[ ] Bug Report
[ ] Feature Request
A bug: please describe the error that you encountered
A feature: please describe your use case and motivation
A bug: please include instructions how to reproduce. Issues without reproduction are likely to receive no feedback.
Can you reproduce the error in the integration tests in ng-packagr?
If possible, take a look at the integration/samples
and try to break one of these builds!
Is the error you faced in an application importing the library
Try to break the Angular CLI app in integration/consumers/ng-cli
A bug: please describe what behaviour or result you expected
A feature: do you have a first draft or an idea how to implement?
$ node_modules/.bin/ng-packagr --version
ng-packagr: x.y.z
@angular/*: x.y.z
typescript: x.y.z
rxjs: x.y.z
node: x.y.z
npm/yarn: x.y.z
Please include all version numbers that might be relevant, e.g. third-party libraries