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Releases: splunk/security_content


01 Jul 18:38
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Key Highlights

  • Enterprise Security Content Updates version 4.35.0 contains 11 new analytics and 6 updated analytics that are specifically crafted to detect the Splunk Security Advisories that were published on July 1st, 2024 for Splunk Enterprise 9.2.2, 9.1.5, 9.0.10 and Splunk Cloud. These Splunk Enterprise updates address several critical vulnerabilities, including multiple instances of persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) in various endpoints, remote code execution (RCE) exploits, and denial of service (DoS) vulnerabilities. Additionally, in this ESCU build we have updated the analytics for detecting information disclosure of user names, path traversal, insecure file uploads, and risky command safeguards bypasses, ensuring a more secure environment for Splunk Enterprise users. Please refer to for specific details about the vulnerabilities.

Total New and Updated Content: [19]

New Analytic Story - [0]

Updated Analytic Story - [0]

New Analytics - [11]

Updated Analytics - [6]

Macros Added - [1]

  • splunkd_webs

Macros Updated - [0]

Lookups Added - [0]

Lookups Updated - [1]

  • splunk_risky_command

Playbooks Added - [0]

Playbooks Updated - [0]

Deprecated Analytics - [0]

Other Updates

  • Updated the ESCU Summary Dashboard to link directly to the Enterprise Security Use Case Library.

Full Changelog: v4.34.0...v4.35.0


26 Jun 23:57
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Release notes for ESCU release_v4.34.0

Total New and Updated Content: [1256]

New Analytic Story - [1]

Updated Analytic Story - [0]

New Analytics - [2]

Updated Analytics - [1238]

Over 1200+ descriptions updated.

Macros Added - [3]

  • fillnull_config
  • oldsummaries_config
  • summariesonly_config

Macros Updated - [2]

  • prohibited_softwares
  • security_content_summariesonly

Updated the security_content_summariesonly macro to use macros for each of the configuration settings that were previously hardcoded. There's no change in the values of those macros and the previous configuration of the security_content_summariesonly macro

Lookups Added - [0]

Lookups Updated - [0]

Playbooks Added - [0]

Playbooks Updated - [0]

Deprecated Analytics - [10]

Other Updates

  • Updated descriptions and _filter macro for several analytics to have a consistent standard and formatting.
  • Updated distsearch.conf to remove bias language.
  • Updated testing to run against the official Splunk Sysmon for Linux Add-on.

Full Changelog: v4.33.0...v4.34.0


06 Jun 18:09
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Key highlights

Enterprise Security Content Updates version 4.33.0 adds a new detection, CrushFTP Server Side Template Injection. This detection highlights any attempts to exploit CVE-2024-4040, a critical vulnerability that allows unauthenticated remote attackers to run arbitrary code and bypass authentication in CrushFTP versions before 10.7.1 and 11.1.0.

Additionally, this release includes updates to the detection logic of some analytics that use lookups. This includes changing the order of operations in the SPL so that the lookup command is run after the stats command. Thus, in a distributed environment, lookups don't need to be replicated and the search performance improves slightly in all environments because it involves looking up values for fewer events.

New Analytic Story - [1]

New Analytics - [1]

Updated Analytics - [12]

Other Updates

  • Updated descriptions for 80+ analytics to have a consistent standard and formatting.


22 May 20:00
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What's new

Enterprise Security Content Updates v4.32.0 was released on May 22, 2024. It includes the following enhancements:

Key highlights

Splunk Threat Research team has added 6 new detections and updated 6 existing detection analytics focused on AWS, leveraging the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) to support the recent GA release of Amazon Security Lake (ASL) and the Splunk Add-On for Amazon Web Services. Additionally, Enterprise Security Content Updates v4.32.0 updated 6 analytics based on testing on real-world data to enhance accuracy and effectiveness in identifying suspicious activities and potential threats.

Enterprise Security Content Updates v4.32.0 detects critical security events such as attempts to disable or modify CloudTrail logging, unauthorized container uploads to Amazon ECR, and suspicious IAM group deletions, ensuring comprehensive monitoring and rapid response to potential threats.

This release also introduced a new object called data_sources for each detection to improve mapping by associating detections with their corresponding Splunkbase TAs, sample events. In addition, this release lists fields extracted in the raw data.

New analytics

Updated Analytics

Macros added


Macros updated


Deprecated detection

Windows DLL Search Order Hijacking Hunt

Other updates

  • Updates to several reference links that were no longer working.
  • Added dist/ files to .gitignore and added them back in the release.yml CI job to keep generated dist/ files up to date.
  • Added a new yml object called data_sources with information of each data source leveraged by the detection search.


15 May 16:38
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Release notes

  • Splunk btool throws errors on es_investigations.conf and a few stanzas in savedsearches.conf due to spacing issues. Contentctl v4.0.2 fixes this issue. We have updated the tooling to remove these whitespaces that were introduced with contentctl 4.0 in previous release ESCU 4.31.0

Contentctl Fix : splunk/contentctl#143


08 May 17:23
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New Analytic Story
Updated Analytic Story
New Analytics
Updated Analytics
Deprecated Analytics
Other Updates
  • Updated risk and threat related configurations for several detections
  • Added Victims to missing detections to create correct risk_objects
  • Converted the following Windows detections to leverage the XML log format:
    • kerberos_user_enumeration.yml
    • known_services_killed_by_ransomware.yml
    • malicious_powershell_executed_as_a_service.yml
    • non_chrome_process_accessing_chrome_default_dir.yml
    • non_firefox_process_access_firefox_profile_dir.yml
    • print_processor_registry_autostart.yml
    • suspicious_computer_account_name_change.yml
    • suspicious_event_log_service_behavior.yml
    • suspicious_kerberos_service_ticket_request.yml
    • suspicious_ticket_granting_ticket_request.yml
    • svchost_lolbas_execution_process_spawn.yml
    • windows_computer_account_requesting_kerberos_ticket.yml
    • windows_event_for_service_disabled.yml
    • windows_excessive_disabled_services_event.yml
    • windows_get_adcomputer_unconstrained_delegation_discovery.yml
    • windows_kerberos_local_successful_logon.yml
    • windows_krbrelayup_service_creation.yml
    • windows_powerview_constrained_delegation_discovery.yml
    • windows_powerview_unconstrained_delegation_discovery.yml
    • windows_rdp_connection_successful.yml
    • windows_service_created_with_suspicious_service_path.yml
    • windows_service_created_within_public_path.yml
    • winevent_scheduled_task_created_to_spawn_shell.yml
    • winevent_scheduled_task_created_within_public_path.yml
    • winevent_windows_task_scheduler_event_action_started.yml

Upcoming Changes

IMPORTANT NOTE : In the upcoming v4.34.0 release, changes will be made to the security_content_summariesonly macro. Its current definition will change to wrap the existing values into another set of macros. This will allow each environment to customize each setting without changing the base macro. If this macro has already been modified in your environment, it will not be affected.


17 Apr 22:55
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Release notes

New Analytics Story

Updated Analytics Story

New Analytics

Updated Analytics

Macros Added

  • applocker
  • zscaler_proxy

Macros Updated

  • okta

Lookups Added

  • applockereventcodes

Other Updates

  • Added a new dashboard ESCU - AppLocker, Navigate to your Dashboards and search for "ESCU - AppLocker" to assist with auditing and monitoring Windows AppLocker events for your endpoints (Splunk Enterprise 9.x.x version and above only)


04 Apr 19:21
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20 Mar 23:08
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