- Attendees and Apologies
- Previous minutes
- these minutes are from the 2022 June Plenary
- see https://github.com/AGLDWG/meeting-minutes/blob/master/plenary-2022-06-02.md
- Welcoming and introduction to new members
- Follow-up on previous meeting's Action Items
- July Speakers
- Cameron Brenton: "Implementation of the Solid web standards: Progress by governments and enterprises"
- General business
- Next meeting details
- Monthly Plenary closes
Chair: Nataliya Katsman
Scribe: Armin Haller
Cameron Brenton
Simon Cox
Edmond Chuc
Irina Bastrakova
Joseph Bell
Junrong Yu
Nataliya Katsman
Les Kneebone
Megan Wong
Mieke Strong
Nicholas Car
Nicole De La Mata
Phillip O'Connor
Stephen Pratt
Richard Walker
Rowan Brownlee
Rui Liu
Sandra Silcot
Steven de Costa
Steven McEachern
Tina Yang
Apologies: John Machin
Cameron is a Director of Business Development at Inrupt, the technology organisation founded by Sir Tim Berners-Lee to help ignite implementation of the Solid standards. Cameron has more than two decades of experience delivering major public projects into consumer-facing markets, including leadership contributions to some of Australia's largest infrastructure and economic development initiatives. Prior to joining Inrupt, Cameron spent three years consulting to governments and major enterprises on how to implement Solid from a public policy and infrastructure perspective.
Nicholas Car: Access control can be difficult. What about decision fatigue when people just give access to everything? Government agencies can use pods for transitioning data from multimple, non-interoperable silos to interoperable data.
Cameron: One interface that is a digital assistant that manages your decision fatigue and learns what is accessible for whom.
Armin Haller: What is the business model for Pod infrastructure.
Cameron: Pod operators charge fees for access to Pods. Or advertisments that are more targeted, i.e., they read out your preferences and present an ad before consumption of a service.
Steven De Costa: 5 years ago I was introduced. Database holder that has all emails and can broadcast message that are authorised, i.e., can reduce spam. Is this still a use case?
Cameron: Pod Service brokers are still under consideration in Europe.
Irina Bastrakova: Governance overhead for people that manage pods. Citizens don't trust Governments. How can Governments convince citizens to share data with them.
Cameron: Different cultures, i.e., what they have done in the Flemish Government won't be possible here. New special interest identities should own these pods.
AGM is always in August. Our next meeting. People to nominate themselves for a Co-Chair role. Presentations from Members about LD projects.
4th of August 2022. It is the AGM. Details will be send to the mainling list with plenty of lead time.