This module covers the basics of organizing inheritance in Javascript. You will learn why there is a need for inheritance, the ways that Javascript handles inheritance, how Javascript is related to classical OOP inheritance with classes.
- Video Lecture
- Video - Inheritance in JavaScript
- Video - Classes and Inheritance
- Prototypal inheritance (
- F.prototype (
- Native prototypes (
- Class basic syntax (
- JavaScript — Inheritance, delegation patterns and Object linking (
- Tests submitted in RS School App could be solved after authorization in the application.
- The minimum passing score is 80% of the maximum possible number of points.
- You can take the test 3 times, the last result is counted.
- You can try the test even more times, but the score for the test will be reduced by half (from the original score).
- The result of passing the test will be displayed immediately, it will be added to the score page next day after passing.