span_id]["CHILDREN"] = []
+    for e in events:
+        if "parent_span_id" in e["RECORD"].keys():
+            parent_span_id = e["RECORD"]["parent_span_id"]
+            span_id_lookup[parent_span_id]["CHILDREN"].append(e)
+        else:
+            event_trees.append(e)
+    return event_trees
+def dfs(curr_node, level, count_label):
+    global MARKDOWN
+    if curr_node is None:
+        return
+    MARKDOWN += "  " * level
+    MARKDOWN += f"{count_label}. Span ID [{curr_node['TRACE']['span_id']}](# \"TRACE: {str(curr_node['TRACE'])}, RECORD: {str(curr_node['RECORD'])}, RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES: {str(curr_node['RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES'])}\") (mouse over for more)\n"
+    MARKDOWN += "  " * level
+    MARKDOWN += f"- `{curr_node['DURATION_MS']} ms duration, started {curr_node['STARTED']}`\n"
+    if 'snow.executable.name' in curr_node['RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES'].keys():
+        curr_name = curr_node['RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES']['snow.executable.name']
+    else:
+        curr_name = "ANONYMOUS " + curr_node['RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES']['snow.executable.type']
+    MARKDOWN += "  " * level
+    MARKDOWN += f"- `{curr_name}`\n"
+    if len(curr_node["CHILDREN"]) > 0:
+        MARKDOWN += "  " * level
+        MARKDOWN += f"- Children:\n"
+    count_label = 0
+    for child in curr_node["CHILDREN"]:
+        count_label += 1
+        dfs(child, level + 1, count_label)
+query_id = st.text_area(
+    "Query ID to trace:",
+    "01b3f580-0609-1bac-0001-dd30d1705f13",
+st.write(f"Searching for trace ID associated with {query_id}...")
+# 1. Get trace_id from query_id.
+trace = session.sql(
+    f"""
+    select trace['trace_id'] as trace_id
+    where 1=1
+        and startswith(resource_attributes['snow.query.id'], '{query_id.lower()}')
+        and record_type = 'SPAN'
+    limit 1;"""
+if len(trace) > 0:
+    trace_dict = trace[0].as_dict()
+    trace_id = trace_dict["TRACE_ID"].replace('"', '')
+    st.write(f"Found trace ID {trace_id}")
+    # 2. Get all spans for the given trace_id
+    events_in_trace = session.sql(
+        f"""
+        select
+            start_timestamp as started,
+            timestamp as ended,
+            datediff(millisecond, start_timestamp, timestamp) as duration_ms,
+            trace,
+            record,
+            resource_attributes
+        where 1=1
+            and trace['trace_id'] = '{trace_id}'
+            and record_type = 'SPAN'
+        order by duration_ms desc;"""
+    ).collect()
+    # 3. Build and display tree of events based on parent_span_id
+    root_events = build_event_trees(event_to_dict(events_in_trace))
+    st.write("Span trees:")
+    for root_event in root_events:
+        MARKDOWN = ""
+        dfs(root_event, level=0, count_label=1)
+        st.write(MARKDOWN)
+    st.write('No trace ID found')