show all processes ps -ef
show process with id 37 ps -p 37
show all processes with verbose information, including memory and CPU usage ps -ev
show processes belonging to user tyrion ps -u tyrion
show all threads ps -efM
Print processes for all users (-e
) with a more detailed format (-f
ps -ef
can be more usable if you pipe it to less
ps -ef | less
Print all processes belonging to a specific user (-u
ps -u
Print verbose output for all (-e
) processes with both memory and CPU usage
), as well as the extended information provided by -f
ps -evf
This command uses ps
to show all processes (-e
) that Google Chrome
(grep "Google Chrome"
) is running:
ps -e | grep "Google Chrome"
Information about running processes.
List all running processes:
ps aux
List all running processes including the full command string:
ps auxww
Search for a process that matches a string:
ps aux | grep string
List all processes of the current user in extra full format:
ps --user $(id -u) -F
List all processes of the current user as a tree:
ps --user $(id -u) f
Get the parent pid of a process:
ps -o ppid= -p pid
ps aux
ps axjf
ps -aufoouser
ps -eo pid,user,command
ps aux | grep '[h]ttpd'