You need to clone our repository and run the app using
./gradlew run
Firstly, you need to choose a graph
Here is the example of our graph window
If you click "Reset", graph will become as it was before you started manipulating it.
If you click "Algorithms", you will be suggested to use algorithms of this graph
Bridge edges are highlighted with red color.
You are suggested to put in a number of chosen vertex
Then you receive highlighted cycle of this vertex, or vertex becomes highlighted with blue color if it doesn't belong to any cycle
You receive highlighted key vertices of this graph
Directed graph has some undirected graph algorithms, but also there is selection of strongly connected components.
Each component is highlighted with its unique color.
In weighted graph, you can see weights of edges
Included edges are highlighted with red
To find a path, you need to pick source and destination vertices
Path is highlighted. Notice that we don't support negative weights for path finding in undirected graph.
All its algorithms are already explained above