The first step before starting coding is to create an issue describing the feature/bugfix. Assign yourself to the issue. Set also the kanban project and a sprint milestone. When you start to work n the issue, move it to the In progress
column of the kanban.
Create a branch from the master branch. Don't forget to pull the latest commit before create your branch.
# Go to master branch
git checkout master
# Fetch and merge the latest changes
git pull
# Create a dev branch
git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature
the commit tree should look like this:
A---B---C master
Start to implement your changes. Make small commits with relevant commit message.
# write code, add and commit
git add .
git commit -m "this is a commit message that describe my changes"
# Push
git push
The commits will be added to your branch like this:
A---B---C master
D---E feature/my-new-feature
If the master
branch have new commits, you will need to rebase your branch to the new master HEAD. The first things to do is fetching the latest commits on the master branch.
# Fetch the latest commits
git fetch origin
# Merge into master
git merge origin/master master
The latest commits will be added to the master branch like this:
A---B---C---F master
D---E feature/my-new-feature
Then, rebase your branch to the master HEAD
git rebase master
The tree is now like this:
A---B---C---F master
D---E feature/my-new-feature
Once your feature is stable, make a pull request again the master branch.
Wait for another member on the team to review the change on case you break something.
Finally, merge the PR to the master branch. Use Rebase and merge
to have a linear history on the master branch.
A---B---C---F---D---E master