This module covers TypeScript concepts and features.
- Video. TypeScript
- TypeScript Documentation
- TypeScript. The Basics
- TypeScript. Everyday Types
- TypeScript. Classes
- TypeScript. Object Types
- TypeScript. Enums
- TypeScript. Generics
- TypeScript. More on Functions
- TypeScript. Namespaces and Modules
- TypeScript. Playground
- TypeScript. Utility Types
- TypeScript. What is a tsconfig.json
- TypeScript. TSConfig Reference
- How to set up a TypeScript project
- How to Add TypeScript to a JavaScript Project
- Configure Webpack with TypeScript
- Tests submitted in RS School App could be solved after authorization in the application.
- The minimum passing score is 80% of the maximum possible number of points.
- You can take the test 3 times, the last result is counted.
- You can try the test even more times, but the score for the test will be reduced by half (from the original score).
- The result of passing the test will be displayed immediately, it will be added to the score page next day after passing.