Several acronyms abbreviations are defined in SANA registry of CCSDS Abbreviations:
- 42: NASA's 42 simulator (
- AC: Attitude Control
- ACE: Attitude Control Electronics
- ACS: Attitude Control System
- ADCS: Attitude Determination And Control System, with modules: sensors (SENS), actuators (ACT), controller (CTRL) and interface (INT)
- AHB: Advanced High-performance Bus (internal bus of a LEON CPU)
- APB: Advanced Peripheral Bus (internal bus of a LEON CPU)
- APID: CCSDS Application ID
- ASIST: Advanced Spacecraft Integration and System Testing
- ATCP: Absolute Time Command Processor
- ATS: Absolute Time Sequences (kind of Stored Command)
- BAT: Battery (part of EPS)
- BC: Bus Controller
- BT: Build Test
- CCSDS: Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (organisation and name of standards for messages)
- C&DH: Command and Data Handling System
- CDS: Critical Data Store
- CESE: Center for Experimental Software Engineering
- CF application: like CFDP (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- CFDP: CCSDS File Delivery Protocol
- cFE: (little) Core Flight Executive (NASA GitHub
- cFS: (little) Core Flight Software System
- CI: Command Ingest
- CM: Configuration Management
- CMD: Command
- cPCI: Compact PCI
- CS: Checksum (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- DS: Data Storage (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- EDAC: Error Detection And Correction
- EPS: Electrical Power Supply, with PCC, PV and BAT
- ES: Executive Service (part of cFE)
- EVS: Event Service (part of cFE)
- FC: Function Code
- FDC: Fault Detection and Correction
- FDIR: Failure Detection, Isolation, and Recovery
- FM: File Manager (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- FS: File Service (part of cFE)
- FSW: Flight Software
- GNC: Guidance Navigation and Control
- GSE: Ground Support Equipment
- GSFC: Goddard Space Flight Center
- GPM: Global Precipitation Measurement (NASA mission
- HK: Housekeeping (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- HS: Health & Safety (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- I&T: Integration and Test
- ITOS: Integration Test and Operations System
- IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation
- LADEE: Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (NASA mission
- LC: Limit Checker (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- LDP: Logical Data Path
- LDS: Local Data Storage
- LRO: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (NASA mission
- MD: Memory Dwell (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- MET: Mission Elapsed Time
- MM: Memory Manager (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- MS: Memory Scrub
- OBC: On Board Computer
- OSAL: Operating System Abstraction Layer (NASA GitHub
- OSK = OpenSatKit
- PCC: Power Control Circuit (part of EPS)
- PID: Pipeline ID
- PV: Photovoltaic Panel (part of EPS)
- RBSP: Radiation Belt Storm Probes (NASA mission
- RM: Recorder Manager
- RT: Remote Terminal
- RTEMS: Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems
- R/T: Real-time
- RTCP: Relative Time Command Processor
- RTS: Relative Time Sequences (kind of Stored Command)
- SARB: Software Architecture Review Board
- SB: Software Bus (service part of cFE)
- SBN: Software Bus Network (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- SBP: Software Bus Protocol
- SC: Stored Command (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- S/C: Spacecraft
- SCH: Scheduler (cFS Application on NASA GitHub
- S-COMM: S-Band Communication Card
- SDO: Solar Dynamic Observatory
- SDR: Spacecraft Data Recorder
- SIL: Simulink Interface Layer
- SpW: Spacewire
- SSR: Solid State Recorder
- STCF: Spacecraft Time Correlation Factor
- SUROM: Start-Up Read-Only Memory
- TAI: International Atomic Time
- TBL: Table Service (part of cFE)
- TCS: Telecommunication System
- TDRS: Tracking Data Relay Satellite
- TIME: Time Service (part of cFE)
- TLM: Telemetry
- TM: Time Manager
- TO: Telemetry Output
- TRMM: Tropical Rainfall Measuring System
- VCDU: Virtual Channel Data Unit
- XB: External Bus
- XBI: Instrument 1553 External Bus
- XBS: Spacecraft 1553 External Bus
- APP: Application
- bps: bits per second
- Bps: Bytes per second
- BSP: Board Support Package
- CMD: Command
- COTS: Commercial Off The Shelf
- CPU: Central Processing Unit
- CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check
- DMA: Direct Memory Access
- EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
- EOF: End of File
- GOTS: Government Off The Shelf
- GPS: Global Positioning System
- HW: Hardware
- ICD: Interface Control Document
- IPP: Innovative Partnership Program Office
- IRAD: Internal Research and Development
- ISR: Interrupt Service Routine
- KORI: Korean Aerospace Research Institute
- NASA: National Aeronautics Space Agency
- PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect
- PKT: Packet
- PSP: Platform Support Packages
- PVN: Packet Version Number
- RAM: Random-Access Memory
- ROM: Read-Only Memory
- RF: Radio Frequency
- RTL: Runtime Linker
- RTOS: Real-Time Operating System
- SRAM: Static RAM
- SW: Software, Spacewire
- TBD: To Be Determined
- TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access (on 1553 bus)
- UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
- UT: Unit Test
- UTC: Coordinated Universal Time
- UTF: Unit Test Framework
- VCR: Video Cassette Recording