Links and description of Knowledge Graphs Construction Tools
- Chimera - Framework based on Apache Camel to define composable semantic data transformation pipelines (lifting/lowering to/from RDF)
- RMLMapper - The RMLMapper executes RML rules to generate high quality Linked Data from multiple originally (semi-)structured data sources
- RMLStreamer - The RMLStreamer executes RML rules to generate high quality Linked Data from multiple originally (semi-)structured data sources in a streaming way.
- MEL - (Metadata Extractor & Loader) - A tool to extract metadata (and textual content) from various file formats, as JSON objects.
- TNNT - (The NLP/NER Toolkit) - A tool that automates the extraction of categorised named entities from the unstructured information encoded in the source documents, using diverse NLP tools and NER models.
- RML - The RDF Mapping language (RML) is a mapping language defined to express customized mapping rules from heterogeneous data structures and serializations to the RDF data model.
- Target in RML - Alignment between RML and Target to describe how your knowledge graph should be exported to one or multiple targets.
- DataIO - Target, a formal model and a common representation for specifying how a Knowledge Graph should be exported to a given target
- FnO - Function Ontology (FnO), a way to semantically declare and describe implementation-independent functions, and their relations to related concepts such as parameters, outputs, related problems, algorithms, mappings to concrete implementations, and executions.
- YARRRML - YARRRML is a human readable text-based representation for declarative generation rules.
- J2RM - J2RM mappings and its engine compose a tool to process mappings from JSON data to RDF triples guided by an OWL2 ontology structure.
- Mapeathor - Definition of Excel-based mappings and translation to [R2]RML mappings
- Matey - Matey is a web based editor for YARRRML rules.
- RMLEditor - RMLEditor offers a Graphical User Interface to enable data publishers, who are domain experts, to model knowledge derived from heterogeneous distributed data.
- KGCP - "KG Construction Pipeline" - A suite of software artifacts to automate the creation of KGs from heterogeneous data sources.