copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2021-04-05 |
cli, developer extension, eclipse ide |
cli |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:note: .note} {:external: target="_blank" .external}
{: #eclipse-ide-plugins}
{{}} provides extensions for Eclipse integrated development environments (IDEs). These Eclipse IDE plug-ins support the deployment of applications into VMs by using Cloud Foundry and Red Hat OpenShift on {{}}. {: shortdesc}
The following Eclipse plug-ins are provided:
- Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry{: external} for deployment to Cloud Foundry on {{}}.
- Red Hat CodeReady Studio (formerly Developer Studio){: external} for deployment to Red Hat OpenShift on {{}}.
{: #eclipse-ide-cf}
To install the Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry plug-in, complete these steps:
- In Eclipse, open Help > Eclipse Marketplace.
- Search for Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry in the Find search bar.
- On the Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry plug-in, click Install and complete the installation.
{: #eclipse-ide-codeready}
To install the Red Hat CodeReady Studio plug-in, complete these steps:
- In Eclipse, open Help > Eclipse Marketplace.
- Search for Red Hat CodeReady Studio in the Find search bar.
- On the Red Hat CodeReady Studio plug-in, click Install and complete the installation.