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isomdl integration tests

Collection of integration tests that can be used as examples too of how you can use the library.

Simulated device and reader interaction

This test demonstrates a simulated device and reader interaction.
The reader requests the age_over_21 element, and the device responds with that value.

    Note over Device: Initialize session
    Device ->> Device: Create QR Code Engagement
    Device -) + Reader: Send QR Code
    Reader ->> - Reader: Establish Session
    Reader -) + Device: Request age_over_21
    Device -)- Reader: Send age_over_21
    Reader ->> Reader: Process age_over_21
    Note over Device, Reader: Session finished

The flow of the interaction

  1. Device initialization and engagement:
    • The device creates a QR code containing DeviceEngagement data, which includes its public key.
    • Internally:
      • The device initializes with the mDL data, private key, and public key.
  2. Reader processing QR code and requesting the necessary fields:
    • The reader processes the QR code and creates a request for the age_over_21 element.
    • Internally:
      • Generates its private and public keys.
      • Initiates a key exchange, and generates the session keys.
      • The request is encrypted with the reader's session key.
  3. Device accepting request and responding:
    • The device receives the request and creates a response with the age_over_21 element.
    • Internally:
      • Initiates the key exchange, and generates the session keys.
      • Decrypts the request with the reader's session key.
      • Parse and validate it creating error response if needed.
      • The response is encrypted with the device's session key.
  4. Reader Processing mDL data:
    • The reader processes the response and prints the value of the age_over_21 element.

Device perspective

There are several states through which the device goes during the interaction:

    state Device {
        [*] --> SessionManagerInit: initialise
        SessionManagerInit --> SessionManagerEngaged: qr_engagement
        SessionManagerEngaged --> SessionManager: process_session_establishment

    state SessionManagerInit {
        [*] --> [*]

    state SessionManagerEngaged {
        [*] --> [*]

    state Reader {
        [*] --> [*]

    state SessionManager {
        [*] --> AwaitingRequest
        AwaitingRequest --> Signing: prepare_response
        Signing --> Signing: get_next_signature_payload
        Signing --> ReadyToRespond: submit_next_signature
        ReadyToRespond --> AwaitingRequest: retrieve_response
        AwaitingRequest --> Signing: handle_request

    User --> Device
    SessionManagerInit --> Reader: qr_engagement
    Reader --> SessionManagerEngaged: establish_session
    ReadyToRespond --> Reader: handle_response
Reader perspective

From the reader's perspective, the flow is simpler:

    state Device {
        [*] --> [*]

    state Reader {
        SessionManager --> SessionManager: handle_response

    User --> Device
    Device --> Reader: qr_engagement
    Reader --> Device: establish_session
    Device --> Reader
    Reader --> Device: new_request

There are several tests: