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280 lines (203 loc) · 8.38 KB


  1. 第一节课作业
  2. 第二节课作业
  3. 课程总结记录


  • 编写⼀个Bank合约:
  • 通过 Metamask 向Bank合约转账ETH
  • 在Bank合约记录每个地址转账⾦额
  • 编写 Bank合约withdraw(), 实现提取出所有的 ETH


contract Bank {
    address public owner; // 定义了合约的拥有者

    mapping(address => uint) public balances; // balances of each account 定义了一个 map 记录每个地址转账的金额总数

    constructor() payable { // constructor 设置 payable 才能在合约部署的时候带上 ETH 
        owner = msg.sender;

其次定义了一个 receive 函数,因为用户可能存在直接向合约转账的方式。

receive() external payable { //  因为 receive 函数可能只有 2300 gas 可以用(当使用 send 或者 transfer 转账的时候),因此函数中不能存在过多的逻辑
    balances[msg.sender] += msg.value;
    emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

fallback() external payable {}

用户还可以选择通过调用合约方法的方式来转账,因此定义了一个 deposit 函数如下,其函数体内容是和receive一致的:

function deposit() public payable {
    balances[msg.sender] += msg.value;
    emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

用户可以提取自己捐赠的 ETH,因此定义了一个 withdraw 函数,可以看出我在这里用到了一个 modifier noReentrant,其实最开始并没有加上这个,但后续发现存在重入的问题,同时需要定义一个外部不可修改和读取的 locked 状态变量。

bool internal locked; 

function withdraw() public noReentrant {
    require(balances[msg.sender] > 0, "No ether to withdraw"); // require 函数,如果 balances[msg.sender] <= 0,则抛出异常
    require(address(this).balance >= balances[msg.sender], "you ether was stolen"); // require 函数,如果 address(this).balance <= balances[msg.sender],则抛出异常
    (bool success ,) ={value: balances[msg.sender]}("");
    require(success, "user failed to withdraw");
    balances[msg.sender] = 0;

modifier noReentrant() {
    require(!locked, "No re-entrancy");
    locked = true;
    locked = false;


function withdrawAll() payable external { // 合约 owner 提取所有的ETH
    uint amount = address(this).balance;
    require(amount > 0, "No ether to withdraw");
    (bool success ,) ={value: amount}("");
    require(success, "Owner failed to withdraw");

modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can call this function");

最后通过 Metamask 进行转账的交易hash地址如下:


整体合约完成见 Bank.sol


  • 编写合约Score,⽤于记录学⽣(地址)分数:
    • 仅有⽼师(⽤modifier权限控制)可以添加和修改学⽣分数
    • 分数不可以⼤于 100;
  • 编写合约 Teacher 作为⽼师,通过 IScore 接⼝调⽤修改学⽣分数。

首先定义一个合约 Score 如下, 这个Score合约更像是一个班级的合约,包含了学生的分数,以及班级的老师,班级的老师在班级创建之初就确定了。

contract Score {
    mapping(address => uint) public studentScores; // 学生分数

    address public teacher; // ⽼师地址

    constructor(address _teacher) {
        teacher = _teacher;

其次定义一个修改分数的函数如下,定义了两个 modifier 分别限制只能 Teacher address 才能修改,以及修改的分数不能超过100分。

function changeUserScore(address _addr, uint _score) public onlyLessThan100(_score) onlyTeacher {
    studentScores[_addr] = _score;

modifier onlyTeacher {
    require(msg.sender == teacher);

modifier onlyLessThan100(uint score) {
    require(score <= 100, "Score must be less than or equal to 100");

因为这里是需要 Teacher 通过 IScore 接口的方式修改分数这里定义了一个接口,以及 Teacher 合约如下:

interface IScore {
    function changeUserScore(address _addr, uint _score) external;

contract Teacher {

    address public teacher; // ⽼师地址

    constructor() {
        teacher = msg.sender;

    modifier onlyTeacher {
        require(msg.sender == teacher);

    function changeUserScore(address _score, address _userAddr, uint _studentScore) public onlyTeacher {
        IScore(_score).changeUserScore(_userAddr, _studentScore);

整体合约完成见 Score.sol




如果合约本身是存在参数的,那么 getBytecode 也需要将参数进行打包,不然可能存在参数的不一致引起的预测地址结果不对的情况。

// 1. Get bytecode of contract to be deployed 
// NOTE: _owner and _foo are arguments of the TestContract's constructor
function getBytecode(address _owner, uint _foo) public pure returns (bytes memory) {
    bytes memory bytecode = type(TestContract).creationCode;

    return abi.encodePacked(bytecode, abi.encode(_owner, _foo));

// 2. Compute the address of the contract to be deployed
// NOTE: _salt is a random number used to create an address
function getAddress(bytes memory bytecode, uint _salt)
    returns (address)
    bytes32 hash = keccak256(
        abi.encodePacked(bytes1(0xff), address(this), keccak256(abi.encode(_salt)), keccak256(bytecode))

    // NOTE: cast last 20 bytes of hash to address
    return address(uint160(uint(hash)));

下面是直接加 salt new 的方式进行合约的创建,其实还存在通过编译处理的方式,这里不太熟悉,只是将其列出,后续可能会常用到,因为通过 create2 的方式的话,只需要拿到 bytecode 就可以进行创建。

function createContract3(uint _salt, address _addr, uint _foo) public returns (address) {
    TestContract c = new TestContract{salt: keccak256(abi.encode(_salt))}(_addr, _foo);
    return address(c);

function deploy(bytes memory bytecode, uint _salt) public payable {
    address addr;
    bytes32 ssalt = keccak256(abi.encode(_salt));
    NOTE: How to call create2

    create2(v, p, n, s)
    create new contract with code at memory p to p + n
    and send v wei
    and return the new address
    where new address = first 20 bytes of keccak256(0xff + address(this) + s + keccak256(mem[p…(p+n)))
            s = big-endian 256-bit value
    assembly {
        addr := create2(
            callvalue(), // wei sent with current call
            // Actual code starts after skipping the first 32 bytes
            add(bytecode, 0x20),
            mload(bytecode), // Load the size of code contained in the first 32 bytes
            ssalt // Salt from function arguments

        if iszero(extcodesize(addr)) {
            revert(0, 0)

    emit Deployed(addr, _salt);


  1. 接口直接调用,示例:
interface ContractInterface {
    function deposit(string calldata _name) external payable returns(bool);

contract InterfaceCall {
    function callDeposit(address _contract, string memory _args)
        ContractInterface ci = ContractInterface(_contract);
        bool retValue = ci.deposit(_args);
        return retValue;
  1. && address.delegatecall(_calldata)
// 从编译结果中取
bytes4 selector = 0xa26e1186;

//计算 abi 编码:

function calculateSign(string memory _func) public pure returns(bytes4) {
	return bytes4(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_func)));

bytes memory _calldata = abi.encodeWithSelector(selector, _args);

// 内置方法encodeWithSignature直接把函数声明和参数直接打包成一个bytes:
(bool success, bytes memory data) = _contract.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSignature("_func(uint256)", _args));