This module you will get knowledge about CSS properties, selectors, validation and very base accessibility.
- Basic CSS
- Applied Visual Design
- Video course. CSS Tutorial For Beginners
- CSS Introduction
- RS School. Lithuania. HTML / CSS Basics
- RS School. Lithuania. Semantics. CSS3
- RS School. Georgia. Semantic. CSS3. Part 1
- RS School. Georgia. Semantic. CSS3. Part 2
At the end of this module you should pass the "CSS Basic (EN)"
- Tests submitted in RS School App could be solved after authorization in the application.
- The minimum passing score is 80% of the maximum possible number of points.
- You can take the test 3 times, the last result is counted.
- You can try the test even more times, but the score for the test will be reduced by half (from the original score).
- The result of passing the test will be displayed immediately, it will be added to the score page next day after passing.