@@ -6,10 +8,18 @@
Timespan Restriction
*ngIf="group.controls.range; let ctrl"
- Date Range
+ {{
+ 'policy_definition_page.date_range' | translate
+ }}
@@ -22,13 +32,15 @@ Timespan Restriction
- Cancel
+ {{ 'general.cancel' | translate }}
- Add
+ {{ 'general.add' | translate }}
diff --git a/src/app/shared/common/translate-with-slot/translate-with-slot.component.html b/src/app/shared/common/translate-with-slot/translate-with-slot.component.html
index 50702d8a..e016fac1 100644
--- a/src/app/shared/common/translate-with-slot/translate-with-slot.component.html
+++ b/src/app/shared/common/translate-with-slot/translate-with-slot.component.html
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-{{ textBefore }}
+{{ textBefore }}
-{{ textAfter }}
+{{ textAfter }}
diff --git a/src/app/shared/common/translate-with-slot/translate-with-slot.component.ts b/src/app/shared/common/translate-with-slot/translate-with-slot.component.ts
index ccc323a3..fbba3630 100644
--- a/src/app/shared/common/translate-with-slot/translate-with-slot.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/shared/common/translate-with-slot/translate-with-slot.component.ts
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ import {SimpleChangesTyped} from '../../../core/utils/angular-utils';
export class TranslateWithSlotComponent implements OnChanges, OnDestroy {
key!: string;
+ @Input()
+ html = false;
key$ = new Subject();
textBefore = '';
diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/de.json b/src/assets/i18n/de.json
index c13c543a..bd16c0bd 100644
--- a/src/assets/i18n/de.json
+++ b/src/assets/i18n/de.json
@@ -1,294 +1,295 @@
"general": {
- "close": "Schließen",
- "delete": "Löschen",
- "error": "Fehler",
- "confirm": "Bestätigen",
- "edit": "Bearbeiten",
- "remove": "Entfernen",
+ "access_pol": "Zugriffsrichtlinie",
+ "ad_info": "Weitere Informationen",
+ "add_add_header": "Füge zusätzliche Kopfzeile hinzu",
+ "add_auth": "Authentifizierung hinzufügen",
+ "add_header": "Zusätzliche Kopfzeilen",
"add": "Hinzufügen",
+ "additional_properties": "Weitere Eigenschaften",
+ "asset": "Datenbestand",
+ "assets": "Datenbestände",
+ "auth_header": "Authentifizierungskopfzeile Name",
+ "auth_value": "Authentifizierungskopfzeile Wert",
+ "auth": "Authentifizierung",
+ "body": "Körper",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
+ "close": "Schließen",
+ "con_def": "Vertragsdefinition",
+ "conditions": "Nutzungsbedingungen",
+ "confirm": "Bestätigen",
+ "cons": "Einschränkungen",
+ "consuming": "Eingehend",
+ "content_type": "Inhaltstyp",
+ "contract": "Vertragsabschluss",
+ "coverage": "Zeitlicher Geltungsbereich",
"create": "Erstellen",
- "update": "Aktualisieren",
- "refresh": "Aktualisieren",
- "total": "Total",
- "details": "Zeige Details",
+ "data_category": "Datenkategorie",
+ "data_model": "Datenmodell",
+ "data_subcategory": "Datenunterkategorie",
+ "data": "Datenbeispiel",
+ "delete": "Löschen",
+ "description": "Beschreibung",
"detail": "Details",
- "warn": "Warnung",
- "title": "Titel",
+ "details": "Zeige Details",
+ "direction": "Richtung",
"disable": "Deaktivieren",
+ "edit": "Bearbeiten",
"enable": "Aktivieren",
- "show": "Zeige",
+ "endpoint_doc": "Endpunkt Dokumentation",
+ "endpoint": "Konnektor Endpunkt",
+ "error": "Fehler",
+ "files": "Referenzdateien",
+ "frequency": "Häufigkeit der Datenaktualisierung",
+ "geo_location": "Geo-Standort",
+ "geo_reference_method": "Georeferenz-Methode",
+ "header_name": "Kopfzeilen-Name",
+ "header_sec": "Kopfzeile mit Vault Passwort",
+ "header_val": "Kopfzeile mit Wert",
+ "header_value": "Kopfzeilen-Wert",
"hide": "Verberge",
- "description": "Beschreibung",
+ "id": "Vertragsangebot ID",
+ "irr_pol": "Irreguläre Richtlinie",
+ "language": "Sprache",
"loading": "Lädt...",
"loading1": "Lädt",
- "still_loading": "Lädt noch...",
- "language": "Sprache",
- "value": "Wert",
- "method": "Methode",
"method_para": "Parametrisierung der Methode",
- "path": "Pfad",
- "params": "Abfrageparameter",
- "additional_properties": "Weitere Eigenschaften",
- "data_category": "Datenkategorie",
- "data_subcategory": "Datenunterkategorie",
- "data_model": "Datenmodell",
- "transport_mode": "Transportmodus",
- "geo_reference_method": "Georeferenz-Methode",
- "geo_location": "Geo-Standort",
- "sovereign": "Souverän",
- "frequency": "Häufigkeit der Datenaktualisierung",
+ "method": "Methode",
"nuts": "NUTS-Standort",
- "data": "Datenbeispiel",
- "show_data": "Zeige Datenbeispiel",
- "files": "Referenzdateien",
- "show_files": "Zeige Referenzdateien",
- "coverage": "Zeitlicher Geltungsbereich",
- "conditions": "Nutzungsbedingungen",
+ "offer": "Vertragsangebot",
+ "oth_connector": "Gegenseite",
+ "params": "Abfrageparameter",
+ "path": "Pfad",
"pol": "Richtlinie",
"policies": "Richtlinien",
- "irr_pol": "Irreguläre Richtlinie",
"policy": "Vertragsrichtlinien",
- "offer": "Vertragsangebot",
- "con_def": "Vertragsdefinition",
- "cons": "Einschränkungen",
- "body": "Körper",
- "type": "Typ",
- "state": "Status",
- "updated": "Zuletzt aktualisiert",
- "direction": "Richtung",
- "contract": "Vertragsabschluss",
- "access_pol": "Zugriffsrichtlinie",
- "assets": "Datenbestände",
- "asset": "Datenbestand",
- "consuming": "Eingehend",
"providing": "Ausgehend",
- "endpoint": "Konnektor Endpunkt",
- "endpoint_doc": "Endpunkt Dokumentation",
- "content_type": "Inhaltstyp",
"publisher": "Anbieter",
- "standard_license": "Standardlizenz",
- "ad_info": "Weitere Informationen",
- "id": "Vertragsangebot ID",
- "oth_connector": "Gegenseite",
+ "refresh": "Aktualisieren",
+ "rem_auth": "Entferne Authentifizierung",
+ "remove": "Entfernen",
+ "show_data": "Zeige Datenbeispiel",
+ "show_files": "Zeige Referenzdateien",
+ "show": "Zeige",
"signed": "Abgeschlossen",
- "auth": "Authentifizierung",
- "add_auth": "Authentifizierung hinzufügen",
- "header_sec": "Kopfzeile mit Vault Passwort",
- "header_val": "Kopfzeile mit Wert",
- "auth_header": "Authentifizierungskopfzeile Name",
- "auth_value": "Authentifizierungskopfzeile Wert",
+ "sovereign": "Souverän",
+ "standard_license": "Standardlizenz",
+ "state": "Status",
+ "still_loading": "Lädt noch...",
+ "title": "Titel",
+ "total": "Total",
+ "transport_mode": "Transportmodus",
+ "type": "Typ",
+ "update": "Aktualisieren",
+ "updated": "Zuletzt aktualisiert",
+ "value": "Wert",
"vault_secret": "Vault-Passwort-Name",
- "rem_auth": "Entferne Authentifizierung",
- "add_header": "Zusätzliche Kopfzeilen",
- "header_name": "Kopfzeilen-Name",
- "header_value": "Kopfzeilen-Wert",
- "add_add_header": "Füge zusätzliche Kopfzeile hinzu"
+ "warn": "Warnung"
"tooltip": {
- "negotiate": "Sie können keine Verträge mit Ihrem eigenen Konnektor aushandeln.",
+ "clipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"details": "Klicken Sie hier für Details",
"failed_details": "Klicken Sie hier für fehlgeschlagene Katalogdetails",
- "clipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopieren"
+ "negotiate": "Sie können keine Verträge mit Ihrem eigenen Konnektor aushandeln."
"notification": {
- "starting_neg": "Scheitern bei der Aufnahme von Verhandlungen.",
- "negotiation": "Gescheiterte Vertragsverhandlungen.",
- "compl_negotiation": "Vertragsverhandlungen abgeschlossen!",
"asset": "Datei erfolgreich gespeichert.",
+ "compl_negotiation": "Vertragsverhandlungen abgeschlossen!",
"failed_asset": "Fehlgeschlagene Speichervorgang!",
- "failed_refresh": "Aktualisierung der Datenbestände fehlgeschlagen!",
- "succ_pol": "Erfolgreich erstellte Richtlinie.",
"failed_create_policy": "Fehlgeschlagene Richtlinie",
- "failed_transfer_detail_fetch": "Datei-Details konnten nicht abgerufen werden!"
+ "failed_refresh": "Aktualisierung der Datenbestände fehlgeschlagen!",
+ "failed_transfer_detail_fetch": "Datei-Details konnten nicht abgerufen werden!",
+ "negotiation": "Gescheiterte Vertragsverhandlungen.",
+ "starting_neg": "Scheitern bei der Aufnahme von Verhandlungen.",
+ "succ_pol": "Erfolgreich erstellte Richtlinie."
"component_library": {
- "delete_title": "Bestätigung der Löschung",
+ "accept_licence": "Hiermit erkläre ich mich damit einverstanden, dass ich durch Drücken der Schaltfläche \"Bestätigen\" die mit dem Angebot des Anbieters verbundenen Lizenzbedingungen, Richtlinien und zusätzlichen Nutzungsbedingungen, einschließlich aller Urheberrechtshinweise, akzeptiere.",
+ "agree": "Ich stimme den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen zu.",
+ "at": "Erstellt am",
+ "connector_id": "Konnector ID",
+ "content_type": "Inhaltstyp",
+ "data_offer": "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für das Datenangebot",
"delete_one": "Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie löschen möchten",
+ "delete_title": "Bestätigung der Löschung",
"delete_two": ". Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
- "t_history": "Übertragungshistorie",
+ "http_param": "HTTP-Datenquellen-Parametrisierung",
+ "json_ld": "Zeige JSON-LD",
+ "json": "Bereinigtes JSON",
"negotiate": "Verhandeln",
"negotiating": "Verhandeln...",
- "succ_negotiating": "Erfolgreich verhandelt",
- "transfer": "Übertragung",
"no_description": "Keine Beschreibung",
- "show_more": "Zeige mehr",
- "show_less": "Zeige weniger",
+ "no_transfer": "Kein Übertragungsprozess bisher gestartet.",
"organization": "Organisation",
- "http_param": "HTTP-Datenquellen-Parametrisierung",
- "policy_details": "Zeige Richtlinien Details",
- "content_type": "Inhaltstyp",
- "at": "Erstellt am",
- "up_at": "Aktualisiert am",
"oth_connector": "Gegenpart",
"participant_id": "Teilnehmer ID",
- "connector_id": "Konnector ID",
- "json_ld": "Zeige JSON-LD",
- "no_transfer": "Kein Übertragungsprozess bisher gestartet.",
- "json": "Bereinigtes JSON",
- "agree": "Ich stimme den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen zu.",
- "accept_licence": "Hiermit erkläre ich mich damit einverstanden, dass ich durch Drücken der Schaltfläche \"Bestätigen\" die mit dem Angebot des Anbieters verbundenen Lizenzbedingungen, Richtlinien und zusätzlichen Nutzungsbedingungen, einschließlich aller Urheberrechtshinweise, akzeptiere.",
- "data_offer": "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für das Datenangebot"
+ "policy_details": "Zeige Richtlinien Details",
+ "show_less": "Zeige weniger",
+ "show_more": "Zeige mehr",
+ "succ_negotiating": "Erfolgreich verhandelt",
+ "t_history": "Übertragungshistorie",
+ "transfer": "Übertragung",
+ "up_at": "Aktualisiert am"
"services": {
+ "curator_org": "Name der Kurator Organisation",
+ "curator_url": "Kurator-URL",
"env_version": "Umgebungs Version",
"failed_loading": "Fehler beim Laden von Verbindungsinformationen",
- "curator_url": "Kurator-URL",
- "curator_org": "Name der Kurator Organisation",
- "maintainer": "Name der betreuenden Organisation",
- "main_url": "URL betreuende Organisation"
+ "main_url": "URL betreuende Organisation",
+ "maintainer": "Name der betreuenden Organisation"
"asset_page": {
- "information": "Generelle Informationen",
- "asset_id": "Datenbestand-ID",
- "keywords": "Passwort",
- "legal_name": "Rechtlicher Name des Dateninhabers",
"add_file": "Referenzdatei hinzufügen",
- "file_des": "Beschreibung der Referenzdateien",
- "info_file": "Zusätzliche Informationen zu den Referenzdateien",
- "instructions": "Zusätzliche, rechtlich nicht relevante Nutzungshinweise (z. B. wie der Datensatz zu zitieren ist)",
+ "add_loc": "Füge Ort hinzu",
+ "add_sample": "Füge Beispieldaten hinzu",
+ "asset_id": "Datenbestand-ID",
+ "create_asset": " Erstelle neuen Datenbestand",
+ "create_assets": "Erstelle Datenbestände",
+ "datasource_config": "Benutzerdefinierte Datenquellenkonfiguration (JSON)",
"datasource_info": "Datenquellen Information",
"datasource": "Datenquelle",
- "datasource_config": "Benutzerdefinierte Datenquellenkonfiguration (JSON)",
- "provide": "Die konsumierende Seite muss eine benutzerdefinierte HTTP-Methode mit aktivierter Methodenparametrisierung bereitstellen.",
+ "default_query": "Wenn die Parametrisierung von Abfrageparametern aktiviert ist, werden die Standardabfrageparameter und die vom Verbraucher bereitgestellten Abfrageparameter zusammengeführt.",
+ "descrip": "Die Beschreibung nutzt",
+ "edit_asset": "Bearbeite Datenbestand",
+ "file_des": "Beschreibung der Referenzdateien",
"http_subpath": "Die konsumierende Seite muss einen benutzerdefinierten HTTP-Unterpfad bereitstellen, bei dem die Methodenparametrisierung aktiviert ist. Der benutzerdefinierte HTTP-Teilpfad wird an den Basispfad angehängt.",
+ "info_body": "Der Anfragekörper kann nur von der Verbraucherseite aus festgelegt werden, wenn die Parametrisierung aktiviert ist.",
+ "info_file": "Zusätzliche Informationen zu den Referenzdateien",
+ "information": "Generelle Informationen",
+ "instructions": "Zusätzliche, rechtlich nicht relevante Nutzungshinweise (z. B. wie der Datensatz zu zitieren ist)",
+ "keywords": "Passwort",
+ "legal_name": "Rechtlicher Name des Dateninhabers",
+ "no_assets": "Keine Datenbestände mit gegebenem Filter gefunden.",
"path_para": "Pfadparametrisierung",
- "query_para": "Abfrageparameter",
+ "provide": "Die konsumierende Seite muss eine benutzerdefinierte HTTP-Methode mit aktivierter Methodenparametrisierung bereitstellen.",
"query_name": "Abfrage Parametername",
- "default_query": "Wenn die Parametrisierung von Abfrageparametern aktiviert ist, werden die Standardabfrageparameter und die vom Verbraucher bereitgestellten Abfrageparameter zusammengeführt.",
+ "query_para": "Abfrageparameter",
"query_parameter": " Parametrisierung von Abfrageparametern",
- "info_body": "Der Anfragekörper kann nur von der Verbraucherseite aus festgelegt werden, wenn die Parametrisierung aktiviert ist.",
"request_body": "Anfragekörper",
"request_para": "Parametrisierung des Anfragekörpers",
- "search_assets": "Durchsuche Datenbestände",
- "create_assets": "Erstelle Datenbestände",
- "create_asset": " Erstelle neuen Datenbestand",
- "edit_asset": "Bearbeite Datenbestand",
- "no_assets": "Keine Datenbestände mit gegebenem Filter gefunden.",
- "descrip": "Die Beschreibung nutzt",
- "add_loc": "Füge Ort hinzu",
- "add_sample": "Füge Beispieldaten hinzu"
+ "search_assets": "Durchsuche Datenbestände"
"catalog_browser_page": {
- "fetch": "Status abrufen",
- "endpoint_catalogs": "Andere Kataloge für Verbindungs-Endpunkte",
- "search": "Katalogssuche",
"con_endpoints": "Konnektor Endpunkte",
+ "contract": "Vertragsangebot",
+ "endpoint_catalogs": "Andere Kataloge für Verbindungs-Endpunkte",
"enter_endpoints": "Bitte geben Sie andere Connector-Endpunkte an, um Kataloge zu holen.",
+ "fetch": "Status abrufen",
"no_contract_offers": "Keine Vertragsangebote mit diesem Filter gefunden",
- "contract": "Vertragsangebot",
+ "search": "Katalogssuche",
"usage": "Bereits verwendet"
"contract_agreement_page": {
- "search_agree": "Suche nach Vertragsvereinbarungen...",
- "no_agree": "Noch keine vertraglichen Vereinbarungen.",
- "no_agree_found": "Keine Vertragsvereinbarungen mit gegebenem Filter gefunden.",
+ "add_cus_query": "Benutzerdefinierten Abfrage-Parameter hinzufügen",
"con_agree": "Verbrauchen von Vertragsvereinbarungen",
- "prov_agree": "Bereitstellung von Vertragsvereinbarungen",
- "ini_transfer": "Übertragung einleiten",
- "http_fields": "Http-Datenquellenparametrisierung Felder",
- "http_para": "Http-Datenquellen-Parametrisierung",
- "http_message": "Wenn das Datenangebot auf der Anbieterseite vom Typ HttpData ist und bestimmte Datenquellenfelder gesetzt sind, können bestimmte Teile der Anfrage an die Datenquelle von der Verbraucherseite aus angepasst werden und werden bei der Einleitung der Übertragung an den anderen Konnektor übergeben. Dadurch kann ein Asset mehr als nur eine Art von Daten enthalten, was zusätzliche Filterung oder sogar die gemeinsame Nutzung ganzer APIs mit mehreren Datensätzen über ein einziges Asset und einen einzigen Vertrag ermöglicht.",
- "res_url": "Die resultierende URL sieht wie folgt aus",
- "proxy_body": "Erfordert, dass Anfragekörper wahr ist.",
- "proxy_query": "Erfordert, dass Anfrageparameter wahr sind.",
- "proxy_path": "Erfordert, dass Anfragepfad wahr ist.",
- "proxy_method": "Erfordert, dass Anfragemethode wahr ist. ",
- "datasink": "Datasenke",
+ "con_def": "Keine Vertragsdefinition mit gegebenem Filter gefunden.",
+ "create_def": "Vertragsdefinition erstellen",
"cus_datasink": "Benutzerdefinierte Datasenke-Konfiguration (JSON)",
- "cus_transfer": "Benutzerdefinierte Übertragungsprozess-Anforderung (JSON)",
- "json_hint": "JSON-LD Werte für edc:connectorId, edc:contractId, edc:connectorId und edc:connectorAddress werden überschrieben.",
"cus_meth": "Benutzerdefinierte Methode",
"cus_query": "Benutzerdefinierte Abfrage Parameter Name",
- "add_cus_query": "Benutzerdefinierten Abfrage-Parameter hinzufügen",
- "req_cont": "Benutzerdefinierter Inhaltstyp für Anfragen",
- "req_body": "Anfragekörper",
"cus_sub": "Benutzerdefinierter Unterpfad",
+ "cus_transfer": "Benutzerdefinierte Übertragungsprozess-Anforderung (JSON)",
+ "datasink": "Datasenke",
+ "http_fields": "Http-Datenquellenparametrisierung Felder",
+ "http_message": "Wenn das Datenangebot auf der Anbieterseite vom Typ HttpData ist und bestimmte Datenquellenfelder gesetzt sind, können bestimmte Teile der Anfrage an die Datenquelle von der Verbraucherseite aus angepasst werden und werden bei der Einleitung der Übertragung an den anderen Konnektor übergeben. Dadurch kann ein Asset mehr als nur eine Art von Daten enthalten, was zusätzliche Filterung oder sogar die gemeinsame Nutzung ganzer APIs mit mehreren Datensätzen über ein einziges Asset und einen einzigen Vertrag ermöglicht.",
+ "http_para": "Http-Datenquellen-Parametrisierung",
+ "ini_transfer": "Übertragung einleiten",
+ "json_hint": "JSON-LD Werte für edc:connectorId, edc:contractId, edc:connectorId und edc:connectorAddress werden überschrieben.",
"new_def": "Erstelle neue Vertragsdefinition",
- "search_def": "Suche Vertragsdefinition",
- "create_def": "Vertragsdefinition erstellen",
- "con_def": "Keine Vertragsdefinition mit gegebenem Filter gefunden."
+ "no_agree_found": "Keine Vertragsvereinbarungen mit gegebenem Filter gefunden.",
+ "no_agree": "Noch keine vertraglichen Vereinbarungen.",
+ "prov_agree": "Bereitstellung von Vertragsvereinbarungen",
+ "proxy_body": "Erfordert, dass Anfragekörper wahr ist.",
+ "proxy_method": "Erfordert, dass Anfragemethode wahr ist. ",
+ "proxy_path": "Erfordert, dass Anfragepfad wahr ist.",
+ "proxy_query": "Erfordert, dass Anfrageparameter wahr sind.",
+ "req_body": "Anfragekörper",
+ "req_cont": "Benutzerdefinierter Inhaltstyp für Anfragen",
+ "res_url": "Die resultierende URL sieht wie folgt aus",
+ "search_agree": "Suche nach Vertragsvereinbarungen...",
+ "search_def": "Suche Vertragsdefinition"
"dashboard_page": {
- "error": "Fehler",
+ "about_ui": "Über EDC UI",
+ "about": "Über EDC",
+ "add_prop": "Zusätzliche Eigenschaften",
+ "api_url": "Management API URL",
+ "catalog": "Datenkatalog",
"completed": "Abgeschlossen",
- "progress": "In Arbeit",
- "no_transfer": "Keine ausgehenden Übertragungen",
- "no_transfer2": "Keine eingehenden Übertragungen",
- "num_transfer": "Anzahl der Übertragungsvorgänge",
- "failed_ui_build": "Abruf der Daten des letzten Baudatums der Benutzeroberfläche fehlgeschlagen",
- "failed_ui": "Abruf der letzten UI Commit Daten fehlgeschlagen",
- "failed_env": "Abruf von Env und Jar letzten Commit Daten fehlgeschlagen",
- "failed_dashboard": "Abruf von Dashboard-Seitendaten fehlgeschlagen",
- "inc_data": "Eingehende Daten",
- "trans_pro": "Übertragungsvorgänge",
- "out_data": "Ausgehende Daten",
+ "con_agree": "Vertragliche Vereinbarungen",
+ "con_def": "Vertragsefinitions",
+ "conn_end": "Konnektor Endpunkte",
"conn_prop": "Konnektor Eigenschaften",
- "add_prop": "Zusätzliche Eigenschaften",
- "edc_conn": "EDC Konnektor",
+ "conn_service": "Konnektor als Dienstleistung",
+ "contact": "Kontaktieren Sie uns",
+ "contracts": "Verträge",
+ "data_dashboard": "Daten Dashboard",
"descrip": "Geben Sie den folgenden Konnektor-Endpunkt frei, um anderen den Zugriff auf den Katalog Ihres EDC Konnektors zu ermöglichen. Dies ist vor allem bei der Verwendung von Datenangeboten mit eingeschränktem Konnektor nützlich, die in Brokern nicht angezeigt werden.",
- "conn_end": "Konnektor Endpunkte",
- "api_url": "Management API URL",
+ "eclipse": "Eclipse-Datenraum-Komponenten",
+ "edc_conn": "EDC Konnektor",
"edition_edc": "Basisausgabe EDC",
- "page": "klicken.",
- "marketing_mds_basic_intro": "Dieser EDC Konnektor auf der Abo-Ebene Basic wird von sovity bereitgestellt, um Ihre ersten Schritte im Mobility Data Space (MDS) zu ermöglichen.",
- "marketing_mds_basic_intro2": "Für zusätzliche Funktionen und erweiterte Kapazitäten können Sie uns gerne kontaktieren.",
- "marketing_ce_intro": "Um Datenräume wie Mobility Data Space oder Catena-X innerhalb weniger Minuten zu verbinden, betrachten Sie die verwaltete Lösung von",
- "marketing_ce_intro2": "- den Connector-as-a-Service (CaaS), der auf Open-Source-Software basiert und mit wichtigen Unternehmensfunktionen angereichert ist.",
- "marketing_about": "Das Eclipse Dataspace Components Framework ermöglicht einen souveränen, organisationsübergreifenden Datenaustausch.",
- "marketing_about2": "Es implementiert den internationalen Datenraumstandard (IDS) sowie die mit GAIA-X verbundenen relevanten Protokolle.",
- "marketing_about3": "Der Aufbau ist so erweiterbar wie möglich gestaltet, um die Integration in verschiedene Datenökosysteme zu fördern.",
- "marketing_about_ui": "Beispielhafte Anwendungsfälle, die Sie mit dieser Anwendung ausprobieren können, sind:",
- "marketing_about_ui_catalog_view_offers": "Zeigen Sie den Datenbestands-Katalog an, der Ihnen in Ihrem Datenraum zur Verfügung steht, unter",
- "marketing_about_ui_catalog_negotiate": "Verhandeln Sie einen Vertrag für die gemeinsame Nutzung von Daten in Ihrem Datenraum unter",
- "marketing_about_ui_contracts_transfer": "Übertragen Sie ein Element in Ihren Datenraum indem Sie auf ",
- "marketing_about_ui_transfer_history_view": "Sehen Sie sich an, welche Datenbestände in Ihrem Datenraum übertragen wurden, indem Sie auf",
+ "error": "Fehler",
+ "failed_dashboard": "Abruf von Dashboard-Seitendaten fehlgeschlagen",
+ "failed_env": "Abruf von Env und Jar letzten Commit Daten fehlgeschlagen",
+ "failed_ui_build": "Abruf der Daten des letzten Baudatums der Benutzeroberfläche fehlgeschlagen",
+ "failed_ui": "Abruf der letzten UI Commit Daten fehlgeschlagen",
+ "inc_data": "Eingehende Daten",
+ "managed_edc": "Managed EDC",
"marketing_about_ui_assets_view_and_create": "Betrachten und erstellen Sie Datenbstände indem Sie auf",
- "marketing_about_ui_policies_view_and_create": "Betrachten und erstellen Sie Richtlinien und wenden Sie diese auf Datenbestände in Ihrem Datenraum an, indem Sie auf",
+ "marketing_about_ui_catalog_negotiate": "Verhandeln Sie einen Vertrag für die gemeinsame Nutzung von Daten in Ihrem Datenraum unter",
+ "marketing_about_ui_catalog_view_offers": "Zeigen Sie den Datenbestands-Katalog an, der Ihnen in Ihrem Datenraum zur Verfügung steht, unter",
"marketing_about_ui_contract_definitions_view_and_create": "Veröffentlichen Sie ein neues Element in Ihrem Datenraum unter",
+ "marketing_about_ui_contracts_transfer": "Übertragen Sie ein Element in Ihren Datenraum indem Sie auf ",
"marketing_about_ui_contracts_view_existing": "Betrachten Sie ihre existierenden Verträge, indem Sie auf",
- "contact": "Kontaktieren Sie uns",
- "managed_edc": "Managed EDC",
- "conn_service": "Konnektor als Dienstleistung",
- "about": "Über EDC",
- "eclipse": "Eclipse-Datenraum-Komponenten",
- "about_ui": "Über EDC UI",
- "data_dashboard": "Daten Dashboard",
- "catalog": "Datenkatalog",
- "contracts": "Verträge",
+ "marketing_about_ui_policies_view_and_create": "Betrachten und erstellen Sie Richtlinien und wenden Sie diese auf Datenbestände in Ihrem Datenraum an, indem Sie auf",
+ "marketing_about_ui_transfer_history_view": "Sehen Sie sich an, welche Datenbestände in Ihrem Datenraum übertragen wurden, indem Sie auf",
+ "marketing_about_ui": "Beispielhafte Anwendungsfälle, die Sie mit dieser Anwendung ausprobieren können, sind:",
+ "marketing_about": "Das Eclipse Dataspace Components Framework ermöglicht einen souveränen, organisationsübergreifenden Datenaustausch.",
+ "marketing_about2": "Es implementiert den internationalen Datenraumstandard (IDS) sowie die mit GAIA-X verbundenen relevanten Protokolle.",
+ "marketing_about3": "Der Aufbau ist so erweiterbar wie möglich gestaltet, um die Integration in verschiedene Datenökosysteme zu fördern.",
+ "marketing_ce_intro": "Um Datenräume wie Mobility Data Space oder Catena-X innerhalb weniger Minuten zu verbinden, betrachten Sie die verwaltete Lösung von",
+ "marketing_ce_intro2": "- den Connector-as-a-Service (CaaS), der auf Open-Source-Software basiert und mit wichtigen Unternehmensfunktionen angereichert ist.",
+ "marketing_mds_basic_intro": "Dieser EDC Konnektor auf der Abo-Ebene Basic wird von sovity bereitgestellt, um Ihre ersten Schritte im Mobility Data Space (MDS) zu ermöglichen.",
+ "marketing_mds_basic_intro2": "Für zusätzliche Funktionen und erweiterte Kapazitäten können Sie uns gerne kontaktieren.",
+ "no_transfer": "Keine ausgehenden Übertragungen",
+ "no_transfer2": "Keine eingehenden Übertragungen",
+ "num_transfer": "Anzahl der Übertragungsvorgänge",
+ "out_data": "Ausgehende Daten",
+ "page": "klicken.",
+ "pre_cat": "Vorkonfigurierte Kataloge",
+ "progress": "In Arbeit",
+ "provided": "Provided by",
+ "trans_pro": "Übertragungsvorgänge",
"transfer": "Übertragungshistorie",
- "con_def": "Vertragsefinitions",
- "your_def": "Deine Vertragsdefinitionen",
"your_assets": "Deine Datenbestände",
- "your_pol": "Deine Richtlinien",
- "pre_cat": "Vorkonfigurierte Kataloge",
- "con_agree": "Vertragliche Vereinbarungen"
+ "your_def": "Deine Vertragsdefinitionen",
+ "your_pol": "Deine Richtlinien"
"policy_definition_page": {
- "create_pol": "Erstelle eine neue Richtlinie",
- "time_res": "Zeitlich begrenzter Zeitraum",
"conn_res": "Anschluss mit vom Konnektor eingeschränkter Nutzung",
+ "create_pol": "Erstelle eine neue Richtlinie",
+ "create_policy": "Erstelle eine Richtlinie",
"date_range": "Datumsbereich",
+ "no_pol": "Keine Richtlinie mit gegebenem Filter gefunden.",
"search_pol": "Durchsuche Richtlinien",
- "create_policy": "Erstelle eine Richtlinie",
- "no_pol": "Keine Richtlinie mit gegebenem Filter gefunden."
+ "time_res": "Zeitlich begrenzter Zeitraum"
"transfer_history_page": {
- "subtitle": "Übertragungshistorie Details",
- "no_trans": "Keine Übertragungshistorie gefunden.",
"counter_endpoint": "Gegenpart Konnektorendpunkt",
- "counter_id": "Gegenpart Teilnehmer ID"
+ "counter_id": "Gegenpart Teilnehmer ID",
+ "no_trans": "Keine Übertragungshistorie gefunden.",
+ "subtitle": "Übertragungshistorie Details"
"connector_ui": {
- "dashboard": "Übersicht",
+ "assets": "Datenbestände",
"catalog": "Katalogssuche",
+ "contract": "Vertragsdefinition",
"contracts": "Verträge",
- "transfer": "Übertragungshistorie",
- "assets": "Datenbestände",
+ "dashboard": "Übersicht",
+ "logout": "Ausloggen",
"policies": "Richtlinien",
- "contract": "Vertragsdefinition",
- "logout": "Ausloggen"
+ "transfer": "Übertragungshistorie"
diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/en.json b/src/assets/i18n/en.json
index 78006e8d..f22ea9d3 100644
--- a/src/assets/i18n/en.json
+++ b/src/assets/i18n/en.json
@@ -1,346 +1,479 @@
- "general": {
- "close": "Close",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "error": "Error",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "remove": "Remove",
- "add": "Add",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "create": "Create",
- "update": "Update",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
- "total": "Total",
- "details": "Show Details",
- "warn": "Warn",
- "title": "Title",
- "disable": "Disable",
- "enable": "Enable",
- "show": "Show",
- "hide": "Hide",
- "description": "Description",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "loading1": "Loading",
- "still_loading": "Still Loading...",
- "language": "Language",
- "value": "Value",
- "method": "Method",
- "method_para": "Method Parameterization",
- "path": "Path",
- "params": "Query Params",
- "additional_properties": "Additional Properties",
- "data_category": "Data Category",
- "data_subcategory": "Data Subcategory",
- "data_model": "Data Model",
- "transport_mode": "Transport Mode",
- "geo_reference_method": "Geo reference method",
- "geo_location": "Geo Location",
- "sovereign": "Sovereign",
- "frequency": "Data Update Frequency",
- "nuts": "NUTS Locations",
- "data": "Data Samples",
- "show_data": "Show Data Samples",
- "files": "Reference Files",
- "show_files": "Show Reference Files",
- "coverage": "Temporal Coverage",
- "conditions": "Conditions For Use",
- "policy": "Policy",
- "policies": "Policies",
- "irr_pol": "Irregular Policy",
- "contract_policy": "Contract Policy",
- "contract_offer": "Contract Offer",
- "con_def": "Data Offer",
- "cons": "Constraints",
- "body": "Body",
- "type": "Type",
- "state": "State",
- "updated": "Last updated",
- "direction": "Direction",
- "contract": "Contract Agreement",
- "access_pol": "Access Policy",
- "assets": "Assets",
- "asset": "Asset",
- "consuming": "Consuming",
- "providing": "Providing",
- "endpoint": "Connector Endpoint",
- "endpoint_doc": "Endpoint Documentation",
- "content_type": "Content Type",
- "publisher": "Publisher",
- "standard_license": "Standard License",
- "ad_info": "Advanced Information",
- "id": "Contract Offer ID",
- "oth_connector": "Other Connector",
- "signed": "Signed",
- "auth": "Authentication",
- "add_auth": "Add Authentication",
- "header_sec": "Header with Vault Secret",
- "header_val": "Header with Value",
- "auth_header": "Auth Header Name",
- "auth_value": "Auth Header Value",
- "vault_secret": "Vault Secret Name",
- "rem_auth": "Remove Authentication",
- "add_header": "Additional Headers",
- "header_name": "Header Name",
- "header_value": "Header Value",
- "add_add_header": "Add Additional Header",
- "page": "Page",
- "show_adv_fields": "Show Advanced Fields",
- "publishing": "Publishing",
- "pub_desc": "Publish data offer to other data space participants",
- "pub_unrestr": "Publish unrestricted",
- "pub_restr": "Publish restricted",
- "pub_asset_only": "Create asset only (without data offer)",
- "pub_mode": "Publishing Mode",
- "doc": "Documentation"
- },
- "tooltip": {
- "negotiate": "Cannot negotiate contracts with your own connector.",
- "details": "Click for details",
- "failed_details": "Click for failed catalog details",
- "clipboard": "Copy to clipboard"
- },
- "notification": {
- "starting_neg": "Failure starting negotiation.",
- "negotiation": "Failed negotiating contract.",
- "compl_negotiation": "Contract Negotiation complete!",
- "asset": "Successfully saved asset.",
- "failed_asset": "Failed saving asset!",
- "failed_refresh": "Failed refreshing asset list!",
- "succ_pol": "Successfully created policy.",
- "failed_create_policy": "Failed creating Policy!",
- "failed_transfer_detail_fetch": "Failed to fetch asset details!"
- },
- "component_library": {
- "delete_title": "Deletion confirmation",
- "delete_one": "Please confirm you want to delete",
- "delete_two": "This action cannot be undone.",
- "t_history": "Transfer History",
- "negotiate": "Negotiate",
- "negotiating": "Negotiating...",
- "succ_negotiating": "Successfully Negotiated",
- "transfer": "Transfer",
- "no_description": "No Description",
- "show_more": "Show more",
- "show_less": "Show less",
- "organization": "Organization",
- "http_param": "HTTP Data Source Parameterization",
- "policy_details": "Show Policy Details",
- "content_type": "Content Type",
- "at": "Created At",
- "up_at": "Updated At",
- "oth_connector": "Other Connector",
- "participant_id": "Participant ID",
- "participant_id_plural": "Participant IDs",
- "connector_id": "Connector ID",
- "connector_id_plural": "Connector IDs",
- "json_ld": "Show JSON-LD",
- "no_transfer": "No transfer processes started yet.",
- "json": "Cleaned JSON",
- "agree": "I agree to the Data Offer Terms & Conditions",
- "accept_licence": "Hereby I agree that by pressing the 'Confirm' button, I accept the license\n terms, policies, and additional conditions for use, including any copyright\n notices, associated with the provider's offer.",
- "data_offer": "Data Offer Terms & Conditions"
- },
- "services": {
- "env_version": "Environment Version",
- "failed_loading": "Failed loading connector information",
- "curator_url": "Curator URL",
- "curator_org": "Curator Organization Name",
- "maintainer": "Maintainer Organization Name",
- "main_url": "Maintainer URL"
- },
- "asset_list_page": {
- "title": "Assets",
- "page": "Asset Page",
- "information": "General Information",
- "information_desc": "Fill out general information about the asset.",
- "my_asset": "My Asset",
- "asset_id": "Asset ID",
- "keywords": "Keywords",
- "add_keyword": "Add keyword...",
- "legal_name": "Legal name of the data owner",
- "add_file": "Add reference file",
- "file_des": "Reference files description",
- "info_file": "Additional information regarding the reference files",
- "instructions": "Additional not legally relevant usage instructions (e.g. how to cite the dataset)",
- "datasource_info": "Datasource Information",
- "datasource": "Datasource",
- "datasource_config": "Custom Datasource Config (JSON)",
- "provide": "The consuming side must provide a Custom HTTP Method with method parameterization enabled.",
- "http_subpath": "The consuming side must provide a Custom HTTP Subpath with method parameterization is enabled. The Custom HTTP Subpath will be appended to the base path.",
- "path_para": "Path Parameterization",
- "method_para": "Method Parameterization",
- "query_para": "Query Params",
- "query_para_single": "Query Param",
- "query_name": "Query Param Name",
- "default_query": "With query param parameterization enabled, the default query params and the query params provided by the consumer will be merged.",
- "query_parameter": " Query Param Parameterization",
- "info_body": "The request body can only be set from the consumer side, if parameterization is enabled.",
- "request_body": "Request Body",
- "request_para": "Request Body Parameterization",
- "search_assets": "Search assets",
- "create_asset": " Create New Asset",
- "edit_asset": "Edit Asset",
- "no_assets": "No assets found with given filter.",
- "descrip": "The description uses",
- "add_loc": "Add location",
- "add_sample": "Add data sample",
- "name": "Title",
- "version": "Version"
- },
- "catalog_browser_page": {
- "title": "Catalog Browser",
- "page": "Catalog Browser",
- "fetch": "Fetch Status",
- "endpoint_catalogs": "Other Connector Endpoint Catalogs",
- "search": "Search catalog",
- "con_endpoints": "Connector Endpoints",
- "enter_endpoints": "Please enter other connector endpoints to fetch catalogs.",
- "no_contract_offers": "No contract offers found with this filter",
- "contract": "Contract Offer",
- "usage": "Already using"
- },
- "contract_agreement_page": {
- "title": "Contracts",
- "page": "Contract Page",
- "search_agree": "Search contract agreements...",
- "no_agree": "No contract agreements yet.",
- "no_agree_found": "No contract agreements found with given filter.",
- "con_agree": "Consuming Contract Agreements",
- "prov_agree": "Providing Contract Agreements",
- "ini_transfer": "Initiate Transfer",
- "http_fields": "Http Datasource Parameterization Fields",
- "http_para": "Http Datasource Parameterization",
- "http_message": "When the data offer on the provider side is of the type HttpData and certain data source fields are set, certain parts of the request to the data source can be customized from the consumer side and will be passed to the other connector when initiating the transfer. This allows an asset to contain more than just one kind of data, allowing additional filtering or even sharing of entire APIs with multiple data sets via a single asset and a single contract.",
- "res_url": "The resulting URL will look like",
- "proxy_body": "Requires proxyBody to be true.",
- "proxy_query": "Requires proxyQueryParams to be true",
- "proxy_path": "Requires proxyPath to be true. ",
- "proxy_method": "Requires proxyMethod to be true. ",
- "datasink": "Datasink",
- "cus_datasink": "Custom Datasink Config (JSON)",
- "cus_transfer": "Custom Transfer Process Request (JSON)",
- "json_hint": "JSON-LD values for edc:connectorId, edc:contractId, edc:connectorId and edc:connectorAddress will be overridden.",
- "cus_meth": "Custom Method",
- "cus_query": "Custom Query Param Name",
- "add_cus_query": "Add Custom Query Param",
- "req_cont": "Custom Request Body Content Type",
- "req_body": "Custom Request Body",
- "cus_sub": "Custom Subpath",
- "new_def": "Publish New Data Offer",
- "search_def": "Search data offer",
- "create_def": "Publish Data Offer",
- "con_def": "No data offer found with given filter."
- },
- "contract_definition_page": {
- "title": "Data Offers",
- "page": "Data Offer Page"
- },
- "create_data_offer": {
- "def_datasrc": "Define the datasource of the asset",
- "data_type": "Datasource Type",
- "contact_email_placeholder": "contact@my-org.com",
- "contact_email": "Contact E-Mail",
- "contact_email_tooltip": "This email address will be offered to potential consumers for contacting you. This is done in place of having an actual data source connected.",
- "contact_subject_tooltip": "When potential customers reach out to you via email, you’ll receive messages with this subject line."
- },
- "create_data_offer_page": {
- "title": "Create Data Offer"
- },
- "edit_asset_page": {
- "title": "Edit Asset"
- },
- "dashboard_page": {
- "title": "Dashboard",
- "page": "Dashboard Page",
- "error": "Error",
- "completed": "Completed",
- "progress": "In Progress",
- "num_transfer": "Number of Transfer Processes",
- "failed_ui_build": "Failed fetching UI Last Build Date Data",
- "failed_ui": "Failed fetching UI Last Commit Data",
- "failed_env": "Failed fetching Env and Jar Last Commit Data",
- "failed_dashboard": "Failed fetching Dashboard Page Data",
- "failed_offers": "Failed fetching data offers.",
- "inc_data": "Incoming Data",
- "trans_pro": "Transfer Processes",
- "out_data": "Outgoing Data",
- "conn_prop": "Connector Properties",
- "add_prop": "Additional Properties",
- "edc_conn": "EDC Connector",
- "descrip": "Share the following Connector Endpoint to let others access your EDC Connector's catalog. This is especially useful when using connector-restricted data offers which won't show up in brokers.",
- "conn_end": "Connector Endpoint",
- "api_url": "Management API URL",
- "edition_edc": "Basic Edition EDC",
- "marketing_mds_basic_intro": "This EDC Connector on the subscription level Basic is provided by sovity to enable your first steps in the Mobility Data Space (MDS).",
- "marketing_mds_basic_intro2": "For additional features and advanced capacities, please feel free to contact us.",
- "marketing_ce_intro": "To join data spaces like Mobility Data Space or Catena-X within minutes, consider the managed solution by",
- "marketing_ce_intro2": "- the Connector-as-a-Service (CaaS) based on open-source software enriched with key enterprise features.",
- "marketing_about": "The Eclipse Dataspace Components framework facilitates sovereign, inter-organizational data exchange.",
- "marketing_about2": "It implements the International Data Spaces standard (IDS) as well as relevant protocols associated with GAIA-X.",
- "marketing_about3": "The framework is designed as extensible as possible to encourage integrations into various data ecosystems.",
- "marketing_about_ui": "Example use cases, that you can try out with this application, are:",
- "marketing_about_ui_catalog_view_offers": "View the asset catalog available to you in your Dataspace using the {}",
- "marketing_about_ui_catalog_negotiate": "Negotiate a contract for data sharing in your Dataspace using the {}",
- "marketing_about_ui_contracts_transfer": "Transfer an asset in your Dataspace using the {}",
- "marketing_about_ui_transfer_history_view": "View which assets have been transferred in your Dataspace in the {}",
- "marketing_about_ui_assets_view_and_create": "View and create assets using the {}",
- "marketing_about_ui_policies_view_and_create": "View and create policies and apply these to assets in your Dataspace using the {}",
- "marketing_about_ui_contract_definitions_view_and_create": "Publish an asset into your Dataspace using the {}",
- "marketing_about_ui_contracts_view_existing": "View your existing contracts in the {}",
- "contact": "Contact us",
- "managed_edc": "Get Managed EDC",
- "conn_service": "Connector-as-a-Service",
- "about": "About EDC",
- "eclipse": "Eclipse Dataspace Components",
- "about_ui": "About EDC UI",
- "data_dashboard": "Data Dashboard",
- "catalog": "Catalog Browser",
- "contracts": "Contracts",
- "transfer": "Transfer History",
- "con_def": "Contract Definitions",
- "your_def": "Your Contract Definitions",
- "your_assets": "Your Assets",
- "your_pol": "Your Policies",
- "pre_cat": "Preconfigured Catalogs",
- "con_agree": "Contract Agreements"
- },
- "policy_definition_page": {
- "title": "Policies",
- "page": "Policy Page",
- "create_pol": "Create New Policy",
- "time_res": "Time-Period-Restricted",
- "conn_res": "Connector-Restricted-Usage",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "search_pol": "Search policies",
- "create_policy": "Create Policy",
- "no_pol": "No policy found with given filter.",
- "expression": "Policy Expression"
- },
- "create_policy_page": {
- "title": "Create Policy"
- },
- "transfer_history_page": {
- "title": "Transfer History",
- "page": "Transfer History Page",
- "subtitle": "Transfer History Details",
- "no_trans": "No transfer history found.",
- "counter_endpoint": "Counterparty Connector Endpoint",
- "counter_id": "Counterparty Participant ID"
- },
- "logout_page": {
- "title": "Logout"
- },
- "connector_ui": {
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "catalog": "Catalog Browser",
- "contracts": "Contracts",
- "transfer": "Transfer History",
- "assets": "Assets",
- "policies": "Policies",
- "contract": "Contract Definitions",
- "logout": "Logout"
- }
+ "asset_detail_dialog.limit_exceeded_tooltip": "You have reached the maximum number of consuming contracts. Please terminate one of the existing contracts to negotiate a new one.",
+ "asset_detail_dialog.on_request_data_offer_description_html": "This data offer is not available for immediate consumption. However, the creator left an email address to contact them if interested. Click Contact to email the data offer provider. Alternatively, you can also copy the contact email address from the Contact Information section above.",
+ "asset_detail_dialog.on_request_data_offer_title": "On Request Data Offer",
+ "asset_list_page.add_file": "Add reference file",
+ "asset_list_page.add_keyword": "Add keyword...",
+ "asset_list_page.add_loc": "Add location",
+ "asset_list_page.add_sample": "Add data sample",
+ "asset_list_page.asset_id": "Asset ID",
+ "asset_list_page.create_asset": " Create New Asset",
+ "asset_list_page.datasource_config": "Custom Datasource Config (JSON)",
+ "asset_list_page.datasource_info": "Datasource Information",
+ "asset_list_page.datasource": "Datasource",
+ "asset_list_page.default_query": "With query param parameterization enabled, the default query params and the query params provided by the consumer will be merged.",
+ "asset_list_page.descrip": "The description uses",
+ "asset_list_page.edit_asset": "Edit Asset",
+ "asset_list_page.file_des_hint1": "Additional information regarding the reference files.",
+ "asset_list_page.file_des_hint2": "Supports",
+ "asset_list_page.file_des": "Reference files description",
+ "asset_list_page.general_information_description": "Fill out general information about the asset.",
+ "asset_list_page.general_information": "General Information",
+ "asset_list_page.http_subpath": "The consuming side must provide a Custom HTTP Subpath with method parameterization is enabled. The Custom HTTP Subpath will be appended to the base path.",
+ "asset_list_page.info_body": "The request body can only be set from the consumer side, if parameterization is enabled.",
+ "asset_list_page.info_file": "Additional information regarding the reference files",
+ "asset_list_page.instructions": "Additional not legally relevant usage instructions (e.g. how to cite the dataset)",
+ "asset_list_page.keywords": "Keywords",
+ "asset_list_page.legal_name": "Legal name of the data owner",
+ "asset_list_page.method_para": "Method Parameterization",
+ "asset_list_page.my_asset": "My Asset",
+ "asset_list_page.name": "Title",
+ "asset_list_page.no_assets": "No assets found with given filter.",
+ "asset_list_page.page": "Asset Page",
+ "asset_list_page.path_para": "Path Parameterization",
+ "asset_list_page.provide": "The consuming side must provide a Custom HTTP Method with method parameterization enabled.",
+ "asset_list_page.query_name": "Query Param Name",
+ "asset_list_page.query_para_single": "Query Param",
+ "asset_list_page.query_para": "Query Params",
+ "asset_list_page.query_parameter": " Query Param Parameterization",
+ "asset_list_page.request_body": "Request Body",
+ "asset_list_page.request_para": "Request Body Parameterization",
+ "asset_list_page.search_assets": "Search assets",
+ "asset_list_page.title": "Assets",
+ "asset_list_page.version": "Version",
+ "catalog_browser_page.con_endpoints": "Connector Endpoints",
+ "catalog_browser_page.contract": "Contract Offer",
+ "catalog_browser_page.endpoint_catalogs": "Other Connector Endpoint Catalogs",
+ "catalog_browser_page.enter_endpoints": "Please enter other connector endpoints to fetch catalogs.",
+ "catalog_browser_page.fetch": "Fetch Status",
+ "catalog_browser_page.no_contract_offers": "No contract offers found with this filter",
+ "catalog_browser_page.page": "Catalog Browser",
+ "catalog_browser_page.search": "Search catalog",
+ "catalog_browser_page.title": "Catalog Browser",
+ "catalog_browser_page.usage": "Already using",
+ "component_library.accept_licence": "Hereby I agree that by pressing the 'Confirm' button, I accept the license\n terms, policies, and additional conditions for use, including any copyright\n notices, associated with the provider's offer.",
+ "component_library.agree": "I agree to the Data Offer Terms & Conditions",
+ "component_library.at": "Created At",
+ "component_library.connector_id_plural": "Connector IDs",
+ "component_library.connector_id": "Connector ID",
+ "component_library.content_type": "Content Type",
+ "component_library.data_offer": "Data Offer Terms & Conditions",
+ "component_library.delete_one": "Please confirm you want to delete",
+ "component_library.delete_title": "Deletion confirmation",
+ "component_library.delete_two": "This action cannot be undone.",
+ "component_library.http_param": "HTTP Data Source Parameterization",
+ "component_library.json_ld": "Show JSON-LD",
+ "component_library.json": "Cleaned JSON",
+ "component_library.negotiate": "Negotiate",
+ "component_library.negotiating": "Negotiating...",
+ "component_library.no_description": "No Description",
+ "component_library.no_transfer": "No transfer processes started yet.",
+ "component_library.organization": "Organization",
+ "component_library.oth_connector": "Other Connector",
+ "component_library.participant_id_plural": "Participant IDs",
+ "component_library.participant_id": "Participant ID",
+ "component_library.policy_details": "Show Policy Details",
+ "component_library.show_less": "Show less",
+ "component_library.show_more": "Show more",
+ "component_library.succ_negotiating": "Successfully Negotiated",
+ "component_library.t_history": "Transfer History",
+ "component_library.transfer": "Transfer",
+ "component_library.up_at": "Updated At",
+ "connector_ui.assets": "Assets",
+ "connector_ui.catalog": "Catalog Browser",
+ "connector_ui.contract": "Contract Definitions",
+ "connector_ui.contracts": "Contracts",
+ "connector_ui.dashboard": "Dashboard",
+ "connector_ui.logout": "Logout",
+ "connector_ui.policies": "Policies",
+ "connector_ui.transfer": "Transfer History",
+ "contract_agreement_page.active_contracts": "Active Contracts",
+ "contract_agreement_page.add_cus_query": "Add Custom Query Param",
+ "contract_agreement_page.all_contracts": "All Contracts",
+ "contract_agreement_page.con_agree": "Consuming Contract Agreements",
+ "contract_agreement_page.con_def": "No data offer found with given filter.",
+ "contract_agreement_page.create_def": "Publish Data Offer",
+ "contract_agreement_page.cus_datasink": "Custom Datasink Config (JSON)",
+ "contract_agreement_page.cus_meth": "Custom Method",
+ "contract_agreement_page.cus_query": "Custom Query Param Name",
+ "contract_agreement_page.cus_sub": "Custom Subpath",
+ "contract_agreement_page.cus_transfer": "Custom Transfer Process Request (JSON)",
+ "contract_agreement_page.datasink": "Datasink",
+ "contract_agreement_page.http_fields": "Http Datasource Parameterization Fields",
+ "contract_agreement_page.http_message": "When the data offer on the provider side is of the type HttpData and certain data source fields are set, certain parts of the request to the data source can be customized from the consumer side and will be passed to the other connector when initiating the transfer. This allows an asset to contain more than just one kind of data, allowing additional filtering or even sharing of entire APIs with multiple data sets via a single asset and a single contract.",
+ "contract_agreement_page.http_para": "Http Datasource Parameterization",
+ "contract_agreement_page.ini_transfer": "Initiate Transfer",
+ "contract_agreement_page.json_hint": "JSON-LD values for edc:connectorId, edc:contractId, edc:connectorId and edc:connectorAddress will be overridden.",
+ "contract_agreement_page.new_def": "Publish New Data Offer",
+ "contract_agreement_page.no_agree_found": "No contract agreements found with given filter.",
+ "contract_agreement_page.no_agree": "No contract agreements yet.",
+ "contract_agreement_page.page": "Contract Page",
+ "contract_agreement_page.prov_agree": "Providing Contract Agreements",
+ "contract_agreement_page.proxy_body": "Requires proxyBody to be true.",
+ "contract_agreement_page.proxy_method": "Requires proxyMethod to be true. ",
+ "contract_agreement_page.proxy_path": "Requires proxyPath to be true. ",
+ "contract_agreement_page.proxy_query": "Requires proxyQueryParams to be true",
+ "contract_agreement_page.req_body": "Custom Request Body",
+ "contract_agreement_page.req_cont": "Custom Request Body Content Type",
+ "contract_agreement_page.res_url": "The resulting URL will look like",
+ "contract_agreement_page.search_agree": "Search contract agreements...",
+ "contract_agreement_page.search_def": "Search data offer",
+ "contract_agreement_page.terminated_contracts": "Terminated Contracts",
+ "contract_agreement_page.title": "Contracts",
+ "contract_definition_page.page": "Data Offer Page",
+ "contract_definition_page.title": "Data Offers",
+ "create_asset.asset_id_tooltip": "Asset ID, used internally, is an auto-generated string in a URL-compatible format, combining the asset name and version with a urn:artifact: prefix. You can customize it if needed.",
+ "create_asset.content_type_hint": "Describes the content type of the data as a MIME type, see",
+ "create_asset.data_model_tooltip": "Model for data exchange, e.g. DATEX II, TPEG for traffic and travel information, etc.",
+ "create_asset.email_tooltip": "This email address will be offered to potential consumers for contacting you. This is done in place of having an actual data source connected.",
+ "create_asset.endpoint_documentation_tooltip": "URL to the technical documentation about the data to be received.",
+ "create_asset.prefered_email_subject_tooltip": "When potential customers reach out to you via email, you’ll receive messages with this subject line.",
+ "create_asset.prefered_email_subject": "Preferred E-Mail Subject",
+ "create_asset.standard_license_tooltip": "URL of the license under which the data is offered",
+ "create_asset.title_tooltip": "The main title of your asset. It will also be the title of the data offering displayed in the catalog.",
+ "create_asset.version_tooltip": "The version of your asset. Especially useful if you have iterations of the same asset.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.accept_placeholder": "Accept",
+ "create_data_offer_page.add_data_sample": "Add data sample",
+ "create_data_offer_page.add_location": "Add location",
+ "create_data_offer_page.add_reference_file": "Add reference file",
+ "create_data_offer_page.additional_headers": "Additional Headers",
+ "create_data_offer_page.asset_id_label": "Asset ID",
+ "create_data_offer_page.asset_id_tooltip": "Asset ID, used internally, is an auto-generated string in a URL-compatible format, combining the asset name and version with a urn:artifact: prefix. You can customize it if needed.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.asset_id": "Asset ID",
+ "create_data_offer_page.auth_header_name": "Auth Header Name",
+ "create_data_offer_page.auth_header_value": "Auth Header Value",
+ "create_data_offer_page.authorization_header_placeholder": "Authorization",
+ "create_data_offer_page.bearer_placeholder": "Bearer ...",
+ "create_data_offer_page.conditions_for_use_description_hint": "Additional not legally relevant usage instructions (e.g. how to cite the dataset). The field supports",
+ "create_data_offer_page.conditions_for_use_label": "Conditions for use",
+ "create_data_offer_page.conditions_for_use_placeholder": "Please cite the dataset as...",
+ "create_data_offer_page.contact_email_placeholder": "contact@my-org.com",
+ "create_data_offer_page.contact_email_tooltip": "This email address will be offered to potential consumers for contacting you. This is done in place of having an actual data source connected.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.contact_email": "Contact E-Mail",
+ "create_data_offer_page.content_type": "Content Type",
+ "create_data_offer_page.context_information_description": "Provide context information about the datasource",
+ "create_data_offer_page.custom_datasource_config_json_label": "Custom Datasource Config (JSON)",
+ "create_data_offer_page.custom_http_method_hint": "The consuming side must provide a Custom HTTP Method with method parameterization enabled.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.custom_http_subpath_hint": "The consuming side must provide a Custom HTTP Subpath with method parameterization is enabled. The Custom HTTP Subpath will be appended to the base path.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.data_category": "Data Category",
+ "create_data_offer_page.data_model_placeholder": "proprietary",
+ "create_data_offer_page.data_model_tooltip": "Model for data exchange, e.g. DATEX II, TPEG for traffic and travel information, etc.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.data_model": "Data Model",
+ "create_data_offer_page.data_offer_type": "Data offer type",
+ "create_data_offer_page.data_samples_tooltip": "URLs of Dataset samples if available",
+ "create_data_offer_page.data_samples": "Data samples",
+ "create_data_offer_page.data_subcategory": "Data Subcategory",
+ "create_data_offer_page.data_update_frequency_label": "Data update frequency",
+ "create_data_offer_page.data_update_frequency_placeholder": "every month",
+ "create_data_offer_page.data_update_frequency_tooltip": "How often is the dataset updated, e.g\t'Every 5 min.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.datasource_information": "Datasource Information",
+ "create_data_offer_page.datasource": "Datasource",
+ "create_data_offer_page.define_data_offer": "Define the type of your offer",
+ "create_data_offer_page.description_supports": "The description supports",
+ "create_data_offer_page.description_uses": "The description uses",
+ "create_data_offer_page.description": "Description",
+ "create_data_offer_page.documentation": "Documentation",
+ "create_data_offer_page.email_subject_placeholder": "Data Offer 'xyz'",
+ "create_data_offer_page.email_subject_tooltip": "When potential customers reach out to you via email, you’ll receive messages with this subject line.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.email_subject": "Preferred E-Mail Subject",
+ "create_data_offer_page.end_date_inclusive": "End date (inclusive)",
+ "create_data_offer_page.endpoint_documentation_tooltip": "URL to the technical documentation about the data to be received.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.endpoint_documentation": "Endpoint Documentation",
+ "create_data_offer_page.general_information_description": "Fill out general information about the asset.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.general_information": "General Information",
+ "create_data_offer_page.geo_location_description": "Simple description of the relevant geolocation, e.g. Hamburg and vicinity.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.geo_location_label": "Geo location",
+ "create_data_offer_page.geo_location_tooltip": "Simple description of the relevant geolocation, e.g. Hamburg and vicinity.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.geo_reference_method": "Geo reference method",
+ "create_data_offer_page.geo_reference_placeholder": "Lat/Lon",
+ "create_data_offer_page.geo_reference_tooltip": "The method used for representing of geographical data, e.g GeoJSON, OpenLR, etc.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.header_name": "Header Name",
+ "create_data_offer_page.header_value": "Header Value",
+ "create_data_offer_page.header_with_value": "Header with Value",
+ "create_data_offer_page.header_with_vault_secret": "Header with Vault Secret",
+ "create_data_offer_page.header": "Header",
+ "create_data_offer_page.keywords": "Keywords",
+ "create_data_offer_page.language": "Language",
+ "create_data_offer_page.legal_information_description": "Provide legal information and define the conditions for use",
+ "create_data_offer_page.legal_information_title": "Legal Information",
+ "create_data_offer_page.location_time_description": "Fill out location and time information about the asset",
+ "create_data_offer_page.location_time_title": "Location / Time",
+ "create_data_offer_page.method_parameterization": "Method Parameterization",
+ "create_data_offer_page.method": "Method",
+ "create_data_offer_page.mobility_information_description": "Fill out the asset's mobility information",
+ "create_data_offer_page.mobility_information_my_title": "Mobility Information",
+ "create_data_offer_page.nuts_location": "NUTS location",
+ "create_data_offer_page.nuts_locations_label": "NUTS locations",
+ "create_data_offer_page.nuts_locations_tooltip": "NUTS codes are regional identifiers in Germany used for statistical and administrative purposes, covering states, districts, and municipalities. (e.g DE60)",
+ "create_data_offer_page.offer_type": "Offer Type",
+ "create_data_offer_page.on_request": "On Request (without data source)",
+ "create_data_offer_page.parameterization": "Parameterization",
+ "create_data_offer_page.path_parameterization": "Path Parameterization",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publish_asset_only_tooltip": "Create the asset but do not publish your data offer. You can do it later.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publish_asset_only": "Create asset only (without data offer)",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publish_restricted_tooltip": "Your data offer is published with restrictions of your choice.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publish_restricted": "Publish restricted",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publish_unrestricted_tooltip": "Your data offer is published and can be accessed by everyone.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publish_unrestricted": "Publish unrestricted",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publisher_label": "Publisher",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publisher_tooltip": "URL of the original publisher of the data",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publisher": "Publisher",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publishing_description": "Publish data offer to other data space participants",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publishing_mode_label": "Publishing Mode",
+ "create_data_offer_page.publishing": "Publishing",
+ "create_data_offer_page.query_param_enabled_hint": "With query param parameterization enabled, the default query params and the query params provided by the consumer will be merged.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.query_param_name": "Query Param Name",
+ "create_data_offer_page.query_param_parametrization": "Query Param Parameterization",
+ "create_data_offer_page.query_param": "Query Param",
+ "create_data_offer_page.query_params": "Query Params",
+ "create_data_offer_page.readily_available": "Available (with data source)",
+ "create_data_offer_page.ref_files_description_placeholder": "# My Asset\\n\\nAt vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.\\n\\n## Details\\n\\nAt vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea **rebum**.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.reference_files_description_label": "Reference files description",
+ "create_data_offer_page.reference_files_description_title": "Reference files description",
+ "create_data_offer_page.reference_files_description": "Additional information regarding the reference files. Supports",
+ "create_data_offer_page.reference_files_tooltip": "URLs of Dataset schemas or other references",
+ "create_data_offer_page.reference_files": "Reference files",
+ "create_data_offer_page.request_body_hint": "The request body can only be set from the consumer side, if parameterization is enabled.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.request_body_parameterization": "Request Body Parameterization",
+ "create_data_offer_page.request_body": "Request Body",
+ "create_data_offer_page.show_advanced_fields": "Show Advanced Fields",
+ "create_data_offer_page.sovereign_label": "Sovereign",
+ "create_data_offer_page.sovereign_placeholder": "Data Owning Company GMBH",
+ "create_data_offer_page.sovereign_tooltip": "Legal name of the data owner",
+ "create_data_offer_page.standard_license_label": "Standard License",
+ "create_data_offer_page.standard_license_tooltip": "URL of the license under which the data is offered.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.start_date": "Start date",
+ "create_data_offer_page.temporal_coverage_hint": "Start and/or end date when the dataset is available for consumption. DD/MM/YYYY (optional) – DD/MM/YYYY (optional)",
+ "create_data_offer_page.temporal_coverage": "Temporal coverage",
+ "create_data_offer_page.title_label": "Title",
+ "create_data_offer_page.title_placeholder": "My Asset",
+ "create_data_offer_page.title_tooltip": "The main title of your asset. It will also be the title of the data offering displayed in the catalog.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.title": "Create Data Offer",
+ "create_data_offer_page.transport_mode": "Transport Mode",
+ "create_data_offer_page.type": "Type",
+ "create_data_offer_page.unchanged": "Keep the datasource unchanged.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.vault_secret_name": "Vault Secret Name",
+ "create_data_offer_page.version_tooltip": "The version of your asset. Especially useful if you have iterations of the same asset.",
+ "create_data_offer_page.version": "Version",
+ "create_policy_page.title": "Create Policy",
+ "dashboard_page.about_ui": "About EDC UI",
+ "dashboard_page.about": "About EDC",
+ "dashboard_page.add_prop": "Additional Properties",
+ "dashboard_page.api_url": "Management API URL",
+ "dashboard_page.catalog_browser": "Catalog Browser",
+ "dashboard_page.catalog": "Catalog Browser",
+ "dashboard_page.completed": "Completed",
+ "dashboard_page.con_agree": "Contract Agreements",
+ "dashboard_page.con_def": "Contract Definitions",
+ "dashboard_page.conn_end": "Connector Endpoint",
+ "dashboard_page.conn_prop": "Connector Properties",
+ "dashboard_page.conn_service": "Connector-as-a-Service",
+ "dashboard_page.contact_us": "Contact Us",
+ "dashboard_page.contact": "Contact",
+ "dashboard_page.contracts": "Contracts",
+ "dashboard_page.data_dashboard": "Data Dashboard",
+ "dashboard_page.descrip": "Share the following Connector Endpoint to let others access your EDC Connector's catalog. This is especially useful when using connector-restricted data offers which won't show up in brokers.",
+ "dashboard_page.eclipse": "Eclipse Dataspace Components",
+ "dashboard_page.edc_conn": "EDC Connector",
+ "dashboard_page.edition_edc": "Basic Edition EDC",
+ "dashboard_page.error": "Error",
+ "dashboard_page.failed_dashboard": "Failed fetching Dashboard Page Data",
+ "dashboard_page.failed_env": "Failed fetching Env and Jar Last Commit Data",
+ "dashboard_page.failed_offers": "Failed fetching data offers.",
+ "dashboard_page.failed_ui_build": "Failed fetching UI Last Build Date Data",
+ "dashboard_page.failed_ui": "Failed fetching UI Last Commit Data",
+ "dashboard_page.inc_data": "Incoming Data",
+ "dashboard_page.managed_edc": "Get Managed EDC",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about_ui_assets_view_and_create": "View and create assets using the {}",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about_ui_catalog_negotiate": "Negotiate a contract for data sharing in your Dataspace using the {}",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about_ui_catalog_view_offers": "View the asset catalog available to you in your Dataspace using the {}",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about_ui_contract_definitions_view_and_create": "Publish an asset into your Dataspace using the {}",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about_ui_contracts_transfer": "Transfer an asset in your Dataspace using the {}",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about_ui_contracts_view_existing": "View your existing contracts in the {}",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about_ui_policies_view_and_create": "View and create policies and apply these to assets in your Dataspace using the {}",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about_ui_transfer_history_view": "View which assets have been transferred in your Dataspace in the {}",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about_ui": "Example use cases, that you can try out with this application, are:",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about": "The Eclipse Dataspace Components framework facilitates sovereign, inter-organizational data exchange.",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about2": "It implements the International Data Spaces standard (IDS) as well as relevant protocols associated with GAIA-X.",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_about3": "The framework is designed as extensible as possible to encourage integrations into various data ecosystems.",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_ce_intro": "To join data spaces like Mobility Data Space or Catena-X within minutes, consider the managed solution by {}.",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_ce_intro2": "- the Connector-as-a-Service (CaaS) based on open-source software enriched with key enterprise features. ",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_mds_basic_intro": "This EDC Connector on the subscription level Basic is provided by sovity to enable your first steps in the Mobility Data Space (MDS).",
+ "dashboard_page.marketing_mds_basic_intro2": "For additional features and advanced capacities, please feel free to contact us.",
+ "dashboard_page.no_transfer": "NO PROVIDING TRANSFER PROCESSES",
+ "dashboard_page.no_transfer2": "NO CONSUMING TRANSFER PROCESSES",
+ "dashboard_page.num_transfer": "Number of Transfer Processes",
+ "dashboard_page.out_data": "Outgoing Data",
+ "dashboard_page.page": "Dashboard Page",
+ "dashboard_page.pre_cat": "Preconfigured Catalogs",
+ "dashboard_page.progress": "In Progress",
+ "dashboard_page.provided": "Provided by",
+ "dashboard_page.title": "Dashboard",
+ "dashboard_page.trans_pro": "Transfer Processes",
+ "dashboard_page.transfer": "Transfer History",
+ "dashboard_page.your_assets": "Your Assets",
+ "dashboard_page.your_def": "Your Contract Definitions",
+ "dashboard_page.your_pol": "Your Policies",
+ "edit_asset_page.title": "Edit Asset",
+ "general.accept": "Accept",
+ "general.access_pol": "Access Policy",
+ "general.ad_inf": "Advanced Information",
+ "general.ad_info": "Advanced Information",
+ "general.add_add_header": "Add Additional Header",
+ "general.add_auth": "Add Authentication",
+ "general.add_header": "Additional Headers",
+ "general.add": "Add",
+ "general.additional_properties": "Additional Properties",
+ "general.asset": "Asset",
+ "general.assets": "Assets",
+ "general.auth_header": "Auth Header Name",
+ "general.auth_value": "Auth Header Value",
+ "general.auth": "Authentication",
+ "general.body": "Body",
+ "general.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "general.close": "Close",
+ "general.combine": "Combine",
+ "general.con_def": "Data Offer",
+ "general.conditions": "Conditions For Use",
+ "general.confirm": "Confirm",
+ "general.cons": "Constraints",
+ "general.consuming": "Consuming",
+ "general.contact": "Contact",
+ "general.content_type": "Content Type",
+ "general.contract_offer": "Contract Offer",
+ "general.contract_policy": "Contract Policy",
+ "general.contract": "Contract Agreement",
+ "general.copy_to_clipboard_tooltip": "Copy to clipboard",
+ "general.coverage": "Temporal Coverage",
+ "general.create": "Create",
+ "general.data_category": "Data Category",
+ "general.data_model": "Data Model",
+ "general.data_subcategory": "Data Subcategory",
+ "general.data": "Data Samples",
+ "general.date": "Date",
+ "general.delete": "Delete",
+ "general.description": "Description",
+ "general.details": "Show Details",
+ "general.direction": "Direction",
+ "general.disable": "Disable",
+ "general.doc": "Documentation",
+ "general.edit": "Edit",
+ "general.enable": "Enable",
+ "general.end_date": "End date",
+ "general.endpoint_doc": "Endpoint Documentation",
+ "general.endpoint": "Connector Endpoint",
+ "general.error": "Error",
+ "general.files": "Reference Files",
+ "general.frequency": "Data Update Frequency",
+ "general.geo_location": "Geo Location",
+ "general.geo_reference_method_tooltip": "The method used for representing of geographical data, e.g GeoJSON, OpenLR, etc.",
+ "general.geo_reference_method": "Geo reference method",
+ "general.header_name": "Header Name",
+ "general.header_sec": "Header with Vault Secret",
+ "general.header_val": "Header with Value",
+ "general.header_value": "Header Value",
+ "general.hide": "Hide",
+ "general.id": "Contract Offer ID",
+ "general.irr_pol": "Irregular Policy",
+ "general.language": "Language",
+ "general.limit_reached": "You have reached the maximum number of consuming contracts. Please terminate one of the existing contracts to negotiate a new one.",
+ "general.loading": "Loading...",
+ "general.loading1": "Loading",
+ "general.method_para": "Method Parameterization",
+ "general.method": "Method",
+ "general.name": "Name",
+ "general.nuts": "NUTS Locations",
+ "general.operator": "Operator",
+ "general.oth_connector": "Other Connector",
+ "general.page": "Page",
+ "general.parametrization": "Parameterization",
+ "general.params": "Query Params",
+ "general.path": "Path",
+ "general.policies": "Policies",
+ "general.policy": "Policy",
+ "general.providing": "Providing",
+ "general.pub_asset_only_tooltip": "Create the asset but do not publish your data offer. You can do it later.",
+ "general.pub_asset_only": "Create asset only (without data offer)",
+ "general.pub_desc": "Publish data offer to other data space participants",
+ "general.pub_mode": "Publishing Mode",
+ "general.pub_restr_tooltip": "Your data offer is published with restrictions of your choice.",
+ "general.pub_restr": "Publish restricted",
+ "general.pub_unrestr_tooltip": "Your data offer is published and can be accessed by everyone.",
+ "general.pub_unrestr": "Publish unrestricted",
+ "general.publish": "Publish",
+ "general.publisher": "Publisher",
+ "general.publishing": "Publishing",
+ "general.refresh": "Refresh",
+ "general.rem_auth": "Remove Authentication",
+ "general.remove": "Remove",
+ "general.select_an_option": "Select an option",
+ "general.show_adv_fields": "Show Advanced Fields",
+ "general.show_data": "Show Data Samples",
+ "general.show_files": "Show Reference Files",
+ "general.show": "Show",
+ "general.signed": "Signed",
+ "general.sovereign": "Sovereign",
+ "general.standard_license": "Standard License",
+ "general.start_date": "Start date",
+ "general.state": "State",
+ "general.still_loading": "Still Loading...",
+ "general.tags": "Tags",
+ "general.terminate": "Terminate",
+ "general.terminated_by": "terminated by",
+ "general.title": "Title",
+ "general.total": "Total",
+ "general.transport_mode": "Transport Mode",
+ "general.type": "Type",
+ "general.update": "Update",
+ "general.updated": "Last updated",
+ "general.value": "Value",
+ "general.vault_secret": "Vault Secret Name",
+ "general.warn": "Warn",
+ "logout_page.title": "Logout",
+ "notification.asset": "Successfully saved asset.",
+ "notification.compl_negotiation": "Contract Negotiation complete!",
+ "notification.failed_asset": "Failed saving asset!",
+ "notification.failed_create_policy": "Failed creating Policy!",
+ "notification.failed_refresh": "Failed refreshing asset list!",
+ "notification.failed_transfer_detail_fetch": "Failed to fetch asset details!",
+ "notification.negotiation": "Failed negotiating contract.",
+ "notification.starting_neg": "Failure starting negotiation.",
+ "notification.succ_pol": "Successfully created policy.",
+ "policy_definition_page.conn_res": "Connector-Restricted-Usage",
+ "policy_definition_page.create_pol": "Create New Policy",
+ "policy_definition_page.create_policy": "Create Policy",
+ "policy_definition_page.date_range": "Date Range",
+ "policy_definition_page.expression": "Policy Expression",
+ "policy_definition_page.metadata": "Policy Metadata",
+ "policy_definition_page.no_pol": "No policy found with given filter.",
+ "policy_definition_page.page": "Policy Page",
+ "policy_definition_page.search_pol": "Search policies",
+ "policy_definition_page.time_res": "Time-Period-Restricted",
+ "policy_definition_page.title": "Policies",
+ "policy_expression.add_tooltip": "Conjunction of several expressions. Evaluates to true if and only if all child expressions are true",
+ "policy_expression.or_tooltip": "Disjunction of several expressions. Evaluates to true if and only if at least one child expression is true",
+ "policy_expression.participant_id_description": "Consumer's Participant ID, also called Connector ID, of the counter-party connector.",
+ "policy_expression.participant_id_hint": "Multiple values can be joined by comma",
+ "policy_expression.participant_id_title": "Consumer's Participant ID",
+ "policy_expression.time_restriction_description": "Time at which the policy is evaluated. This can be used to restrict the data offer to certain time periods",
+ "policy_expression.time_restriction_title": "Time Restriction",
+ "policy_expression.timespan_restriction_title": "Timespan Restriction",
+ "policy_expression.timespan_restriction_tooltip": "Timespan at which the policy is evaluated. This can be used to restrict the data offer to certain time periods",
+ "policy_expression.xone_tooltip": "XONE operation. Evaluates to true if and only if exactly one child expression is true",
+ "services.curator_org": "Curator Organization Name",
+ "services.curator_url": "Curator URL",
+ "services.env_version": "Environment Version",
+ "services.failed_loading": "Failed loading connector information",
+ "services.main_url": "Maintainer URL",
+ "services.maintainer": "Maintainer Organization Name",
+ "tooltip.clipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
+ "tooltip.details": "Click for details",
+ "tooltip.failed_details": "Click for failed catalog details",
+ "tooltip.negotiate": "Cannot negotiate contracts with your own connector.",
+ "transfer_history_page.counter_endpoint": "Counterparty Connector Endpoint",
+ "transfer_history_page.counter_id": "Counterparty Participant ID",
+ "transfer_history_page.no_trans": "No transfer history found.",
+ "transfer_history_page.page": "Transfer History Page",
+ "transfer_history_page.subtitle": "Transfer History Details",
+ "transfer_history_page.title": "Transfer History"