Releases: snowplow/snowplow-ios-tracker
Snowplow iOS Tracker v1.5.0
This release enhances the Emitter component splitting it in three parts:
- EventStore: handles the persistence of tracked events not yet sent to the collector;
- NetworkConnection: establish the connection with the collector and perform the requests;
- Emitter: Handle dispatching like backoff and retry of failed requests and aggregation of events in a single request.
The SPEmitter API is still the same, so EventStore and NetworkConnection can be configured automatically by the Emitter from the SPEmitter configuration.
In this release we also introduce tracker diagnostics, which help to track errors which happen inside the tracker in order to spot and diagnose tracking issues. Also tracker logs can be reported to the main app. These features can be helpful for inspecting issues during instrumentation of the tracker or troubleshooting of unexpected behaviours.
New features:
Bug fixes:
- Crash connected with method writeSessionToFile in SPSession (#515)
Under the hood:
- Emitter refactoring (#540)
Snowplow iOS Tracker v1.4.1
Snowplow iOS Tracker v1.4.0
This release introduces a few improvements and bug-fixes. In particular:
- it has been improved the event management avoiding event ID duplication (and contexts duplication) reusing the same event object;
- it has been added the true timestamp (custom timestamp set by the developer) along with the compatibility with the payload_data schema version 1.0.4, already available on Android;
- it's now possible to use a single
method for all the events, like on Android.
- Validate EventData in Unstructured events (#526)
- Fix url percent escaping (#525)
- Fix contexts duplication (#524)
- Add method for setting true timestamp (#276)
- Renew event ID when event object is reused (#521)
- Move from Travis CI to GitHub Actions (#517)
- Add unified track method for all the events (#518)
Snowplow iOS Tracker v1.3.1
This version fixes few issues reported for the previous version.
- Remove SPM demo app as it causes issues to Carthage (#513)
- Specify FMDB version instead of commit in Package.swift (#512) (Contribution of @BennetLinden)
- Adds public access to a tracker's current session id (#508) (Contribution of @ejensen)
- Add missing references to SPConsentDocument.h (#507) (Contribution of @ejensen)
Snowplow iOS Tracker v1.3.0
This release introduces Global Contexts, GDPR contexts and support for the Swift Package Manager:
- Swift Package Manager unable to find headers on subfolders (#503) (Contribution of @vauxhall)
- Replace deprecated CTTelephonyNetworkInfo methods (#479)
- Fix deprecated CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes (#493)
- Fix deprecated keyWindow (#492)
- Update Technical Docs link (#443)
- Update copyright (#499)
- Add GDPR context (#425)
- Add support for global contexts (#357)
- Add Swift Package Manager support (#474) (Contribution of @vauxhall)
- Events processing refactoring (#489)
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.2.2
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.2.1
This release fixes a bug of screen context. The tracker was unable to update it correctly when screenView events are handled outside the tracker.
- Fix screen context not correctly updated on screenView events (#483)
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.2.0
This release fixes few old minor bugs and introduces the support of watchOS.
- Ensure addDictionaryToPayload enumeration over immutable dictionary (#480) (Contribute of Matt Robinson)
- Stop updating screen context when auto-tracking is disabled (#431)
- Fix valueForKey error in auto-tracking for screenviews (#428)
- Add Watchkit support (#465) (Contribute of Leo Mehlig)
- Allow overwriting of the 'platform' parameter (#476)
- ReachabilitySwift conflicts with Reachability (#437)
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.1.5
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.1.4
It fixes both demo apps, build process and issues with Carthage and Cocoapods. It also fixes issues about device model name information and Apple IDFA.
- Fix doc of method setTimestamp (#467)
- Set simulator device model information when it runs on simulator (#468)
- Update swift demo app for 1.1.4 (#460)
- Update objc demo app for 1.1.4 (#461)
- Fix Slather (#453)
- SnowplowTracker-swift.h file not found static lib building (#427)
- Fix building issues on MacOS target (#466)
- Fix bridging issues importing the framework on swift demo app (#458)
- Fix installation of SnowplowTracker via Carthage (#457)
- Fix Nocilla at 0.11 (#455)
- Comply with isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled (#447)
- Fix incomplete device model information (#444)