Train the RNAIndel model using your training set.
Features are calculated for each indel and reported in a tab-delimited file.
Suppose we have N samples. For i-th sample:
rnaindel CalculateFeatures -i sample.i.bam \
-o \
-r reference.fa \
-d ./data_dir_grch38\
[-v sample.i.external.vcf.gz]
The output tab-delimited file has "truth" column. Users annotate each indel by filling the column. Possible values are:
somatic, germline, artifact
Repeat Step 1 and 2 for N samples.
Concatenate the annotated files.
head -1 > # keep the header line
tail -n +2 -q sample.*.tab > # concatenate files without header
The concatenated file is used as a training set to update the models.
Specify the indel class to be trained by -c
rnaindel Train -t -d ./data_dir_grch38 -c indel_class_to_train [other options]
training set with annotation (required) -
data directory contains trained models and databases (required) -
indel class to be trained. "s" for single-nucleotide indel, "m" for multi-nucleotide indel, "h" for homopolymer indel(required) -
other options (click to open)
number of folds in k-fold cross-validation (default: 5)-p
number of processes (default: 1)-l
directory to ouput log files (default: current)--ds-beta
F beta to be optimized in down sampling step. Optimized for TPR if beta > 100. (default: 10)--fs-beta
F beta to be optimized in feature selection step. Optimized for TPR if beta > 100. (default: 10)--pt-beta
F beta to be optimized in parameter tuning step. Optimized for TPR if beta > 100. (default: 10)--downsample-ratio
train with a user-specified downsample ratio: integer between 1 and 20. (default: None)--feature-names
train with a user-specified subset of features: input example (default: None)--auto-param
train with sklearn.RandomForestClassifer's max_features="auto" (default: False)