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Stemn Frontend Desktop

Anyone can get the Stemn Desktop App running locally and develop new features. The entire frontend is open-source!


  1. Make sure you have git and node installed.
  2. Clone the parent repo: stemn-frontend.
  3. cd into this folder (stemn-frontend-desktop) and run npm run install:all
  4. If you are using WSL, run npm run install:electron:wsl

Build Development

Run these two commands simultaneously in different console tabs.

  • npm run start:electron to start the electron build server
  • npm run start:renderer tol start the renderer build server

Then, in a 3rd terminal, start electron

  • npm run electron


Note: Only members of the Stemn Team can deploy - open source devs will need to submit a PR.

Releasing depends on 3 different repos. Releases are compiled in the cloud by AppVeyor and TravisCI.

People with access should:

  1. Bump the version in the package.json AND app/package.json
  2. Build the app using npm run build - make sure it works using npm run electron
  3. Create a new tag on GitHub
  4. npm run deploy. This will copy the dist, copy into the release repo and push it up to the CI servers.
  5. Monitor CI status at AppVeyor and Travis
  6. Releases will appear on GitHub. Test these releases.
  7. Publish the releases on GitHub.
  8. Finally, run in the Stemn-Updates repo. This will bump the numbers in updates.json