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Steven Thewissen edited this page Jan 26, 2018 · 21 revisions

There are a few settings you can configure to alter the behavior of the bot. These settings are stored in the Constants.cs file in the Core project. Azure Functions does not yet support some sort of configuration file that you can use locally and deploy to Azure so for now this will have to do.

Setting Description
IsDryRunning This variable defines whether or not the bot is performing actual live trades. When dry-running the entire process is handled as it would be in a live scenario, but there is no actual communication with an exchange happening.
BittrexApiKey The API key to use to communicate with Bittrex.
BittrexApiSecret The secret key to use to communicate with Bittrex.
MaxNumberOfConcurrentTrades The maximum number of concurrent trades the trader will perform.
AmountOfBtcToInvestPerTrader The amount of BTC each trader has at its disposal to invest.
TransactionFeePercentage The transaction fee percentage for the exchange we're using, for Bittrex this is 0,25%.
StopLossPercentage The amount of profit at which we mitigate our losses and stop a trade (e.g. -0.03 for a loss of 3%).
MinimumAmountOfVolume Setting this to 0 means we will not look at volume and only look at our AlwaysTradeList. Setting this to any value higher than 0 means we will get a list of markets currently trading a volume above this value and analyze those for buy signals.
AskLastBalance Sets the bidding price. A value of 0.0 will use the ask price, 1.0 will use the last price and values between those interpolate between ask and last price. Using the ask price will guarantee quick success in bid, but the bot will also end up paying more then would probably have been necessary.
ReturnOnInvestment A list of duration and profit pairs. The duration is a value in minutes and the profit is a double containing a percentage. This list is used to define constraints such as "Sell when 5 minutes have passed and profit is at 3%".
MarketBlackList A list of market names to never trade on (e.g. "BTC-XVG").
AlwaysTradeList A list of market names to always trade on (e.g. "BTC-OMG").
StopLossAnchors A list of percentages at which we want to lock in profit. Basically these function as a trailing stop loss. When profit reaches one of these percentages the stop loss is adjusted to this value. That way when profit drops below that we immediately sell.
AzureStorageConnection The connection to the Azure Table Storage used to store our data.
OrderTableName The table name for the Order table.
BalanceTableName The table name for the Balance table.
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