To release a new version of Spyder Reports:
Create an issue announcing the incoming release
Close the respective milestone in GitHub
git checkout master
git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/master
Update with loghub
(set release version, remove 'dev0') -
git add . && git commit -m 'Release X.X.X'
python sdist upload
python bdist_wheel upload
git tag -a vX.X.X -m 'Release X.X.X'
(add 'dev0' and increment minor) -
git add . && git commit -m 'Back to work'
git push upstream master && git push upstream --tags
Publish release announcement in the Spyder Google Group
Publish a message in our social media (Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus)
Note: Before using these commands be sure that the distribution is complete i.e all the needed files are in the distribution for uploading. Also, do not take the dist files into account when doing the commits.